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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash frowned.

She had spent the last week trying to come up with a plan and distractions. She was sitting in the vents of the orphanage above the room where the younger kids slept. She had made herself slightly smaller so that she could crawl through the tunnels but it was still rather uncomfortable. She had created a number of fake missions for them which was proven to be very difficult considering the safety measures Oliver had installed. As Ash waited for the supervisors to leave the room, she thought back to her time here.


Eight-year-old Ashlyn was sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. She had failed a mission today. She had been told not to fail and yet she still did. Ashlyn was very angry at herself. It had just been a simple assassination and yet she could not complete it.

Her mission had been to get rid of a certain family that was trying to flee Hydra with information that was very valuable. Ash had been specifically requested by Hydra to perform this mission and she had failed. The door to the bedroom opened and ten-year-old Maya walked in. When Maya noticed the young girl sitting on the bed she quickly walked over to her and embraced her in a hug.

"You tried your best Ash"

Ash shook her head but remained silent. If she had tried her best then she wouldn't have failed. Ash was mostly scared of what the supervisors were going to do to her. She had seen what they do to the others who failed their missions and she was not looking forward to finding out what they would do to her.

The door opened again and this time one of the supervisors walked in.

"The Mistress would like to speak to you 47."

47 was Ash's name at the orphanage. Each child was given a name based on their assigned group and their age. Ash stood quickly and Maya gave her a reassuring nod. Ash followed the supervisor down the hallways of the orphanage until she was outside the Mistress's office. The Mistress was the current leader of the orphanage, nobody knew her real name but everyone was scared of her, including eight-year-old Ash. Ash showed none of her fear, however, as she pushed the door open and took a step inside. The Mistress was an old woman however she didn't look as old as she was. She looked no older than forty but Ash knew she had been alive more than a hundred years.

"Ah, my dear Ashlyn"

The Mistress had always been fond of Ash. Helping her with training, pushing her to be the absolute best of her age group, and Ash was. That was another reason why Ash was so scared to be talking to her. She didn't want to see the Mistress's disappointed face.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you child." Ash lifted her gaze from her feet to meet the eyes of the Mistress. "I've heard some disappointing things about your recent mission, Ashlyn. Your supervisor is most disappointed with you."

Ash nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment.

"Do you understand your mistake, Ashlyn?" Ash nodded again and the Mistress seemed satisfied with her answer. "I am afraid I'm going to have to suspend you from any further on-field missions until I am sure it won't happen again. Do you understand?" Ash frowned but remained silent. This punishment was better than most punishments would be but no on-field missions meant more training. And training was very very painful.

"Don't give me that face, child, this will be good for you."

Ash nodded again and exited the room. She walked back down the hallways to the room where the younger kids slept. She was planning on checking on Liam before it was time for bed. As she stepped into the room she heard laughing and singing, It made her smile. The younger kids had not yet lost their memories from their normal life. Ash had been here since she was born so of course, she had no memories from anything outside the orphanage. Four-year-old Liam was sitting on his bed with another boy about his age. Ash approached him and when he saw her he smiled.

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