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"Guess who?" Vera said as she covered the eyes of the youngest wolf

"Vera! Holy shit!" Seth yelled as he turned around, throwing his arms around her "I've missed you chica."

"I've missed you too little wolf." She said ruffling his hair

"Tell me everything." He demanded

"What do you wanna know?" She asked linking her arm in his as they walked towards the beach

"I heard through the grape vine that you imprinted on Alec Volturi? Isn't he like the most dangerous guy ever?" He said

Vera shrugged "Maybe I have a thing for bad boys." She looked over and smirked

"Yeah...alright there are about a hundred other 'bad boys' no need to go find the baddest of them all." He cackled

"Who am I if not an overachiever?" She said laughing along with him

"Strange thing to feel the need to overachieve." He chuckled "But seriously, living? In the Volturi's castle? I mean, you cannot feel at ease there." He started picking up rocks and skipping them along the water as they stood on top of the tall rocks to gaze at the water.

"Sometimes it's uncomfortable, like if I'm in a room with Alec's sister alone. Most of the time I'm either with Alec or Demetri and Felix. All of the guards are pretty aloof and reclusive, so on the off chance that I am alone in a room with one it's not awkward- there's just no interaction. Which is fine since I don't really have the need to meet all 80 guard members." She said skipping rocks along with Seth.

"I guess that's as good as it could possibly be." He was happy she was happy, but there was a part of him that wished she hadn't imprinted on the most notorious vampire in the world and that she could've stayed in Forks. "Is it everything they say it is? Imprinting?"

"Yeah, it is but nothing could've prepared me for the amount of force there was. It was a cosmic shift, internally and externally. I wouldn't change it. I'm really happy it happened and although I was apprehensive about the whole thing in the beginning I'm happy it was him." She replied. Ever since Alec had left her at the landing strip to go back to Volterra she had thought about nothing else besides him. She would give him a call later today before the wedding.

"I hope it happens to me one day." Seth said. He had watched his pack members find their person one at a time and he couldn't help but have deep rooted envy for them.

"You're still young, you'll find your person soon." She laid her head on his shoulder comfortingly.

Soon they heard howls coming from the west of them.

"Oh hey, that's Sam and Embry's call, I gotta go." He said standing up and walking down the rocks but before he left the beach he had what might've been his most foolish idea. "Do you wanna come?"

"Uh- won't Sam be mad?" Based on what she had gathered from the short interaction she had with Sam he wasn't keen on the idea of outsiders. He was already weary of her being allowed on the reservation and she didn't want to give him a reason to ban her from coming.

"He'll be fine, just come on." He said gesturing her to hurry up.

Weighing the risks and making the split second decision that could either be the worst or best idea she ran after Seth and shifted with him and together they ran to find Sam and his pack.

"Who in the hell is this?" Sam's voice growled in her head

"It's Vera Prince, she and her father were with the Cullens when the newborn army was coming." Seth explained. She could also hear Seth, loud and clear inside her mind as he was currently a wolf beside her.

"What the fuck?" Vera couldn't help herself from yelling in her mind

"She can hear us?!" Sam bellowed obviously upset at the fact that Vera, who not only wasn't in the pack but lived with vampires and not just vampires but the oldest and most dangerous coven of them, currently had access to the inside of the entire pack's mind.

Seth stayed quiet, afraid of the anger currently exuding out of Sam's every molecule.

"I can go... Don't be mad at Seth. I promise the Volturi will know nothing they don't already about you. I'm not a liability and Seth isn't at fault, I don't know why I'm able to hear you guys even though I'm not part of the pack." Vera said, a little fearful for the small sandy furred wolf.

She turned around to leave but before she could Sam said: "Wait. You're already here, you already know everything. And I think you could be of use."

"Okay." Vera said, not wanting to agree to whatever Sam thought she could help with until she knew further what it was. Having lived a century and a half she was careful about making promises.

Sam, who obviously heard her thoughts, rolled his eyes at her and started greeting the other wolves who were showing up.

"What is she doing here?" Jacob's voice rang in her head. She turned around to face a big, almost as big as Sam, russet wolf who was growling at her.

"Sam said I could stay." She said smug

"Sam!" Jacob growled at his alpha

"Quiet Jacob." Sam growled back

Grumbling Jacob went to go stand by Embry.

"As we all know" Sam started to speak, once everyone had arrived, standing upon a rock to gaze over his pack and Vera. "Bella Swan is to be wed to Edward Cullen in mere hours. We all know their plans for after the wedding." He paused, just for theatrics. "She will be made into one of them, a bloodsucker. It clearly states in the treaty that they're not allowed to turn humans who reside in Forks into one of them. It will be a violation and the treaty will become void."

Sam didn't say it out loud but Vera knew the implication: the pack would kill the Cullens if Bella returned one of them.

"Now the Cullens know this. They're smart and they'll likely worm their way out either by leaving or by fabricating a lie about Bella's death. Vera here, will get us the information about Bella and her state of humanity. The Cullens trust her." Sam said, explaining why Vera was currently present.

"Would she betray the Cullens like that?"

"She's technically a leach too."

"Can't trust she won't lie."

A bunch of voices she didn't recognize exploded in her mind, all expressing their concern and disscontempt with her role.

"I will tell you their plans for Bella, but I will take zero part in whatever it is you plan to do." Vera said louder than all the voices, making her decision. She was a vampire, like the Cullens. However, she was also a wolf, like all of them. Stuck between both worlds she tried not to choose a side, for she would always be too much wolf for the vampires and too much vampire for the wolves.

"That's fair." Sam said as the rest of the pack fell silent. They hadn't expected Vera to agree to Sam's plan. Thus concluded the meeting Sam had called to order.

Jacob had stayed silent the entire time. While he loathed the Cullens and the fact that the girl he loved was marrying one he hated the fact that his pack wanted to kill her even more. He knew he would never lay a hand on Bella, leach or not, but he was sure his pack wouldn't hesitate. He didn't want to choose a bloodsucker over his pack, but he wasn't sure he would be able to stand back and allow them to kill Bella. He was in an impossible situation.

Now Vera didn't dare think about the Volturi whilst in the present of a pack who could read her mind. But she was stuck in an impasse. The Volturi wouldn't allow Bella to live if she wasn't turned, and the pack wouldn't allow neither the Cullens nor Bella to live if she wasn't turned. She too was in an impossible situation.

Irrevocably Yours [Alec Volturi]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu