2.2: STARS

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By the end of the day Vera had settled into a room, it had a giant window that faced towards the Palazzo Dei Priori. There was a luxurious velvet couch in the corner that could pass as a small bed for the time being. She had needed to request a bed since no one in the castle slept besides her. While she knew it wasn't an absolute necessity that she slept, she enjoyed it and it always kept her in a better mood. On the opposite side of the room there was a wooden dresser that held designer dresses and coats as well as a Volturi issued cloak. There was a bathroom connected to the bedroom with a glass shower and marble sink with a rounded mirror in front of it. And that was where Vera found herself.

She looked at her reflection, taking in her tangled hair and dull eyes, she looked more human than immortal. She still wore the black jeans and grey flannel she had worn her last day in Forks. Slowly she unbuttoned the flannel and took off the jeans, turning on the water.

She must've stood in the scalding hot water for an hour before snapping out of her self misery and stepping out of the shower. She looked in the wardrobe she was provided with and groaned, there was nothing in here for sleeping; they were all dresses, or dress pants, or fancy blouses, not a single pair of sweatpants.

Gathering what was left of her courage she sped down the hallway into Alec's room. He got a bed? Preposterous. Making her way over to his dresser she pulled out a plain black Saint Laurent button down. It was made of cotton and went to just below her knees when she put it on. It would suffice for now. She made her way back to her room and laid down on the velvet couch.

Despite the fact that she was utterly exhausted sleep would not take, for her mind was going a thousand miles per hour. Her life had been irrevocably flipped upside down in just a day, and she was given no time to adequately prepare for it. The one and only person she had her entire life was ripped away from her and she found herself in a foreign country with a coven of vampires that were often regarded as the bad guys, and the supposed love of her life. She nearly laughed at the strangeness of it all.

It was nearing twilight and she still had not fallen asleep. With a groan she got to her feet, deciding to explore her new "home." She found herself on the roof of the castle, there was a hidden alcove there where she stood, looking at the city. It was quite, no humans were roaming around, no shops were open, the crickets sang their melodies for a moment she was in a state of deep relaxation listening to the sounds that nature made in the dead of night.

"Didn't expect to find you up here." A voice, rich like molasses and smooth like whiskey said behind her

"Alec." She said, turning her head to face the vampire

"You've found my secret spot." He said, as his wandered down, taking her in "Is that mine?" His eyes glimmered as he marveled at the girl in front of him, wearing nothing but his shirt

"I figured you wouldn't mind." She looked up and down at him, he was wearing dark blue designer jeans with a plain black long sleeved shirt, much more casual than the attire she had met him in.

"Well, you certainly look better in it than I do." He smirked

"Doubtful." She scoffed playfully. He was a marvelous creature, hand carved by God himself.

She turned back to look at the sky. He joined her, looking where she did.

"What's on your mind?" He asked quietly

"When I lived in the Swiss Alps, my father and I would always stargaze, the stars there are particularly beautiful, where pollution was minimal. He loved the stars, had a thing for astrology for nearly a century, and I grew to love the stars too. They seem to shine brighter now that he's with them." She said, her eyes burned

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