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"I'm going." Vera said firmly. Her father had just told her that instead of fighting with the rest of them she would be staying on the mountain with Edward and Bella. She found that absolutely preposterous.

"No." Her father said raising his voice, which he seldom ever did at his daughter who blinked at his tone of voice.

"I can help, I'm more powerful than anyone on the field." She argued

"So you can protect Bella better than anyone else." He shot back

"Edward will protect her" She said throwing her hands exasperated. She knew if she stayed on that mountain she would likely be doing nothing.

"This is not up for debate." He said slamming his fist down on the table, which snapped in half.

She blinked at him, incredulous. Never had her father ever lost his temper at her.

"Fine." She grumbled walking away, taking an apple as she did, and angrily munched on it.

The day of the battle she and her father went to the Cullens' house, all of their eyes a shining topaz color, signaling that they had just fed. She glanced up at her father's eyes, which were still gold, but had darkened quite a bit. "He should have fed" she thought.

"Bella and Edward are already at the campsite, Vera just follow Jacob's scent, it'll lead you to them." Alice said

"Bella has left a trail of her scent that'll lead the newborns right to the clearing where we'll be waiting." Jasper said

"Alright, lets go." Carlisle said walking out with Esme in his arms

While her father and the Cullens went to the clearing she followed Alice's instructions and followed Jacob's scent, which led right tot he campsite where Edward stood with Bella in his arms.

"Vera." Bella said

"My dad said I have to stay with you guys." She didn't bother hiding her distaste as she knew Edward could read her thoughts anyways. Bella nodded at her before turning back to Edward.

For nearly 15 minutes Vera sat like a statue, she was filled with anxiety about her dad and Bella's anxiety wasn't helping her own. She tried to tune out their conversation, apparently Bella had asked Jacob to kiss her, and now she was in a pool of self-misery. Edward was right beside her, in his own pool of self-misery, something about leaving her bleeding and Jacob being the one to stitch her up. She found the both of them ridiculously self centered, a lot of back and forth, Edward reassuring her that she wasn't terrible, then going all martyr and Bella reassuring him that he hadn't hurt her as much as he thought when he had left last fall. It was quite a prolonged circle of self deprecation that they drew around each other.

"We will try, I promised you that, just not before we're married." She heard Edward murmur to Bella. Oh my God, are they talking about sex? Seriously at a time like this? She must have done something to piss her dad off for her to be forced to endure this torture that was listening Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen's conversations.

Finally, there was a moment of silence as Edward and Bella were both filled with too much anxiety about the fight to talk to each other. Suddenly Edward hissed, so loud it caused Vera to be by their side in a second.

"What's wrong?" She demanded

"Victoria. It was always Victoria." Edward groaned

"Victoria is coming?" Bella asked wide eyed

"She caught by scent and is following it, she figured you would be with me." Edward explained, his face morphed into one of concentration "She's not alone."

Irrevocably Yours [Alec Volturi]Where stories live. Discover now