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Avenger's pov:

The Avengers were fighting the Hydra agents that were running at them from every direction.

"Where the hell is she?!" called out Tony

"Hopefully she'll show soon," Said Steve.

The team kept fighting but it seemed like every time they killed one of them, two more appeared. Bucky noticed an agent getting closer to Peter who was busy fighting off three other agents. Bucky ran forward but she got there first. Ashlyn wrapped an arm around the agent's neck.

"We have got to stop meeting like this." Peter turned and watched as the agent fell motionless to the floor.

"That is the second time this week that I have saved your ass, but who's counting?" She smirked and Peter rolled his eyes. More agents approached them, Ashlyn took out her gun and shot at them. Bucky was very impressed by the accuracy of her shots.

"So what are you guys even doing here?" She asked.

"Looking for you," said Bucky. Ashlyn took a knife out of her belt and threw it at an incoming agent. It hit the agent right in the heart and he crumpled to the floor. Peter was focused on fighting off more agents but because of his enhanced senses, he was able to hear mumbling coming from the comm in her ear.

"Well I'm flattered but-" The Avengers all looked over to see her take out two swords and swing them. The head of a Hydra agent fell and rolled on the floor. "-I've got work to do." She ran toward the staircase, killing any agent that came at her.

"Peter follow her," said Bucky. Peter nodded and ran after her.

Peter's pov:

Peter ran after her up five flights of stairs. When he reached the top of the staircase on the fifth floor he looked around. Peter could have sworn he saw her run up here but she was nowhere to be seen. Peter ran down the hallway following the trail of dead agents that he was hoping Ashlyn had left. The trail suddenly stopped at a hallway that led to many different rooms. Peter ran into a few different rooms. When he entered one particular room he was immediately cuffed by two guards that were waiting by the doors. Peter was dragged to the opposite wall where the guards could attach the cuffs to. 

A man walked into the room. He had silver hair and dull gray eyes. Peter guessed that this was Aaron Marshall. Tony had done some research about the guy. Apparently, he's the one who organized the missions that Hydra went on. He was also the one that set up partnerships with different organizations such as The Red Room and some other place called Phoenix. Peter tried to worm his way out of the cuffs but they were very tight around his wrists. Aaron walked toward Peter with an interesting look on his face. He reached out his hand to pull up Peter's mask but stopped when a voice behind him talked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Peter almost smiled when he saw Ashlyn standing in the doorway pointing her gun at Aaron. The guards and agents in the room ran toward her but she shot each of them and they all fell.

"And who might you be?" asked Aaron who seemed unfazed by the act of violence she had just shown.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me... maybe this will jog your memory" her appearance suddenly changed. She no longer had blonde hair, instead, her hair grew slightly longer and darker. Her eyes changed from blue to a very bright green, the structure of her face changed slightly, and there was also a visible tattoo of what looked like a boomerang on her shoulder. Peter wasn't sure if this was what she actually looked like but at the moment he had more pressing matters to deal with.

"Ah I see, your one of them," Aaron said. Peter wasn't sure what he meant by 'one of them'. If looks could kill, Aaron would have been blown into a million pieces by the look that Ashlyn had given him when he said that.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora