Part Eleven

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My ears were ringing. Everything around me was blurry. I didn't remember how long the drive to the FBI took or which way we drove. I got pulled back to reality with the car abruptly stopping. Some officers opened the car door and roughly pulled me out. As they dragged me across the entrance hall to some interrogation room i felt the world collapsing around me every time I tried to get a hold of the reality around me. My legs were just being dragged over the floor, I couldn't stand properly anymore because they were too shaky. Before they sat me down in this room with the mirrored glass window I got a glance out into the hallway where Tom just got dragged into another room. He looked sick and annoyed. He didn't see me.

After some time that felt like hours they finally stopped asking questions. I never answered. I just sat there and stared blankly at the table in front of me. The officer lost control over his emotions every now and then and punched on the table and screamed at me to answer but I just ignored him. I knew it was just a show he played for me to loose control over the situation and talk. But I would have never talked. I would never say anything that could put Tom into a dangerous place or the others from the team. An officer came and pulled me up and out of the room into some cell. I was alone in the cell.
There were two big cells, one for men and the other one for women. I pushed the officer away from me as he opened the door and pushed me into the cell. The lights were flickering every now and then and the only way to sit there was on some hard cement bench. I was tired so I laid down on the cold bench and turned to face the wall. I heard the grid open on the opposite of the room and turned around to see Tom getting pushed into the other cell. I sat up and he saw me and smiled weakly.
"Hey dear. Oh god are you okay? Tell me you're fine please I'm so sorry." He blurted out visibly nervous. He looked like they also bombed all of these questions at him for the last hours. "Hey don't worry I'm okay now that I see you again. I didn't say anything we're gonna get through this okay? And even if we get arrested and put in prison." I tried my best to make it sound calm and be positive about it. "Yeah I fucked up. I'm sorry I don't know how they found out. Motherfucker. But I promise I'll find a way out. A way for us okay? I'll fix this darling." He...winked?! What was it that he had on his mind?
After another 30 minutes He suddenly stood up and walked closer to the bars and held out his hand . But not for me but the guard. "Hey sorry yeah you. Are you the guard here? I guess so, anyways everyone in here has one free call right. So dude get me the cellphone please. Would you be so nice?" He waved over to the guard sitting in the corner at the end of the hallway between our cells. He put down his magazine and rolled with his eyes  before grabbing the phone for the inmates and handed it to Tom.
Tom grabbed it and I just sent a what-in-the-fucks-name-are-you-doing-stare in his direction. He saw it and just smiled innocently before dialing a number and holding the phone to his ear.
"Hello, yes I'm in the cell of the FBI in Las Vegas right now and I'd like to tell my lawyer that they should bring the Europe-file with them and tell them not to forget the bosses internship. Thank you have a good day." And with that he hung up, handed the phone back and sat back down. What the fuck was that supposed to mean. He had no boss anymore and what is a Europe file?? I knew it was some kind of secret Language stuff but we learned different ones in the academy back in the days so I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. Even the guard raised an eyebrow trying to make sense out of the things Tom just said. As soon as the guard was back on his chair in the corner and far enough away from us I got up and basically ran to the grid.
"What the hell Tom? What the fuck did that just mean? And what did you even-" he cut me off. "Relax darling you're lucky your boyfriend is a genius. Trust me and have some patience." He smiled devilishly. "Whatever it was I hope it was something helpful. I don't know if I'd rather just rip your head of right now or fuck you if I could." I whisper screamed. He smiled and laid down, so did I. He said I should be patient so I tried to calm down and sleep or at least rest for a bit.

Fourty million dollar, Baby (16+) - a Tom Holland fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now