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Since Carlisle had called Vera had spent all of her days holed up in the Volturi's library. They had books and scrolls dating all the way to BC and she was felt that there had to be something in there that could help Bella. She knew it was pretty much futile, vampires don't normally intermingle with humans and if one were to bed a human chances are the vampire would lose control, squeeze a little too tight, thrust a little too hard, and the human would die.

Alec was becoming more and more irritated with her. She wouldn't tell him the reason behind her disconcertment and she was being dismissive and cold with him, taking out her frustration on him. He way trying his best to be patient with her, but it was running thin as she continued to avoid him and reply to his questions with vague, nonspecific answers.

She hadn't found not a single thing that would help and Bella was well on her way to dead. She was becoming more and more nervous. She even debated going back to Forks to say goodbye to Bella, but she knew that she would never be allowed that luxury. The fetus was developing rapidly and in the span of a month Bella was seven months pregnant. With another two months to go Carlisle had told Vera he didn't think Bella would survive, that not even vampire venom would be enough to save her if she even made it far enough to give birth.

"Shit! Fuck!" Vera exclaimed as she accidentally bit off the top of her thumb from chewing it out of unrest. The blood was spilling rapidly onto the wooden table and her hand was shaking so much she couldn't reattach the severed limb.

"Ok that is enough." Alec said firmly as he grabbed the top of her thumb and held it tightly on the half that was still connected to her hand and let her body reattach itself. He had walked into the library at exactly the right time, looking for her. "You will tell me what is going on, right now."

"No, I-I need to clean off the blood, the wood." She started, her voice shaking almost as much as her body was.

"Meredith." He said sharply at the human standing in the corner, pointing to the table "Clean it."

He led her back to her room, keeping his hand on her thumb as her cells always took longer to affix its body's limbs.

As soon as they got to her room he shut the door and looked at her pointedly, releasing her now fixed hand. Under his stare she began to sob, the past week and a half's pent up trepidation letting itself  out. Her body was shaking violently and Alec was unequivocally perturbed and worried for her state of mind. He pulled her in and rubbed her back as she sobbed into his shirt. "Shh." He whispered in her ear, he could feel his stone heart being pulled to his feet from his chest. The sound of her cries physically pained him. He would rip off the heads of whoever was causing her this much distress.

After about twenty minutes she had calmed down. Her breathing returned to normal and her body had stopped convulsing.

"Please." He begged "What is going on?"

"Bella is dying." She said quietly

"Dying?" He questioned. Did she mean Isabella was going through the change? But why would that cause her so much anguish? If she were dying of sickness why didn't Edward Cullen change her?

"She's pregnant. With Edward's baby and the fetus is killing her from the inside out." She explained

Alec went stiff. Pregnant? A human and vampire. Another half breed? He wondered how Aro would react.

"Why are they not getting rid of it?" He spoke of them as if they were stupid

"She won't let them. She's hell bent on going through  with it." She said, it was obvious she didn't agree with Bella's choice but she did nothing to try and convince Bella otherwise, it wasn't her body. "Carlisle thinks not even vampire venom will be enough to save her if she gives birth."

"We should tell Aro." He said "He might know something."

"No!" She all but yelled "Please..please don't he will eradicate the Cullens"

"No he won't." He scoffed, but deep down he knew that Aro would react poorly, he didn't tolerate the unknown. If Vera hadn't already been alive as long as she had as well as been the mate of Aro's most prized possession, he wasn't sure Aro would've allowed her to live once he learned about what she was. Although Alec wouldn't have allowed such a thing to happen, he was glad he didn't have to fight the three kings.

"Alec. Please." She begged, looking up at him with her big, brown eyes that still glistened with her tears.

"Alright, alright. He won't find out, I promise." He said calmly her down and kissing her forehead.

"Sorry for being so hostile to you." She apologized for her past week's behavior

"It's alright." He said "Just... next time tell me. You had me thinking I did something to upset you."

"Sorry." She apologized again

"Do you want help with your research?" He offered

"I don't know. I've already read every single book and scroll in the library. I'm rereading them slower this time to see if I missed something." She said, knowing damn well that with her vampire senses she definitely did miss anything and she was just being futility optimistic that she did "Do you know anything about vampire human children?" She asked, maybe in his 800 years he had seen something that was undocumented

Much to her dismay he shook his head. "I didn't even know vampires had the ability to procreate before I met you."

"Damn." She breathed out "I guess there's not much I can do besides wait."

"Sorry." He said kissing her forehead once more "I can wait with you."

"Thanks." She smiled

Alec kept his promise to Vera, he didn't even tell his twin sister about Bella's current state for fear that she would rat them out to Aro. He had done some online research about it since Vera had already read all the books and scrolls but the research came to a halt quickly and yielded nothing. He even went as far as contacting some of his South American, Asian, and European contacts to see if they had ever heard of such a thing. The only one who said he had heard of an urban legend of such was a vampire named Adrián Cisneros in South America. He had said the story composed of a girl named Natalia who had carried the spawn of a Libishomen from their legends. After that he had no idea what had become of the girl or the child she carried but he assumed the vampire came back and had cleaned up the mess that they made.

Vera seemed to be better after she had told Alec. Talking to him made her realize that she couldn't stop the inevitable and that if Bella wanted to die for her child then who was Vera to stop her? She continued to flip through books and surf online for urban legends but like Alec, and Carlisle, and Edward, and Alice her efforts were futile. She was also spending a lot of time with Demetri in the basement doing one on one combat with him. It was a good way to release pent up frustrations and also Alec had straight up refused to fight her when she asked. Whatever. Asshole.

Jane had gotten quite suspicious with her brother and his mate's secrecy. They had been spending an awful amount of time in the library, exchanging whispers behind closed doors and over all being incredibly suspicious. When she had confronted Alec about it he had told her that nothing was going on, which obviously made her all the more skeptical. So she had went into the library in the middle of the night when everyone was usually in their quarters doing whatever it was they did at night. She had smelt each and every book, something that she would've tortured someone for if they witnessed, grabbing the ones that held Vera and Alec's scents the strongest and setting them down she realized that they all held information about one common thing: immortal children.

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