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Avenger's pov:

"There's a hostage situation at a Hydra base right now," Tony said hurriedly as the team jogged toward the quinjet. The Avengers had been called for an emergency mission when HYDRA had taken some SHIELD agents hostage. The quinjet left the ground and the Avengers started getting suited up in the jet.

When the quinjet finally landed outside the Hydra base, the team exited the jet only to be met with the Hydra agents already waiting for them. The Avengers immediately began fighting off the agents, trying to get inside the building to save the hostages.

"Anyone get the feeling they were waiting for us?" Asked Nat as she fought her way through a crowd of Hydra agents.

"They did take hostages, they were definitely expecting somebody to come and save them," said Steve as he threw his shield which had hit an agent right in the head.

"Umm... Mr. Stark, why does it look like they're leaving?" Asked Peter. The whole team looked up and saw that half the agents that had been attacking them were now retreating back into the building.

"Do you think they gave up?" Asked Sam hopefully

"I doubt it," responded Bucky "it's not their style".

"Let's just focus on getting the hostages, then we can worry about their commitment issues," Said Tony, and Clint chuckled. As the team was slowly making their way through the Hydra agents, they started to notice more and more of them retreating back into the base. They thought nothing of it however and continued doing what they do best. Peter, Nat, and Bucky had managed to make their way inside the building. The others stayed outside to continue fighting the agents.

"You two check upstairs, I'll check down here" suggested Bucky and the other two nodded. Nat and Peter made their way down different hallways, fighting different agents that came at them and looking through different rooms. When they had looked around every room on the bottom floor Nat sighed.

"We didn't find them, they are probably somewhere up there Bucky," Nat said into the comm.

"Roger that," Bucky responded.

Bucky's pov:

As Bucky made his way down different hallways, he was met with many agents that tried to stop him but they were no match for the Winter Soldier. Bucky was slightly bothered by the many dead bodies that already littered the hallways of the Hydra base. As Bucky checked different rooms in the base he became more and more discomforted by the number of dead agents that he found. Bucky kept walking down hallways and finally found himself in the last unchecked hallway on the floor. He walked through the first door and was surprised by the scene that he found before him. 

There were dead guards everywhere that had been shot directly in the head along with a man in a black tuxedo that by the looks of it, had his neck snapped. Bucky pulled himself together and walked out of the room, his main priority right now was getting those hostages. Bucky made his way into another room and found the hostages surrounded by guards. He quickly knocked out the guards and released the hostages from the ropes that bound them.

"I've got the hostages," He said into the comms.

"Good, now come back to the jet and let's get out of here" He heard Steve's voice call back to him. Bucky led the group back through the hallways. He finally exited the building, killing a few guards that tried to stop them along the way.

"Alright let's do a headcount and make sure we have everyone" Said Sam as he started counting the heads of all the hostages. "We only have twelve, there's supposed to be thirteen of them," He said worriedly. Bucky quickly counted the heads as well and mentally slapped himself in the face. Sam was right, there were only twelve out of the thirteen hostages with them.

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