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Some of chapter 40 didn't post but I think I fixed it so make sure you go read that part first. 

Ashlyn's pov:

Ash's eyes fluttered open although she didn't move. She didn't know exactly where she was but it was very comfortable. Ash sat up slowly and looked around. It was a pretty basic room, there was a shelf with a TV on it. The bed she was currently inhabiting was pushed against the wall and behind the headboard was a window. Ash looked through the glass and was surprised when she found herself many floors above the ground.

Ash suddenly remembered everything that happened the day before. Was she at Avengers Tower? Where was Liam? Where was Maya? Where was Jack? Oh...

Normal people would cry. But Ash was far from normal. Instead, she chose to believe that Jack was on vacation. He would be back later.

Somebody had also removed Ash's shoes, which were laying on the floor next to the bed. Next to the shoes was a small note. Ash picked it up and began to read,

[There are some fresh clothes in the bathroom and feel free to use the shower.

Come down whenever you're ready

- Steve]

Ash sighed and put the note down. Her arms and legs were still stained with blood that wasn't hers although it looked like somebody had wiped most of it off. She stood up slowly and walked into the bathroom. The toilet seat was closed and there was a pile of clean clothes sitting on top. Ash turned on the shower and looked into the mirror, the blood that was on her face yesterday from the fight had been cleaned off and the cuts had healed.

----(time skip)----

Ash stepped out of the bathroom. She was now wearing a pair of plain black leggings and an oversized gray long sleeve shirt. Her hair was dripping wet and tangled but Ash made no effort in trying to fix it. She could hear talking from different places in the Tower and sighed, today was going to be a very long day.

Ash pressed a button on the elevator and waited silently as it started going down. As the elevator came to a stop, Ash seriously debated on turning invisible just so she wouldn't have to deal with anyone. But before she could come to a decision the doors were already opening and she was met with the amazing smell of pancakes. The Avengers were all sitting around the table eating breakfast but Ash noticed both Liam and Tony were missing. There was a woman at the stove making the pancakes that Ash recognized as Pepper Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries.

Before Ash could change her mind and close the elevator doors again, Clint had spotted her.

"There you are Ash, we were beginning to worry about you"

Ash cringed as all eyes fell on her. Steve was motioning for her to come to sit next to him at the table so Ash slowly stepped out of the elevator and walked toward the table.

"Did you get my note?" Steve asked as he handed her a plate of pancakes.

Ash nodded "Thanks, for the clothes."

Steve nodded and put his attention back on his own plate of food. Ash looked down at the food in front of her. It looked and smelled amazing but something about this wasn't right. They were being nice to her? Too nice. Was this a trick? Something was definitely going on.

Nat's pov:

Nat watched as Ashlyn examined her food. She was looking at it suspiciously and it made Nat smile.

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