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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash watched as Maya paced back and forth in front of her. Ash was sitting casually on the couch in the living room while Maya stressed out about the day ahead of them. It was currently seven in the morning. Ash had three hours before she needed to start getting ready for her "big day". 

Yes, today was the wedding day, and Ash was very excited to finally get rid of Tyler. Maya was stressing out over the fact that Tyler had told Ash that the Avengers had been invited to the wedding.

"You can't kill him in front of the Avengers!" Maya was saying as she paced from one wall to the other.

"I can do whatever I want" Ash smirked and Maya briefly stopped her pacing to give her a disapproving look.

"I'm serious Ash. They're going to catch you again"

"Have a little faith, Maya. I'm a professional, I know what I'm doing"

Maya took a deep breath and sat down on the couch next to Ash. Jack, Lucas, Ryder, and Henry were going to meet Ash at the wedding. They had a whole plan about what they were going to do however Ash thought it better to just 'go with the flow'. With the Avengers present, it would make things slightly more difficult for Ash however she wasn't going to waste a perfectly good chance to murder her fiance.

Maya's pov:

Maya was very, very, VERY, stressed. Maya should've known this was a bad idea from the start, not to mention that it was literally illegal with Ash being a minor. She wasn't worried about Ash, she knew that Ash was more capable of taking care of herself... scratch that, Maya was VERY worried about her friend. Ash was going about this as if it was just another random mission but Maya wasn't as naive. Not only was Ash about to murder the leader of Hydra, but she would also have Oliver coming after her once she completed her mission. And now that the Avengers were going to be there-

Maya took a deep breath. Ash had been watching her panic with an amused look on her face.

"Don't look at me like that" Maya scolded and Ash rolled her eyes.

Maya was also unsure about the fact that Ash now had to murder Tyler. Maya had never stopped Ash from killing on a mission before but that didn't mean Maya approved, Ash was still a kid after all. Tyler had taken Ash to dinner once a week for the past few months but other than that he hadn't contacted her at all. Ash had also said that on the dinner date he wouldn't talk to her at all.

Maya sighed, the only good thing that was coming out of this was that Ash would no longer have to 'date' Tyler. Maya was pulled out of her thoughts when there was a knock at the door. Maya jumped up and practically sprinted out of the living room, leaving Ash to laugh at her. Maya swung the door open and pulled a very confused-looking Jackson inside.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a very confused voice, looking between Maya's worried face and the sound of Ash laughing from the living room.

"I hate this idea" She admitted quietly and Jack nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure Ash doesn't do anything stupid"

"Easier said than done" muttered Liam as he walked down the stairs. Jack offered him a high five which he accepted. Maya suddenly regained her composure and looked suspiciously at Jack.

"Aren't you supposed to meet Ash at the wedding?" She questioned him

"Yeah... but I missed you"

Maya smiled at him and Liam gagged.

"Young love, it's disgusting," Liam said, clearly disgusted as the three of them made their way to the living room. Ash had obviously heard what Liam said because she snorted and started laughing again.

"Todays the day Ash," Jack said to the still laughing girl on the couch. Ash stopped laughing but there was still a grin on her face as she sent Jack a thumbs up. Jackson chuckled and kissed the top of Maya's head. Maya sighed and leaned back into his chest.

Liam was shooting Ash with a nerf gun but Ash was catching every single shot. Once every bullet had been missed Liam frowned and dropped the gun

"You're no fun," He said in a grumpy voice. Ash Just smirked and threw a pillow at him, which hit him in the face. Jack chuckled and Maya held in a laugh, she didn't want to embarrass her little brother.

----(time skip)---

Ashlyn's pov:

Ash was currently sitting in the little dressing room of the building they had chosen for the wedding. She had her hair in a half up half down. The top part was in a loose yet neat braid with little white flowers, the bottom half was curled in loose beach waves. Her hair was back to the auburn color Tyler was so used to. She was also wearing a lace silky white dress. There were flower designs along with a sweet, heart-neck top. 

Ash had to admit the dress was very pretty although she knew it would be slightly difficult to fight in

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Ash had to admit the dress was very pretty although she knew it would be slightly difficult to fight in. She couldn't change the pick though because Tyler had specifically requested that she wore this dress. Ash's makeup included brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some fake lashes. She didn't bother wearing very much makeup since they wouldn't even be getting to the vows.

Maya suddenly rushed up to Ash.

"They are here" She breathed out, trying to catch her breath. "The Avengers are here." 

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