Part Ten

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The day of the heist
The garish sound of the alarm on my bedside table rang through the whole room. The loud noise echoed through it. Against the walls and the ceiling only to shatter right back into my ears. Still sleepy and with my eyes closed I tried to reach my hand out to the alarm clock but couldn't find it so I grumpily tried to open my eyes. The sunlight shining through the windows hit me straight into my face and I immediately tightly shut my eyes again regretting my action immediately. The shrill noise still creeped me out so I opened them again and started my second try. I saw the clock and shifted around in the bedsheets. As soon as my arm was free from the sheets I threw it over my head and it landed on the snooze button with a loud cracking sound. Finally. The damn noise was gone. While my eyes were still fighting against the brightness of the room and the early hours I heard a deep groan next to me. Tom was awake as well. His tired and heavy body pressed against my back and I felt his chin on my shoulder.
"Good Morning, you tired too?" He asked still half asleep.
"Yeaahh" I groaned back, "God I'm so freaking tired!"
"Okay come on, we gotta get up it's already 6:37 am. Let's go down and get ready shall we?" He said with a little more woke voice and dragged my body over to his side of the bed before lifting me up and sitting me on the mattress. I fought back a bit but soon stopped and just got up. He was right. We should get up. It was the day today. We would become fucking millionaires today. And I would do easily one of the most dangerous things I ever did in my life. Then the thought of Mr Grant crossed my mind and I felt a sudden wave of motivation rushing over me. He would get what  he deserved today. Using the motivation, I got up and went downstairs with Tom.

The others greeted us with not less tired smiles but the energy in the room was good and motivational. As I sipped on my cup of hot tea in my hand Tom took the chance of the silence and asked if everything was ready and if we could do everything as planned later. Harry nodded and the others just went with it.
"Okay people we have exactly 12 hours from now on until the opening ceremony starts and all the guests arrive. The suits are ready and the cars are ready as well. The cameras are hacked and ready to be used and we have the plan of the house to get to the safe. Y/n, Sam, Zendaya and I will go in as planned at 9:00pm and we will be done and out of the hotel entrance at 9:12 pm. The cars will be standing in the front and we will leave with six bags. After we are out we will drive straight back to the house, here. Be ready to leave the house at 8:20 pm because the traffic around this time is really bad so we need a good half hour to get there. We will leave this house tomorrow with the private jet. Any questions? Everything clear?" Tom asked after going through the whole plan roughly. No one said anything, we just nodded.
"Do I get any answer or what?" He asked a little rude.
He was nervous. I just answered quickly that I don't have a my questions and that everything is clear and the others just answered yes. "Good thank you. See it's not that hard to answer." He said, already having a fine smile on his face again. Those little mood swings of him were usual for him when he was nervous. He tends to overthink everything over and over again and when he does that he usually expects everyone around him to be able to catch up on his thoughts and answer. But everyone has a little flaw and this was his but it was fine.

It was now 8 pm and I had taken a shower and I ate lunch a few hours ago and got ready. I made sure I already had my suitcase packed for tomorrow so I didn't have to think about that anymore. I was nervous as well now but I was focused, already in a tunnel. I was ready. I didn't spend two months of my life planning something only for it to not work now. It will work I knew it. The lust and power rushed through my veins and I got ready for the big moment.

We left at 8:15 and arrived at 8:47 pm.
"I hope everyone is ready?" I asked and got a yes sir from everyone in their cars through our in-ears.
"Good remember what we're doing here. We fought for this and now is the time where we will get this man his well deserved karma." Said Tom. He looked over to me and gave me one of the warmest smiles I've very gotten from him.
"Okay it's time guys. Time to kick Mr Grants ass and fuck up his life." I smirked and everyone wished each other good luck.
As soon as we stepped out of the cars I felt the adrenaline in my veins rushing through every single inch of my body. It was warm outside so I was slightly sweating in my suit. We entered the big entrance hall filled with may people from all around the world. It looked amazing in here. Even more fancy than the last time I was here. Tom and I made our way to the back door without getting noticed and Harry gave us the sign to get in as soon as he had shut down the alarm system. "You look stunning by the way" said Tom and smiled over to him while running up the straits to the story in which the safe was located. Zendaya and Sam came form the opposite side so that they could take down the guards On the left while we would take care of the ones on the right side. Just a split second before Tom opened the door leading to the front hall with the guards in front of the safe he looked over to me once again "Ready to become a legend?" I nodded, already back into focus.

Fourty million dollar, Baby (16+) - a Tom Holland fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now