3.2: WRATH

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Fury was currently leaking out of every single one of Jane's molecules. In the near millennium that she and her brother had been alive she didn't think she had ever been so incandescent with him. She stormed down the hallway, taking out her anger on any guard that was in her vacinity. Reaching her brother's room she kicked the door open, and it swung on its hinges, one more rough shove away from collapsing.

Her brother and Vera sat on his bed, his arm around her waist as they watched some classic Shakespearean remake of Macbeth. Their casualness made her apoplectic with rage. How could they afford to pretend like nothing was of the matter after what they had done?

"Jane?" Alec said, a little weary at his sister's current expression

"Immortal children?" Jane said through clenched teeth

"What?" Alec asked a little confused at what she was getting at

Vera looked between the two twins, wondering what Alec had done to get his sister so mad at him.

"Do not play dumb with me, Alec. I saw the books you and Vera were reading in the library and I bet if I were to go through your guys' internet search history I would reap the same results." Jane seethed as she closed the door to try and limit the possibility of eavesdroppers.

"Oh." Alec said, he definitely knew how this all looked through Jane's eyes. If the roles were switched and he believed Jane had created an immortal child he would be blind with rage too.

"One of you better explain yourselves." Jane said crossing her arms looking at the two of them.

Alec looked at Vera, raising his brows an unverbalized asking of permission. She nodded at him, if they didn't tell Jane she would probably go to Aro and that was not in the best of their interests.

"Isabella Swan is carrying Edward Cullen's offspring." Alec stated

Jane blinked. "She's what?" She screeched

"Pregnant." Vera said "half human half vampire."

"How is that even possible?" Jane asked incredulous

Alec raised his brow and made a swooping motion with his arms to point at Vera like "Hello.."

Although he couldn't fault his sister. That had also been his first thought when Vera had told him, he just didn't verbalize it.

Jane rolled her eyes at Alec's notion painting her as if she were a moron. "Why haven't you told the masters?"

"They will destroy the entire coven." Alec said trying to sound indifferent

"No they won't." Jane scoffed

"Jane." Alec said, making eye contact as they both thought about how Chelsea and Demetri had come to be part of their guard as well as how badly Aro wanted Alice Cullen. "Yes they will."

Jane sighed, he was right and however much she hated lying to her masters she loved her brother more. This was obviously important to him as it was important to Vera and she wouldn't do anything to put him in any sort of peril.

"I hope they know what they're doing." Jane said looking them up and down before leaving the room.

"I hope so too." Vera said throwing her head back onto the backboard.

"It'll be okay." Alec said.

It had been another week since Vera had told him and Bella was around eight to nine months now. It was hard to keep track of exactly how far along she was since her body wasn't following normal human timelines. The last time Carlisle had called he had told her that they figured out that getting Bella to drink blood had been a solution that was working out astoundingly well. She had been relieved to hear that Bella was doing better and that her chances of surviving this pregnancy was getting higher.

A part of her was sickly glad that her mother wasn't human. She couldn't imagine growing up knowing that she had ripped apart and through her mother's body to save herself. She wondered if Edward would be a good father if Bella were to die. Would he place the blame and anger on his newborn child? Would the child grow up safe and loved if it killed its mother?

Seth had also called her. After Jacob found out about the pregnancy he had been unable to control his thoughts around the pack and Sam had found out. Apparently the pack was now hell bent on killing the child and Bella with it if need be. She knew the Cullens were capable of defending themselves against the wolves but she still worried for them. She wondered if it came down to it, would any of them actually kill each other? Were any of them capable of murdering their allies of years in cold blood? She hoped not.

"What're you thinking about mi amour?" Alec asked when he saw Vera bite her lip.

"Just about how there are so many moving pieces right now. Bella is dying. The wolves are intent on the destruction of the fetus. If Edward is to save Bella and the child he has to inject his venom into her at exactly the right time. If Aro and Caius find out about this..." She trailed off, it would be the absolute last thing she wanted and the worst thing that could happen.

"There is nothing you can do about the first three things and I already swore to you that they wouldn't find out. Jane will keep her mouth shut I am sure of it. Your anxiety will not change the outcome so just relax." He said softly. The last part was something Sulpicia, Aro's wife, had told him centuries ago when he was worried about the remaining Romanians and it had stuck with him ever since.

"I know but... if Aro, Caius, and Marcus were to find out. It would be grounds for the destruction of the Cullens, no?" She asked, she too was well aware of the way things worked with the guard as well as how Aro never truly stopped thinking about both Alice and Edward Cullen among his ranks.

"Probably, yes." He sighed, as much as he wished it wasn't true that was exactly how the Volturi operated

"Then they will defend themselves and the child. The wolves will likely ally themselves with the Cullens. I cannot choose between my family there and my family here. And I think that that is my biggest fear in all of this." She admitted aloud to him. It was a fear that had been manifesting itself as nightmares for the past week and she had been afraid to verbalize it for fear of him thinking it was ludicrous. She also felt a substantial amount of guilt at the fact that Bella was currently going through the hardest thing imaginable and she couldn't stop thinking about herself and her stupid morals and loyalties.

"Where you lead, I will follow." He said, making a promise to go where she went, everyone else be damned. While he hoped she would choose the Volturi he knew deep down that they weren't good people, that he himself was sadistic and cruel before he had met her, and that the Cullens and her friend Seth and the werewolves were the better choice.

"Really?" She asked, a little surprised by his declaration. She had hoped, most of all that she wouldn't have to stand against him, but now that he had all but said he would stand against his own coven for her, her fears nearly dissipated.

"As long as you allow Jane to tag along." He smiled, if there was one person that was nearly on par with Vera, it was Jane. He had done nothing without her by his side for 800 years and he didn't plan on starting now. He knew it would take some convincing, but in the end Jane would choose him like he had done so many times with her.

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