Part Nine

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It was now exactly four days before the night of the heist. The whole team worked non stop. Harry stayed up with me almost every night to get the rest done. We lived off of caffeine and every now and then a full meal. Until Harrison kind of catched us before we hit rock bottom. He stood in front of us and announced that whatever this life style was, it needed to stop immediately. We listened. We ate more again and more healthy. Our cups of coffee per day got less and we tried to sleep at regular times. The fact that we all listened as soon as Haz  suggested this had a background.

Two days ago
It was around 1 am and i was awake. Once again. I've been up for 29 hours now and my body gave me serious signals that I should stop with work and go to sleep. While my brain tried to make sense out of what I was reading right now, my heart decided to pump faster than usual. I felt the blood rushing through my veins and my stomach suddenly felt like jelly. I felt sick and I was sure I had to throw up any second. But I didn't. When I looked down on my body I saw my legs trembling and shaking. I tried holding onto the table but my hands were shaking as well so I just collapsed. My body hit the hard cold ground beneath me, leaving a loud bang echoing through the room. I was laying on the floor and slowly sat up against the table. My body was still trembling and I was so cold as if I was sitting in the middle of the Antarctic Ocean. I started panicking. My breath hitched and got unsteady. That's when I noticed the tears rolling down my hot cheeks dropping onto my trousers. I had a panic attack or something. I never had experienced something like this before so I didn't know what to do. I felt like dying on the spot. I couldn't talk. I just sat there crying and gasping for air. My body falling to the ground must've been loud enough to wake up Tom because as I looked up I saw Tom standing on the edge of the stairs searching for my body on the floor. I gasped for air still trying to fill the endless emptiness in my lungs. He saw me sitting there helpless and ran towards me. Kneeling down in front of me and looking me straight in my dark terrified eyes. "Hey what's wrong? What happened? Are you having a panic attack?" He asked worried. Nodding was all I  could and he grabbed some pillows from the couch near by and made me put them under my head. "You're trembling, are you cold? Oh dear you can't even breathe. Okay uhm let me help you okay?" I nodded and he came closer sitting next to me wrapping his arm around me. His warm body pressed against mine. "Okay you obviously can't talk so please breathe with me okay? Okay slowly breathe in, take a very deep breath in. Exactly like this. Yeah good and now out. Let all the air out. Concentrate on your breath." His words were a healing to body. After several minutes of just breathing in and out together very deeply I calmed down. I managed to make my body stop trembling after 10 more minutes.
"Thank you so much for being here, I love you." I said finally after having the strength to talk. He just smiled and gave a sift kiss on the forehead. "I love you too darling." He brought me a glass of water and when I was done he helped me get up. He laid his arm around my waist and supported my weight. We walked up the stairs and he laid me down very carefully and stayed up until I was able to fall asleep. I still am very thankful to have him by my side. He saw me at my worst and in my worst stare ever and still stayed. He knew how to ease my mind. His love was so pure and ethereal.

Sam and Zen found the pillows and the glass on the floor the next morning and asked what happened so when Tom told them they were shocked at first. Haz had the idea after all and I'm very happy to live healthy again. I still blame the caffeine and the lack of sleep. And of course myself a little bit but accidents can happen right? I felt better prepared for the heist now that I could think straight again.

Omg thank you for almost 80 reads that makes me so happy:) can't believe I'm almost done with this story. Thank you for reading and have a good time ma dudes

Fourty million dollar, Baby (16+) - a Tom Holland fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now