1.2: IRENE

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The weekend had finally come. Vera had already done a full week of school, she had successfully kept any and all curiosity towards her at bay-at least when regarding the humans. She didn't dare enter the minds of the "Cullens" as she had learned to refer to them as. She didn't need a coven of angry vampires against her, 7 against 2, she was arrogant, yes, but she was no fool.

"So apparently the Cullens are hosting some form of graduation party." Vera's father said as he finished cleaning the marble countertop

"I did hear that around school yes." Vera replied hopping up onto the clean counter

"Do you want to go?" He asked leaning against the counter

"I debated it, but I don't know anyone there." She replied

"I'll go with you." He offered

"You just want to see Carlisle." She laughed hearing his true intention

"I won't deny that." He said with a chuckle, it was true, he missed his friend "But I also think it would be good for you to make some friends."

"I don't need friends I have everything I need with you." She said putting her head on his shoulder

"Well I need friends, so we're going." He said making the ultimate decision

With a groan she hoped off the counter "At least let me change first." She said looking down at the grey, stained sweatpants she wore along with nothing but a bralette when she thought she would be staying in all day

"You have thirty seconds." He called, already in the garage

With a roll of her eyes she went and got changed into a white wrap top that hugged her upper body nicely paired with blue jeans, and she met her father in the car.

The Cullens seemed to live quite a bit outside of the town of Forks, in a clearing in the middle of the forest. Their house was nice, quite modern for a coven of century year old vampires, but very pleasant.

She could hear the music well before she entered. She walked in, seeing quite a bit of familiar faces: Jessica, Mike, Tyler.

"Vera!" Oh yeah, that was the other thing. Isabella Swan, the lab partner had made it her mission to befriend the new girl. Granted her intentions weren't pure, but still.


"I don't know what she is but she definitely isn't human." Edward spoke to both Bella and his family, explaining the enigma that he had encountered.

"She had a heartbeat?" Carlisle asked his hand on his temple racking up all possible explanations and coming up empty

"Yes, but she was drinking blood, human blood I could smell it." Edward said in disgust

"Her eyes were brown though, not red, gold, or black. And she's tan, like Jacob" Bella added

"Carlisle I think it's a cause for concern." Edward said wrapping his arm around Bella

"Why? She hasn't done anything. You can't just declare her dangerous Edward." Rosalie butt in, not wanting another thing her family needed to protect Bella from, Victoria was enough.

"She was drinking human blood. For all we know she's behind all the murders in Seattle" Edward shot back

"She's what a 5'2 girl with a heartbeat there's no why she took down that many people, that many grown men."  Emmett said scoffing

"Size does not always surmount to power. Have you ever seen Jane Volturi lose a fight?" Alice asked Emmett cocking her head to the side

"I say we just... keep caution, but there's no need to take any action-she hasn't done anything." Esme said, trying to calm her family down

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