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Ashlyn's pov:

This situation was very awkward...

Ash was standing...

In a room...

With at least twenty guards...

All pointing their guns at her...

God, this is so embarrassing.

"What are you doing here?" One of the guards closest to her asked.

"Looking for the bathroom" Ash put on the most innocent look she had, she also forced herself to seem scared, which almost made her laugh.

"Bathroom downstairs," Said another guard.  "Did you not see the sign on the door that said do not come in?."

Ash gulped, of course, there was a freakin sign. Could this day get any worse??? Ash said the first words that came out of her head, and instantly regretted it.

"I can't read," She said plainly.



good job.

You're doing great girl...

"You, can't read?" Asked one of the guards, who seemed unconvinced. Ash just nodded innocently and started inching her hand towards the door handle. She really didn't feel like fighting right now.

Another guard suddenly stood up and walked toward Ash. He opened the door for her and motioned her to leave the room.

"Downstairs, left hallways, first door on the right." With that, he closed the door leaving Ash to stand by herself in the hallway.

Ash, of course, didn't follow the guard's instructions and instead went further down the hallway. She stopped outside the same room the previous men had exited when a sound caught her attention, Beeping?

Ash opened the door only a fraction of an inch to make sure nobody was in there. When she was sure the room was empty, she walked inside and closed the door after her. She turned on the light and looked around. This seemed to be some kind of bedroom. There was a king bed in the center and very large windows. The beeping was coming from somewhere in the closet. Ash walked carefully towards the sound and opened the closet door.

Ash turned on the closet light and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place but the beeping was growing louder. Ash moved a few items of clothing and... omg

A bomb

A freakin bomb

Counting down

From five seconds...

Ash didn't have time to think. Her legs acted on their own as she ran to the window and quite literally jumped out, forgetting the fact that she was very high off the ground. As soon as her feet left the ledge of the window... an explosion.

Damn, why was her luck so bad today??? 

Ash landed on the ground, on her back, there was a very loud ringing sound in her ears and she could hear muffled screaming and shouting. Ash tried to open her eyes but everything was blurry. She lifted her head a little off the ground only to find...fire?. The entire building was crumbling to the ground and there was fire, a lot of it. People were running in every direction, screaming, shouting, crying, Ash's head was pounding. She definitely had a concussion, or worse. Ash tried her best to get up but she couldn't. Her left leg didn't seem to be working properly. But Ash had to. There had been kids of the Hydra families in that building and they didn't deserve to get blown up. Ash had to help them.

Using all of her strength, she managed to lift herself into a sitting position. That action alone was enough to make Ash roll to the side and cough up her own blood... not good.

Whatever Ash's plan was, this sure as hell wasn't it. But Ash then realized.

This had been Oliver's plan. He had bombed the building, that's why he wasn't at the party. Was this all a trap? For her? Did he plan for her to be here? At the moment Ash didn't care. She managed to stand to her feet, limping slightly. And then ran, not really running, seeing as she was pretty sure every bone in her body had just broken... that's what it felt like at least. She ran right into the fire, still in her dress, still in her heels, she had nowhere near enough energy to try and change appearances at the moment. Ash found one kid, in the middle of the rubble, crying over what seemed to be his mother's dead body. Ash's stomach dropped. The kid had a few scratches across his face and body and was covered with dust and smoke, but other than that, he seemed unharmed. Ash picked up the boy, who couldn't be any older than seven and began walking away from the flames. Ash put the boy down, somewhere on the grass and headed back towards the flame. Just as she was entering the rubble again, another, smaller explosion hit. Ash was thrown back again.

This time, she was knocked out cold.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt