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I wake up in my bed, the curtains to my room closed tightly. I frown at that; I always leave them open so I wake up naturally when the sun comes in. That used to really bother Emily; she was never a morning person.

The thought of Emily brings back memories of what happened yesterday. Grimacing, I lift up my wrist to find no marks. Not even a little swelling. My eyebrows furrow and I quickly examine the rest of my body. There's no bruises, no scratches or redness. It's like yesterday never happened.

Getting out of bed, I open the curtains. It's slightly overcast outside. I remember that it's supposed to rain today.

I sigh and turn to exit my room when Felix enters. I jump, my heart beating so fast that it's practically beating out of my chest. He gives me a weird look, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You seem jumpy today," he says, a smirk forming when he notices my red cheeks. I'm thrown off by his presence. Did he come home with me? Starting to freak out, I glance down at my clothes, sighing with relief when I see I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday. It's a little gross, but at least I know we didn't do anything.

Felix snorts out loud, making me jump again. One of his eyebrows are raised and the smirk is even more prominent now. 

"You've known me a day. A day, and you already have to double check if you still have clothes on? Wow," he marvels. "I must be extremely attractive."

My eyes narrow. He's not wrong; he's definitely attractive. But that doesn't make me NOT want to strangle him. I push past him to get out of my room. He follows close behind, his hands in his pockets.

"So," I say, forcing myself to be casual. "What happened yesterday?" Felix just looks at me, his face completely unreadable. He didn't respond, deigning to just keep staring at me. 

It was obvious he wasn't going to say anything, which made me worried. What happened after that man assaulted me? The last thing I can remember is Felix telling me that I should go home. 

I tell Felix that, and he just shrugs. "Maybe it was just too traumatic. Seeing your dead girlfriend and then getting harassed like that." He gestures at his head. "Human brains, am I right?" 

There he goes again, referring to humans like he wasn't one. What is up with that? Something's going on, and I have to find out. Besides, didn't I say I was going to fall in love with Felix? Maybe that'll get me the truth.

Nodding to myself, I take a deep breath and push myself to ask one of the many questions in my mind.

"What did you mean? When you said I had to fall in love with you?" I swallow and look down at the ground, half-afraid to see his reaction. There's complete silence for a moment, and I look up to make sure Felix is still in the room.

There he is, standing right in front of me. I jerk back, hitting the wall. I freeze, realizing that I'm now between Felix and the wall. Well, that's great.

"I didn't know you moved," I laugh nervously, balling my hands into fists to hide how much I'm shaking. Felix still hasn't said anything. He just looks down at me, dangerously close to my face. He's so close to me that I can see little gold flecks in his brown eyes. 

Almost as if he's entranced, he lifts a hand up to my face and runs his fingertips along my cheekbones. 

"Fall in love with me," he murmurs, turning his hand to cup my cheek. "Doesn't seem too hard, right?" Felix seems lost in his thoughts, narrowing his eyes slightly. As I watch, his eyes seem to change color a little, going from a light brown to a complete black. Startled, I try to back up more, but the wall prevents me from doing so.

"Felix," I whisper. I'm not sure why I whispered instead of talking normally; it just felt like the right thing to do. "Are you okay?"

He doesn't come back to himself immediately. Instead, he stares at me, into my eyes. Part of me wants to look away, but I'm captivated by his wholly black eyes. Suddenly, I'm in another place, not in my apartment.

I'm standing in the middle of a bedroom, one that I've never been in. Felix is sitting on the edge of the mattress, his head in his hands. I walk up to him and call his name, but he doesn't look up at me.

An older woman walks up to Felix and rests her hand on his shoulder.

"You'll find her again. I know you will." Felix shakes his head slowly.

"I don't know-" his voice cracks and he breaks off. I want to walk to him, even though he's never been too nice to me before. Why am I so attracted to this man?

I blink, and I'm back in my apartment. Felix is staring at me, wide eyed. He's taking deep breaths, as if he's winded, and we're so close that our chests are touching with every breath he takes.

"You saw it, didn't you," he says. It wasn't really a question, so I don't respond to it. 

"Who is she?" I ask, watching as Felix closes his eyes, obviously pained. "What happened?" He keeps his eyes closed for a while longer before opening them to look at me. He pushes away from me, running a hand through his hair.

It's only when he's gone that I realize how close we were. With my back to the wall, there had to have been no more than an inch or two between us.

Without looking at me, Felix grabs his hat from the table. I hadn't known it was there. "I gotta go," he says roughly. Walking through the door, he closes it without much sound.

I sink into the desk chair next to me. What the literal hell?


when his fancam comes out i will NEVER RECOVER do you hear me NEVER

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

when his fancam comes out i will NEVER RECOVER do you hear me NEVER

he went so hard AND FOR WHAT 

CHRISTOPHER DONT YOU DARE GROWL AT US like wtf happened to "there are innocent stay." boy make up your DAMN MIND smh

mind, body, and soul | lee felixΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα