Part Two

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Time skip: few months later after you met and worked together for a few missions now and became good friends

I was sitting at my desk in the London headquarters when Tom entered and walked past me straight into the office of our boss. Over the last few months we became really good friends and super close. I'm glad we get along so well because it makes the missions so much easier if you can trust your partner a 100%. I'd trust him blindly with my life and we told each other mostly everything about ourselves except for the family stuff because we both agreed that this is something we shouldn't talk about since our job isn't giving us the freedom to be an open book.
As he rushed past me I noticed the stressed look on his face and how serious he looked. He usually is someone who always has a polite smile on his lips when he looks at you but today he looked rather amused to be here. I guess something was up since he was asked to go to the boss' office which rarely happens.
I smiled at him as we locked eyes while he stormed past me but he just gave me a quick nod and turned away, eyes focusing on the big wooden door in front of him which leads to the office. He knocked twice and the door opened. Behind there was a not so calm boss gesturing him to enter as fast as possible as if he didn't want anyone to see that Tom entered. He also looked exhausted and under pressure. I stared at them for a brief moment when I noticed another person behind a little further in the office standing next to the big desk. I moved a few inches forward to see who it was and realised it was the co CEO from the office in New York City. I had a very quick chat with him while I was in NYC for a mission and remembered how rude and arrogant he was. He was one of the sort who believes the world belongs to them and acts like he owns every inch of ground he steps on.
The door closes with a lone bang behind the three and from that moment there was this weird uncomfortable silence in the whole office room. I stopped my day dreaming and went back to work hoping whatever they told Tom in there he would be okay.

An hour went by and they were still in there. I got nervous and hoped the door would open any second. But it didn't. Some dull yelling was audible but it wasn't Tom screaming it was the dumbass from New York. His voice disgusted me and all I wanted at this point was to storm in the office and give this asshole a good bye roundhouse kick out of the window.
The door opened 20 minutes later and Tom walked out. I couldn't see his face because his head was down all the way and he didn't look up but I sensed that he was upset. More than that. I could feel the air around him burning up when he stormed past me without even noticing my presence near him. He turned left out of the office I was in and for a few seconds our eyes locked. They were red and full of hatred. He gave me a death stare before turning away and running out of the building. I've never seen him like that before. So angry and aggressive. The wooden door closed and took me back to reality. My shift wasn't over I still had several hours to go and I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. On the other hand I didn't know  Toms's address anyway so there was no way I could find him in this city or god knows where ever he left to.

It's been two days now and I haven't seen Tom since he stormed out of the headquarters. I didn't dare to ask my boss what happened despite the fact that he wouldn't tell me anything anyways. I also didn't get any new missions assigned which is weird because that means I don't really have something to work on except for regular paperwork. Contacting Tom isn't possible for me because as his partner I don't get any information about him like phone number, address or even email. So since I felt like disrespecting his privacy if I hack the files I didn't contact Tom at all. I was working on my boring paperwork dying to get home only to worry more there and hoping for the best. It's not like we got too close but something in me sparks when he looks at me. I didn't sleep properly since the last two days. I put my head on the desk in front of me and let out a sigh when the front door swung open and Tom walked in looking still pissed but a little more calm. His hair were a mess. Not gelled back but sweaty and not styled at all. His face was a bit paler than usual and his eyes begged for some peaceful hours of sleep. He looked at me and his face lit up a little but almost not noticeable. His thin lips formed a smile and he gave a quick polite nod. I was in a bit of a shock because of his looks so it took me a second to answer but I definitely felt the heat in my chest burning up. I know it's not good to have feelings for your partners from work but I couldn't help myself. He didn't walk up to his desk but went, again, straight to our boss' office. Again? I thought to myself. What did he get himself into? A few seconds later and he was gone again behind those oh so scary wooden doors. I went back to work even tho I was still worried but I tried to drown this feeling in paperwork.
He came out 20 minutes later with a even more annoyed look plastered on his face. Then behind him our boss walked out. He followed Tom and stopped at my desk. I looked up trying to read Toms face to understand the situation better but all I got was an empty looking Tom staring straight into my soul or even through me. My boss looked at me and said in a very determined tone "Ms y/n would you please follow me into my office. I just want to talk to you for a second." . My mind started going to every possible place where I could have made a mistake of any kind. I stood up, nodded and just followed him to his office. Tom had already left when I looked back for a second before entering. I sat down in the cold leather chair and nervously bit on the inside of my cheek. The boss sat down as well. " So Miss y/n no need to be worried. You did nothing wrong. I just wanted to inform you that Mr Holland won't be your partner anymore. He will be having a mission in Scotland soon and you'll get Mr smith as your new partner. He is very determined and motivated I'm sure you two will get along very well." He smiled. My mouth dropped. Tom and I have been partners for 10 months now and I really didn't want anyone new. I didn't want anyone for anything but him. We were a pretty much perfect duo and none of us made a mistake so there was no need to get separated now. "But Sir! I'm utterly sorry but I really don't want anyone else as my partner right now. We worked together perfectly and we-" he cut me off. "I understand your concern and your shock but I've already decided and this is my final decision. You may leave now." He stood up and made a expansive gesture telling me to leave. And so I did. I didn't waste any time to storm out and let the door hit wall inside when I let it swung open so fast. I went to my desk and looked down trying to hide my already tears eyes. I usually don't cry that fast but I guess the lack of sleep and the anger and all of the emotions brought out a more emotional side of me.

It's been over a week now and I have my new partner, Mr smith. We didn't really talk and even tho I'm trying not to let out my anger on him, it's hard for me to accept him. I still can't believe it. How did I let this happen? Tom on the other hand also has a new partner but he seems to be just as irritated by the situation as I am. We also didn't talk at all. I don't know if I'm even allowed to talk to him after my boss was so rude about the whole thing. I believe Tom started his new mission in Scotland now because he seems to completely focus on his work or whatever it is that he's working on until late at night. I used to be the last person to leave to HQ at night for a very long time but since the last week Tom works overtime. He never was the person to stay for so long, his free time was kind of holy to him but he somehow completely changed his usual living pattern.

It's been a month now and Tom has left London for his job in Scotland 3 weeks ago. I tried to talk to him but then my boss approached me and made me do even more work than I already have for gods sake I hate this man. There is this constant weird uncomfortable silence between the two of us. Sometimes It almost feels like we never knew each other. Not to mention that I'm still very worried what he got himself into because he always looks nervous and I see him nervously turning around every hour at least once.

Thank you again for reading the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll post the next one next Sunday :)

Fourty million dollar, Baby (16+) - a Tom Holland fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now