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"How bad does your head hurt?" Jaden asked me. "It hurts like a lot... it feels like someone is drumming in my head!" Avani looked at me "Maybe you should get some sleep?!" I nodded. I didn't want to go up the stairs so I laid my head on Joshes lap and Bryce put a blanket on me. I feel asleep pretty fast.

I woke up and Josh was the only one still there. "Hey Kenz." He smiled, I smiled back, "hey Joshy, where did everyone go?" He was playing with my hair, "Avanis mom needed her, Jaden had some family event thing, Bryce went to hang with Tayler and Blake went to Noah's house." I nodded. "How do you feel?" He asked me, "my head doesn't hurt as bad and I can't feel my ankle." I laughed, and he continued playing with my hair. It hasn't even been long since me and Josh started dating or even talking, but there was something special about what we had. "I'm here." Bryce said as he walked in with Tayler. "Can someone get me Icecream." I laughed but like I really wanted some, "what flavor?" Bryce asked as he walked towards the freezer "cookies and cream duh." I heard Bryce laugh. He walked back over with the ice cream "Thank you!" I smiled.

~One month later~ (because I'm lazy haha)

We were sitting in first period and a kinda cute kid walked in with the teacher "Attention class! We have a new student would you like to introduce yourself?" She looked over at the boy. "Hey... I'm Vinnie and I just moved here." He laughed causing everyone in class to laugh. "So we will be getting new seats" everyone rolled their eyes. "Back row will be Avani, Jaden, Vinnie, Mackenzie and Josh." I smiled, but I was really mad me and Avani still weren't next to eachother. "Hey" I said to Vinnie. "Hi" he smiled "I'm Mackenzie, you can call me Kenz or Kenzie or whatever." We laughed, then Josh walked over to my desk "I'm Josh her boyfriend!" He emphasized 'boyfriend' "Damn dude your lucky." Vinnie looked over at me and I smiled. "You can sit with us at lunch" Jaden said out of nowhere, I saw Josh roll his eyes.

Josh and Jaden aren't in mine and Avanis fourth period class but Vinnie was, some and Avani walked with Vinnie to our lunch table and we sat down "Hey Kenz!" Josh hugged me, I hugged him back "so Vinnie where are you from?" Avani asked "I'm from Seattle." We all nodded "what happened to your leg Kenzie?" Vinnie asked me, and I laughed a little "at one of our games I kinda landed wrong so I'm probably out for a while." He cringed a little "so your a cheerleader?" He smiled, I nodded "do you play any sports?" Jaden asked "I play football, I'm kinda bummed I can't play this season." Vinnie let out a little chuckle "you should go to practice today." I said and I looked at Josh "Josh and Jaden are the captains maybe they can help you get on the team?!" Josh looked at me "what?" I slightly hit his arm "like talk to your coach about letting him play!!" Josh laughed "dude, come on." Jaden said, Josh rolled his eyes "whatever." The lunch bell rang and it was time for fifth period "Vinnie what's your next class?" I asked him "umm history." I smiled "same" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the next class.

None of my other friends had fifth period with me so I was excited for Vinnie to be here "What's up with Josh?" Vinnie asked me. I gave him a weird look "what do you mean?" Vinnie laughed "I mean he hates me." I laughed "no he's honestly the nicest person I swear." Vinnie smiled "can I get your number?" I nodded and gave him my number "okay class let's get started!" The teacher interrupted our conversation. After that class the rest of the day was boring and it was time for cheer

Avani was waiting at my locker so she could carry my stuff for me "Vinnies kinda cute..." Avani smirked, I laughed "I mean yeah he's attractive." We both laughed "why was Josh being such a bitch?" Avani raised an eyebrow as we started walking to the field "I honestly don't know." Avani laughed "OMG
he's jealous!" Avani basically screamed "Josh?! Josh why would he be jealous?" I rolled my eyes "ummm... because Vinnie is hot and you, Joshes HOT girlfriend is being nice to the new kid" I laughed "no!! Besides Josh is hot too!" We turned the corner and saw Jaden "what's up!" Avani said as she gave Jaden a high five. "Has anyone seen Josh?" Jaden asked. "After last period I saw him at his locker." Avani said Jaden nodded. "So Vinnie seems nice." Jaden said and me and Avani started laughing "yeah." I said while laughing. We finally made it to the field.

"Josh we've been looking for you." Jaden said "sorry man I was asking the coach about Vinnie." I smiled a little "what did he say?" Josh looked at me "he said yes, but we got to see his skills" "yay!!" Me and Avani said at the same time "where is he?" Jaden asked, I shrugged "I can text him." Avani nodded "you have his number?" Josh asked "yeah, do you want it?" Josh shook his head "I'm just surprised you have it." I gave him a weird look "why?" He shrugged "Whatever just text him." Josh said has he walked away, I texted Vinnie.

Hey where r u?
Vinnie 😎
I'm trying to find the field lol
Omg I should have waited!!
Vinnie 😎
No your fine
I'm sorry!! :(
if you go out the
front doors and turn left and
walk back a little you'll see it
Vinnie 😎
Haha thanks

"you good ken Ken?" Jaden patted my back "yeah I'm fine let's go Avani." Me and Avani went to the locker room and changed for practice.

What a Catch: A Josh Richards storyWhere stories live. Discover now