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Volterra, Italy. A walled town southwest of Florence in Tuscany and was claimed to be the safest place in the world from vampire attacks. Vera Prince found it sardonic that one of the oldest coven of vampires actually resided in the heart of the city. She sat in the back of a sleek, black Porsche that was being driven by Alec with Jane in the passenger seat. Her head was fixed sideways as she took in the scenery before her. The sky was a gorgeous cerulean color, much different from the timeless greys that covered Forks. The buildings they drove by all seemed incredibly well built and aged. People strolled around around, some had loaves of bread in baskets, others had bouquets of daisies, gardenias, and peonies. They all seemed enviously mortal; for the first time in her immortal life Vera wished that she were human, and that her father was human, and that they had lived a boring, human life.

Soon, they pulled into a garage and Alec, along with Jane were out of the car in a flash. It look Vera a little longer as she stared at the huge garage they just just pulled into. The walls were composed of galena and marble, making it the most expensive room Vera had ever been in, and she's been in some pretty expensive, luxurious rooms.

"Come, Vera." Jane said, gesturing for her to follow "Aro will need to meet you."

And so she followed Jane with Alec behind her, making it so that even if she wanted to run, she couldn't. They walked down a dark hallway illuminated by what looked a little like miniature chandeliers, but more victorian, if that made sense. Soon, they reached two massive doors, both made of wood and looked like they weighed 200 pounds each; Jane pulled them both open with ease, allowing all three of them to step into the antechamber. It was a cavernous room, perfectly round like a castle turret. The ceiling was incredibly high, maybe two or three stories. There were long window slits that allowed sunlight into the room; Vera noticed there were no lamps or ceiling lights, the room was illuminated by nothing but natural light. There were three massive chairs, like thrones, one the three chairs sat three vampires. The one in the middle glided forward.

"Dear ones." He said with a maniacal grin "How was Seattle Washington? Is Isabella Swan still human? Did you eradicate the newborn army? Did you have fun doing so?" The questions came one after another, and they call seemed rhetorical as neither Alec nor Jane answered any of them.

"Oh hello." The vampire said with sudden eagerness "Who is this?" He asked looking at his witch twins

"Her name is Vera Prince, she's half vampire, half werewolf. We don't know how her conception was possible. She was with the Cullens and we took her with us. She apparently is also Alec's mate." Jane said, her distaste was blatantly obvious as she spoke the last sentence

"Interesting." He cooed "Alec." He reached his palm out, an invitation, which Alec took as he placed his hand in Aro's.

"Yes, it appears that this young one is indeed our dear Alec's mate." Aro said turning around to face his brothers. The one on the left had long, stringy brown hair that reached just below his shoulders; he looked completely indifferent to the current situation as if he had seen this type of thing a thousand times. The one on the right had shorter blonde hair that stopped right above his shoulders; he looked like he had a permanent scowl carved onto his face.

"How nice." The one on the left said in a monotone voice

"Hello, young one. I am Aro, those are Marcus, and Caius. I'm very please to make your acquaintance." He said, staring at Vera as if she were the most intriguing thing he had ever come across. "May I?" He asked while reaching his hand out in the same manner as he did Alec. While he phrased it as a question she doubted there was more than one correct reaction; so she placed her hand in his.

She wasn't exactly sure what he was doing whilst he stared at her until he said: "Condolences for your father young one."

"What the fuck" Her mind screamed something her lips didn't dare utter

"Do not fret, dear one. It's my gift; I can read every thought your mind has ever had." Aro explained, letting go of her hand

"Oh." She muttered. That did not make her feel any better

"Your bloodline: The Quillettes. I'm not familiar with their species, but they are not bound to the moon?" He asked, finding another thing peculiar about the girl.

"No." She swallowed "They call themselves spirit warriors, and the younger ones call themselves shapeshifters." She wasn't sure how much of their legends she was allowed to reveal. Although she was sure Aro had already seen the stories Billy had told her in her mind. Ah, whatever one more minuscule detail couldn't hurt, maybe it could convince them they're not true werewolves: true children of the moon. "From what I've been told we are just shapeshifters, and the wolf form was purely by chance; we could have been eagles or bears or something else."

"Riveting." The blonde one, Caius said sarcastically

"Thats quite fascinating, actually." Aro said, countering Caius's impudentness "And, your gift? Young Vera?" He asked, having seen what she did to Riley.

"Desire. I can manipulate it, increase it tenfold towards something or take it away entirely." She explained

"Hmph, unremarkable. Place in the lower guard." Caius scoffed

"Actually I can be quite compelling, desire is an extremely powerful emotion, more so than you think." She said, a little insulted by his words and determined to prove him wrong

"Show us then." Caius snarled, upset that she would talk back to him

She faced Alec. "You're one and only desire, at this moment, is to please me."

She visibly saw him tense as his limbic system was being messed with.

"Nothing would please me more than if you took off your shirt." She debated telling him to kneel in front of her but decided against it as the three may see it as a threat if one of their guard members were kneeling to someone else.

She could see his mind and body trying to fight it, but in the end, it was like compulsion; she was the only thing that mattered, if him taking off this clothes would make her happy he would do so a thousand times.

Soon, his coat, along with his mahogany button down was in his hands, and he stood shirtless. He was like a greek god, right in front of her eyes. His abdomen was toned and defined, his collarbones sparkled as a sliver of sunlight touched him. He was enthralling and she didn't think she had ever seen something as beautiful as him.

"Ok." She said, releasing him, and he put his shirt back on, buttoning it so fast his hands were a blur

"Remarkable." Aro whispered

"If that is all, master..." Alec said after a moment of silence

"Yes... yes, take our young Vera, show her to the living quarters and get her settled in." Aro said, his eyes gleaming

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