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After the phone call Edward had given Vera the three of them ran silently back to Volterra in shock. It had been a tranquil month, and the three of them were happier than any of them had been in a long time. Jane had suggested that they just reason with Aro, that if he would just hear them out then there would be no reason for any retaliation. However Edward had told them that Alice had seen this happen and that Aro wouldn't change his mind about this for it was the perfect opportunity to slaughter their coven to get a his hands on Alice. Jane was reluctant to go against her creator and master. Now that she had formed a bond with Vera she couldn't make the decision she would've made oh, so easily less than a year ago. She also knew that when it came down to it, she would always choose Alec.

"What is it that Edward wishes for us to do?" Alec raised his voice. The three of them were right outside the castle, all hesitant to go in. Jane and Vera had been arguing about what their next move should be and it was getting no where. The sun was peaking through the cloud banks and he knew Aro would call a meeting soon.

"He wants us to witness for him, meet Renessmee and gather evidence that she isn't an immortal child." Vera ran her fingers through her hair. They were all incredibly irritable and nervous right now.

"Go to Forks?" Jane screeched

"I don't know! Maybe!" Vera yelled

"Enough." Alec thundered, ever the mediator between the two girls "Let's hear what Aro has to say and play everything by ear, we will figure it out once everything becomes less opaque."

"Fine." They grumbled simultaneously as they entered the castle through the south wing.

Alec sighed at both their attitudes and followed in suit.

Just as he predicted Aro had called a meeting. The entire guard along with Sulpicia and Athenodora was in the throne room. They all murmured about what was going on for Aro seldom ever called everyone at once to the antechamber.

"Dear ones." Aro said, his voice echoed through the room "As we are all well aware, last summer Edward Cullen had come to out quarters and begged for death for he had fallen in love with a human, Isabella Swan. Recently, after Isabella was changed, it has come to my knowledge that they have created an immortal child. With the evidence I have gathered from Irina Denali's thoughts, the Cullens have committed the worst crime and they must be held to the fullest extent of the law."

There was a collective gasped at the mention of immortal children-one that Vera, Alec, nor Jane took part of. Everyone started muttering about the information, sharing their unwarranted opinions with each other.

"In four weeks time, when the snow sticks to the floor justice shall be served." Aro yelled, causing cheers to erupt. He took notice that his neither witch twins, nor his newest guard member seemed particularly happy at the news. Vera he could understand-she had been with the Cullens- but the twins however, they were always excited for things like this. Their sadistic nature had always given them a gleam that their eyes now currently lacked. His ruby eyes narrowed as he thought of the possibilities.

"We must prepare for all possibilities as the Cullens are likely to retaliate. Train, prepare, do not make us look like fools." Caius sneered above the crowd as they were being released out the doors.

"Wait." Aro called just as the trio was on their way out.

"Master." They said turning around to face the mind reader

"Young Vera." Aro smiled "I just wanted to ask if there was anything about the Cullens you think would be beneficial for us to know as you have spent the most time with them."

She swallowed, if she didn't give him something he would look into her mind and see that the three of them weren't planning on participating in the destruction of the Cullens

"They will ally themselves with the wolves. They were at odds for a bit but we will give them a common enemy." She decided on telling them that. The whole time she debated explaining to Aro that the child wasn't a full immortal but Edward had specifically told her not to, for reasons unbeknownst to her"Also Carlisle has friends, lots of them all around the world."

"You think he will assemble a battalion?" Caius stood up and walked to her, staring her down.

"I think we have to be prepared for such a reality." Vera said, her voice unwavering and her heart rate steady as she kept her gaze on Caius's chest for if she made eye contact he would see that as an act of disrespect.

"Hmm." Aro hummed "Young one" He held out his hand invitingly to Vera, who's breath caught in her throat. She could see Jane and Alec give each other subtle, fleeting glances.

With no other choice and all eyes on her, she placed her hand in his, allowing him access to every thought she has ever had.

"I see." His voice was cold, harsh, and seemingly full of hurt.

"In the Volturi there is no tolerance for wavered loyalty." Aro started, looking between the three of them as well as Caius and Marcus. "You either stand with us or you stand against us. I granted you mercy, Vera Prince. Your very being is against nature and now there is another just like you, and you have withheld your knowledge of it from us."

"What has she done Aro?" Caius demanded to know as he looked between Aro's enraged face and Vera's nervous, guilty one.

"Edward Cullen has sired an offspring. Vera here, had knowledge of it." Vera took notice to how Aro hadn't mentioned the fact that both Jane and Alec also knew about it-she knew he must've seen it in her thoughts- and how he was continuously berating only her. Perhaps he will kill her to keep his witch twins.

"So there is no immortal child." Marcus spoke up, a little relieved he didn't have to take part in yet another slaughter.

"But there is danger, brother. This child is half human, we know nothing of such a creation and we cannot be sure it will be capable of the restraint Vera is. Not only that, there is a betrayal. When you are a part of the Volturi you are a part of only the Volturi. Vera has just now proven her allegiance with not only the Cullens but also the pack of werewolves." Aro said, his voice full of theatrics making it seem like Vera had been planning the downfall of the Volturi or something on par.

"Vera is half werewolf, they are her family." Alec spoke up, trying to defend his mate

"Silence, Alec." Caius snapped "You speak when you are spoken to, do not forget your place. You may be powerful, but you still bow to us."

One thing Vera noticed about Caius was that he was perpetually angry at anyone who had a gift, for he lacked one. And it didn't take a psychologist to figure out that despite being a king he still felt inferior. The thought almost made Vera cackle.

Alec held back a growl at Caius's words. He had hated the arrogant bastard ever since the fall of the Romanians.

"I believe." Aro sighed as if he were sad "That no matter Vera's rank punishment is still necessary. One decade in the dungeons should be well enough to remind you not to keep secrets within these walls."

"Master!" Alec exclaimed

"Do you wish to join her?!" Aro bellowed as Alec fell silent under his blistering glare

"Felix." Caius snapped, telling him to take Vera to where she was to spend the next ten years.

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