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Ashlyn's pov:

Ashlyn walked through the front doors of her house. As soon as she closed the door behind her Maya came running down the stairs.

"Geez, Ash where have you been!"

"They know," Ash said and she watched Maya's face go from relife to confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"The Avengers, they know what I look like, they know about the orphanage, Maya... they know my mom" Maya's face changed from confusion to shock

"They what?"

"They started telling me about her and there's also this" Ash took out the photo of Katherine that Steve had given her and she handed it to Maya.

"Katherine, her name is Katherine" Ash watched as Maya stared shocked at the picture she was holding. Maya folded up the picture and set it on the table before engulfing Ash in a hug.

"Please tell me you didn't just spend the last sixteen hours with the Avengers" Ash laughed as Maya let her go. Ash explained everything that happened, starting from the beginning of her mission to kill Aaron.

"-And so now I have to wear this to the meeting" Ash held up the little comm that Tony had given her and Maya examined it.

----(time skip)----

Maya said some words of encouragement before Ash left the house and sped down the streets on her motorcycle. She was going farther and farther away from the main streets of New York. The orphanage was a small building in New York but Ash knew that their real base was a little bit farther away. Ash finally parked in front of what looked to be a small forest. Ash took the comm out of her pocket and braced herself, she placed the comm in her ear and waited for something to happen.


"Ashlyn, I was starting to think you would bail" She heard Tony's voice from the other end of the line.

"How can I? I have my freedom at stake," She said sarcastically.

"Are you entering the building yet?" She heard Bucky's voice

"I'm approaching now, gotta change outfits in a few seconds" Ash walked farther into the clearing until she spotted the gray building that she hated so much. Ash changed her appearance to look like Aaron Marshall. She held her head high and walked up to the front gates. The guards looked at her suspiciously.

"Passcode?" One of the guards asked. Ash hesitated, she didn't remember ever needing a passcode to enter the building.

"One two three four five?" Ash guessed randomly. The guard gave her a disapproving look before each guard raised their gun to point it at her.

"Listen, guys, I'm sure we can talk about this," Ash said. When the guards didn't back down Ash sighed. She took out her own gun and shot three guards squarely in between the eyes.

"Good talk," she said casually as she placed her gun back under the tuxedo she was now wearing.

"One two three four five? Seriously?!" Tony's voice came from the comm.

"It's been a long week."

Ash turned to the last remaining guard and smiled at him. He was still pointing his gun at her but he also looked terrified.

"Won't you be a dear and open the gate for me?" She asked sweetly. When the guard disobeyed She grabbed his arm and twisted. Ash heard a satisfying pop as she dislocated his shoulder and the guard screamed out in pain.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt