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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash had been forced by Maya into the backseat of Tony's blue Audi R8. Nat was driving, Maya was in the passenger seat, leaving Ash to sit in the back with Wanda. Apparently, Maya had agreed to come on this trip and she didn't want to go alone, so she forced Ash to come with her. Ash didn't fight back too much, she had her own plan in mind and she was waiting for one of her contacts to get back to her. She should tell Maya about the plan, Ash knows this. But there's no reason for Maya to worry, Ash will tell her about it.... Once it's over.

Not the best plan, she knows, but this was the only thing she could think of to get back at Oliver and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her.

So Ash sat quietly in the back of the car, listening to Taylor Swift playing on the radio. Ash felt her phone buzzing and apparently so did Wanda. Wanda looked curiously as Ash pulled out her phone and began reading the text. Ash was very thankful at this moment that Wanda couldn't read her mind, that would've been bad. Ash looked down through the text. It was from her contact, a man she had saved a while back and he now owed her a debt.

[Hydra party, New leader will be chosen.

Germany tomorrow night.

If you can make it to Germany, I can get you through the doors.]

Ash thought about it, this could be her chance, although it would be hard. This was the party where Hydra would announce Oliver as their new leader, it would be one of the most heavily protected parties Hydra ever had. Part of Ash's mind was telling her to ask Maya or the Avengers, but Ash rarely listened to that part of her brain.  Maya would know what to do but she would try to convince Ash not to. And the Avengers wouldn't help, why would they? Instead, Ash sent a thumbs up telling him that she would be there. The only issue now was how the hell she was going to get to Germany without the Avengers finding out.


Did Ash sneak out?

No... well, yes, well.... kinda?.

She simply left without telling anyone where she was going... but she didn't sneak out, it's completely different... yeah.

Who is she kidding?

Ash definitely snuck out, and she had stolen one of Tony's cars to do it. 

Ash was currently speeding down the streets of New York in Tony's sports car. She had a friend, well not really. He was more of an acquaintance but he helped her get from place to place and in return, she would perform a few missions for him. Ash had already done a few missions for him a while ago so now he had to help her. She needed to get to Germany and she needed the Avengers not to find out. Ash turned down the road that led into the woods and began speeding even faster. She approached the small cabin and hopped out of the car.

She knocked on the door, changing her appearance as she did so.

The door opened revealing a young man with short blonde hair and scars littering his face. He had one long scar going from his eyes brow down to his lips.

"Ah Miss Emerald, how can I help you today?" He asked, motioning for her to come inside.

"I need to get to Germany," She said, getting straight to the point.


"As soon as possible." Ash wasn't stupid, she didn't miss the way his eyes studied her but he didn't ask anything about her missions which she was thankful for.

"I don't suppose I have a choice do I?" He asked casually, although Ash could sense his slight disappointment.

Ash sighed, she didn't have time for this. 

"Can you get me to Germany by tomorrow morning?" She asked and watched as he grinned slightly.

"Who do you think I am? You can take the sky jet in the back." Ash nodded and walked out his back door.

He had a number of different rides including, boats, jets, small planes, bikes, and more. That was why he was so useful to ash. The sky jet was probably one of Ash's favorites. It had to feature to turn invisible which made it easier not to get followed. The only person that would be able to track her was the man she was borrowing the jet from but there was nothing she could do about that. In all honesty, Ash had absolutely no idea how to fly a jet which was also another reason why she loved the sky jet, It had an autopilot. Ash's now black hair flew behind her as the doors of the jet closed. She walked to the front of the jet and set her destination. The jet lifted off the ground and began moving away from New York.

Steve's pov:

"Where's Ash?" Asked Steve as everyone began digging into their food. The Avengers plus Maya and Liam were sitting around the dinner table at the Avengers Tower however Ash hadn't shown up.

"Probably out, she does that sometimes," Said Liam simply as he popped another fry in his mouth.

Steve frowned, whatever Liam said, he still worried about her. He dropped the subject however but with every passing hour that Ash didn't return he would get more and more worried. She was still healing, she couldn't already be out on another mission.


A few hours after dinner Steve went up to Ashlyn's guest bedroom. He had offered her a real room but she had declined. He knocked on the door, no answer.

Steve twisted the knob slowly, not wanting to walk in without her permission but nobody stopped the door from slowly sliding open and Steve peeked inside. The room was tidy and organized, it was also empty of Ash.

The children Ash had rescued had been moved to a different SHIELD facility where they would be taken care of properly. Steve sighed out and left the room. Ash would be alright, she knew what she was doing.

Ashlyn's pov:

Ash had no idea what she was doing.

She came without weapons, without a plan, without backup. But she didn't really care. She would figure it out, she always did.

The jet landed quietly in a clearing in the woods. She was now in Germany. The memories she had from this place weren't the best but now was no time to dwell. She had exactly Seven hours until the party and she had to think of a plan quickly.

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