♥︎Twenty two♥︎

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We walked through the door and saw Avani and Charli sitting on my couch

"you guys are finally here!" Avani said rolling her eyes, causing me to laugh.

"Does anyone know what time Jadens coming?" I asked checking my phone for the time.

"He told me like 5:15ish." Josh said, it was 4:57.

"Is Nessa coming?" Josh asked looking at me.

"Yeah I think." I responded.

"Wait why does Josh have a bag?" Charli asked pointing at the bag in Joshes hand.

"He's staying at my house for the week." Avani and Charli both awed.

"OMG! This is the first boy you have ever had over to stay the night." Avani said and my cheeks turned red.

"AVANI! Stop." I said turning away so no one could see my red face.

"Hey guys!" Bryce said walking down the stairs, Tayler following behind him.

"Hey." We all said back.

"Addison is going to be here in a few minutes." Bryce said as he gave everyone a hug or high five.

"Jaden and Nessa are also going to be here in a few minutes." I said.

"Who's Nessa?" Tayler asked as he gave me a hug.

"She's new." Avani said, and Tayler nodding his head acknowledging that he understood.

"Oh yeah Josh is staying with us for a week." I said.

"Really mom said yes?" Bryce asked looking at me then Josh, I nodded.

"Wow it took her so long to let me have Addison stay." Bryce said, I laughed

"I guess she trusts me more." I said shrugging. Then there was a knock on the door, it was Jaden and Nessa. (They just arrived at the same time, they didn't ride together haha)

"Finally you guys are here" I said playfully rolling my eyes. " Jaden and Nessa laughed.

"What do you guys wanna do?" I asked as we were all sitting down on the couch.

"Your the one who invited us over here..." Charli said.

"Girl I don't need the attitude." I said joking, causing everyone to laugh.

"We could watch a movie?" Jaden suggested

"only if it's scary." Josh added.

"I'm fine with that. Wait Nessa are you okay with a scary movie?" I asked trying to be friendly.

"Oh yeah I don't care." She said with a smile.

Me and Avani brought snacks over to the couch and we sat down. Charli and Jaden sat on the floor, then Avani, me, Josh and Nessa were on the couch. I didn't like how Nessa sat next to Josh, but I had to show Avani and Josh that I wasn't jealous.

"What movie?" Jaden asked Grabbing the remote.

"The possession!" Avani yelled, and Jaden turned the movie on.

"It's so cold." I said as the intro to the movie started, and Josh grabbed a blanket and wrapped us both in it.

|After the movie|
"That wasn't even that scary." Jaden said as he turned the light on.

"Ok sure..." Charli said rolling her eyes "that's why you kept grabbing my arm." She finished her statement and me and Avani laughed.

"It's only 10:45, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"We should go get some food." Charli squealed

"I'm down." Nessa said, that was like the first thing I've heard her say. We all laughed

"Taco Bell?" Jaden said, we all smiled and nodded

"Bryce! We are leaving we will be home soon" I yelled as we walked out the door. We got into Jadens car, Jaden drove Josh sat in passengers seat and us four girls squished in the back.

"Guys we should go through the drive through then go to the park thats across the street." I said.

"Omg yess!" Avani agreed.

We went through the drive through and order a lot of food then we went to the park

"it's so cold I should've brought my sweatshirt." I said as Jaden and Josh layed down a blanket.

"Here." Josh said taking his sweatshirt off and handing it too me

"thanks bestie." I said joking and the girls laughed, Josh pretended to be hurt which made us laugh harder. We sat down on the blanket and opened the food

"guys we should play how would you feel." Avani suggested as she opened the nachos

"Ok I'll go first." I said

"ok so Avani how would you feel if Jaden asked you out." I smirked at Avani.

"I would feel kinda weird because we are such good friends." I frowned.

"Ok next Josh how would you feel if Kenz broke up with you right now?" Avani asked

"umm I would feel heart broken" he responded and I frowned and hugged him.

"Ok Jaden how would you feel if Charli liked you?" Josh asked and everyone gasped

"I would feel, I don't know I guess it would be cool." Jaden said putting a taco in his mouth.

"Aww" me and Avani said at the same time.

"Ok ok Nessa how would you feel if Kenz stalked your Instagram?" Jaden asked and everyone laughed

"wait I did not do that by the way!" I made very clear and my face turning red

"I guess I would feel special." She laughed, I don't know why I was jealous she seems like a nice girl.

"Umm Charli how would you feel if Jaden liked you?" Nessa asked because of what we asked Jaden earlier

"I mean I don't know..." We started laughing

"wait so is this a new ship?" Avani said smiling.

"What happened to chase?" Josh asked with a confused tone

"We weren't together I don't know he just wasn't it you know." Charli said looking at her hand.

"It doesn't matter because now we ship you and Jaden!" I basically screamed, because they would honestly be so cute.

"Whatever, um ok Kenz how would you feel if you dated Vinnie." Charli said looking between me and Josh and I felt so awkward.

"Honestly I would feel so bad." I admitted. I mean I would I would have lost these people forever no way they would have forgiven me.

"Ok guys we should get going it's 11:38" Jaden said standing up, picking up the bag of trash.


We walked into my house and my mom was downstairs watching tv.

"Hey mom." I said grabbing Joshes hand walking over to where she was sitting.

"Hey, oh yeah so Kenz tomorrow's your birthday right, so tomorrow at like 1:00 pm we are going to go to Disney!" My Mom put her arms out for a hug and I had a shocked look on my face.

"Wait actually!" I said still surprised.

"Yeah and I got 10 additional tickets so you can bring who ever you want."

"That must have been so much money mom! Now I feel bad plus you will be spending money at the park." I said looking her in the eyes.

"No, don't worry about it! It's your birthday. Now you guys should go get some sleep see you tomorrow." My mom hugged my then hugged Josh and we walked up stairs.



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What a Catch: A Josh Richards storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن