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"So do we have a deal?" Her voice was cold and emotionless and sent chills down her client's spine.

"Yes, I believe we do, and make sure you don't fail or you won't get the money" He tried to make his voice intimidating and not let it show that he was scared of her.

She lightly chuckled, although the situation was far from humorous. "Are you doubting me?"

"Of course not," he replied quickly. The last thing he wanted to do was insult her, he knew he wouldn't be alive in the morning if he did.

"Good. The job will be done by tomorrow night and I expect you to hold to your end of the deal. Or else you know what will happen." She started to walk out of the building leaving the man to shiver at her threat.

Ashlyn's pov:

As Ashlyn walked out of the building, she threw up a little in her mouth. Seriously, it smelled like rotten eggs in there. She knew that she had scared the man, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Ash headed back to the house to get ready for the mission. It didn't pay as much as she would have usually liked, but although it was a bit complex, it would likely be done quickly.

Walking into the house, the smell of waffles and eggs hit her and she smiled.

"Guys, I'm home" she called out.

"Hey, Ash! That took longer than usual, everything okay?" The sound of her best friend Maya's voice rang out from the kitchen where she was obviously cooking.

"Yeah everything is fine, the mission is a little complicated but shouldn't take very long." On her way to the kitchen, Liam stumbled down the stairs carrying a large machine that was beeping and flashing different colors.

Ash ruffled the hair of the young boy. "Hey bud, what's that?"

"I'm trying to make an explosive disco ball but I don't know what else to add," he replied as they both walked into the kitchen.

"Maybe try adding a passcode to make sure others don't try and disarm it?" she suggested sitting down at the table.

"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!" he squealed, setting the rainbow ball of doom down on the couch. Maya set the food down on the table and gave them both disapproving looks but didn't say anything. She knew better than to think it would do any good.
"Just don't blow up the house... again." Maya sighed, as she sat down to start eating.

"So what is it this time?" Maya asked as the three kids sat on the couch to begin planning for Ash's next mission.

"I need to retrieve some information from a Hydra base. Probably shouldn't take too long, I'll be in and out in no time" Ash replied.

"Just be careful." Maya reminded her in a stern voice.

"I'm always careful." Ash retorted and put her hand over her heart in fake offense.

"Yeah... sure," Maya muttered as she headed up the stairs to get ready for bed. Ash rolled her eyes at her friend's comment and turned on the TV. She flicked through the channels until she found the news and turned up the volume.

"And now on the latest about the Avengers," the news lady said as Ash rolled her eyes again. She was NOT a very big fan of the Avengers. "Ever since the latest additions to the Avengers, the team has been able to save the people of California by getting rid of one of the major Hydra bases-" Ash turned off the TV. She couldn't listen anymore or else she might actually throw up. She had known about the Avengers ever since she started believing that they would come to save her from the orphanage. However, when they did not come to save her, she gave up on believing in them. Instead, she had managed to find her own way out along with Maya and Liam, and that was the way she liked it. Just the three of them together in this apartment that they had managed to rent, even though they were all minors. But she figured out a long time ago that as long as you give them money, nobody is going to stop you. That was also part of the reason that she started doing these missions. They paid very well and considering that she basically had powers, the missions were not very hard for her. She knew that she was considered a criminal and that there were men four times her age that were terrified of her, but she didn't mind. At the orphanage, they taught her to either fear or be feared, and she knew that as long as she was feared then no harm would come to Maya or Liam, and that was all that mattered to her. Dragging her legs, Ash made her way upstairs to try and get a good night's sleep before her mission tomorrow. Ever since she got her powers she never needed much sleep, but it still felt nice to be well-rested.

Avengers pov:










Both men turned around to face Natasha as she yelled to get their attention.

"Focus please," she said as her face turned back to the screen where Tony was presenting their next mission.

"But he took my pen." Sam pouted as he pointed toward Bucky who was grinning and twirling Sam's pen in his metal fingers.

Tony rolled his eyes and continued presenting as if nothing had happened. "This Hydra base is known to be carrying information on a new project that Hydra is working on. Our job is to go in and take the information so that we know how to stop them." Tony turned off the projector and turned to the rest of the team.

"Maybe we can burn down the building if we are feeling especially badass," he added as an afterthought as the team made their way out of the conference room. They were told to get some rest before their mission tomorrow. Tony and Bruce made their way toward the labs. Meanwhile, the rest of the Avengers headed toward the elevator that would take them to each of their floors.

"What do you think Hydra's been hiding this time?" Steve asked as they all clambered into the very big elevator.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we can stop it," Nat assured him as the elevator made a stop on level 34, and Nat, Wanda, and Pietro got out. Steve sighed as the elevator kept going up and Sam and Bucky started bickering again.

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