Part Four

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The day of the funeral

I started my day as usual. Regular shift but I left earlier to get ready for the funeral. It was about 1:30 pm when I got home and got ready. I took a shower and put on my most elegant black suit I owned. I felt like I wanted to give Tom the last respect while looking the best I could ever look. Around 3:45 pm I arrived at the cemetery and went to look for the other guests. My boss was right, there were a lot of people gathered around a grave so I couldn't miss it. I introduced myself to everyone else and took a seat. The priest in the front started talking and for the first time I looked at the grave. The casket was laying there heavy in this deep dark hole waiting to be buried. My mind drifted off and the voice of the priest went quiet and I stared at the grave. I still couldn't believe it. It was too surreal to be true. But there was the grave. The only thing that was suspicious was that they didn't leave the casket open for the others to look at him one last time. There were many people here. Many I didn't know. Some colleagues, some agents from other headquarters and some other people I wasn't able to identify. Then the priest raised his voice a little and got my full attention again. "You may stand up now and if you want to, you can put a flower on the grave before it gets lowered down into the ground." He said. Everyone stood up and so did I. I picked a dark red rose and went to the front to put the rose on the casket. Every step I made forward got heavier and when I finally made it to the front, the tears in my eyes fell onto the dark wood just like my rose did. It was hard to let go but I knew that I still didn't quite believe this whole thing. It was too simple.
I wished everyone a good day and left. As I sat in my car and drove off I noticed something. Where the hell was Tom's damn family? He said they had a fight last time they were together but they didn't hate each other at all. They were close after all and they live in London. I knew that. Tom told me once when I asked him about his family. So why wouldn't they attend their family members funeral? Not even his parents showed up and I mean whose parents don't show up at their child's funeral if they had a good relationship before?
After I got home I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't sleep either. Nothing seemed to add up anymore.
2:37 am
I was wide awake and sleep was a long lost friend at this point. I decided to give up and ease my mind with some information. I got up and put on some clothes and shoes and left my flat. It was something after 3 am when I arrived and went to the office of mine. Luckily I had keys because at this time no one was here of course. I knew the files better than anything and I was well aware of the fact that they gave no information at all about anything so I didn't even bother to look at them anymore. I went into the agency's computer system and hacked into the co bosses server. I knew it was risky but I really need the information and anything about Tom was enough to ease my mind at this point. I typed in the same key words to find Toms file and suddenly there were files popping up at my screen. I opened them and they had basically every possible information about Tom: his family, his email address and even his real address but, everything got blacked out again. For real?? I tried to get the original papers several times but nothing worked. So the only clever thing I could do was to just download all files onto my private server so I could take a look at them again. It was already 4:15 am so I left quickly and went home to get some sleep.

Two days later
I've tried many ways to find the original papers now. I worked at home on this because I feared it would get too risky at work after I hacked into the server. I just got home from work and made myself some dinner when I sat down to look over everything I had so far. Tom was dead for a bit over a month now. At this point I had seen enough to not believe the bullshit the agency tells me anymore. I took a bite and some of the sauce spilled over onto the display. I panicked and got a tissue. When I cleaned over it I noticed something. There was another paper hid behind the top paper. It was two-layered so that you could put some more secret information onto it without anyone else noticing. It was one of the things the agency did often because they thought it was safe or something. I opened the second layer and almost choked on my dinner. I was looking at the phone number of Tom Holland. This was the piece I needed. There was another line with an address noted but it didn't looked like it was a new address. Probably something from a few years ago. I got into my server in my laptop and opened the city map. Entering the phone number and waiting was the only thing left to do now. It took the site a moment to load fully and there it was. A little blue point on the map showed up. It didn't move neither did I. It was his phone. Still intact. So someone had it and charged it too. As I zoomed out a little the map widened and the blue point still showed up. In Kingston upon Thames. It fit the address on the paper. So it was his address. The happiness I felt was something I've never felt like that before. It was different from the usual happiness. It lifted me up and made me feel as light as I hadn't felt in over two months now. I felt hope.

Fourty million dollar, Baby (16+) - a Tom Holland fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now