Chapter 17

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a/n: Hey guys! I can't believe that I hit 2k not even 3 days ago and I'm about to hit 3k now and not only that but I've reached 100 votes!

I honestly did not expect this book to be doing this great and I'm so thankful for all of you and for all the amazing comments people have left.

italics = flashback

normal  = present


"Dad can we please go on that ride!" I pleaded to my dad giving him the puppy eyes he could never say no too

"You know how much I hate when you do that princess" dad let out a sigh "okay fine"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I plastered the biggest smile on my face, hugging dad as he and my 8 year old self made our way to the most fun looking ride in the theme park.


"That was so fun!" I giggled looking up at dad who looked down at me with the most genuine smile

"What should we do now princess?" dad asked me as we both looked around but just then my eyes landed on the cotton candy shop that was inside the theme park. I looked back up at dad and already knew he saw the same thing as me.

"Cotton candy!" we both shouted making us receive some glares from the other people that we both ignored.

Without a second thought, dad and I made a run towards the shop with dad a little behind me laughing as I giggled.

"That was so unfair, I'm an old man" dad pouted, hunching down to catch his breath. I kissed dad's cheek and scrunched my nose at his words

"You're not old, you're still so young" I said making dad chuckle

"Alright alright pick you're cotton candy flavours princess"

I squished my face against the showcase glass, with my mouth agape, staring at the several different flavours of cotton candy in amusement.

"I want strawberrry and blueberry" I said looking back at dad who just nodded before turning to the worker to tell them what we wanted.

He came back with the biggest cotton candy I had ever seen and bent down, handing me mine.

"Thank you for today dad, I love you!" I smiled at him before taking a massive bite out of my cotton candy, making my face sticky and messy

"I love you too princess" He chuckled, gently kissing my forehead.


I flustered my eyes open, rubbing them, noticing the wetness of my cheeks.

"I didn't know people could cry in their sleep till now" The same deep voice spoke

I quickly turned my eyes to see Vincenzo sitting on the seat, which was more like a couch, with one of his legs crossed over the other in a manly way.

"Memories" I said bluntly and he nodded his head understandingly.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and just then my stomach let out a loud rumble, making him chuckle and my cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.

"Well that answers my question" He said, calling the flight attendant over and ordering us food

"How much longer is it before we reach?" I asked, finally sitting up, wiping my cheeks and letting out a yawn

"Not long, maybe like an hour" He replied, looking at me with those piercing grey eyes of his as we both started eating and let me tell you, the food was delicious.

"Who did you get your grey eyes from?" I questioned because his grey eyes were unique and no not the "not a lot of people have grey eyes" type of unique but the mysterious with secrets type of unique.

When I first looked into his eyes, I was stunned because his grey eyes were so alluring and still are but the more I get to know him, the more I figure out and find so much more behind those eyes.

The urgency to seek revenge, the power to make his company great and the love, care and worry for his daughter. He wasn't the bad guy media point him out to be but a father doing everything for his daughter and her future.

When I look in his eyes, I don't become afraid or scared in fact I admire him because even if those eyes hold so much sorrow and hurt, he's still the strongest person I know even after what happened in his past and all of this just for her, his daughter.

And me? I'm weak. The girl running away from her past instead of fighting but he has someone to be his strength while I have no one.

Life has never been good to me. I mean come on, at first it showers me with all the happiness and then takes it away in a blink, just like that. My dad was always my happiness, my best friend, my other half, the greatest father and my strength so if my strength is taken away from me, I'm left back to square one, the pathetic and weak runaway girl.

"My mum" He spoke softly, smiling at the mention of his mum which instantly makes me know that she meant a lot to him.

"I can tell you loved her a lot" I said, moving my gaze from the food to him to only see him looking at me confused, his head tilted a bit to the side unknowingly. "You had this sparkle in your eye when you mentioned her" I smiled softly

"Quite observing you are bella" he said with a chuckle

bella...The nickname he had given me which I still don't know the meaning of.

"What does bella mean?" I interrupted before he could continue

"It's quite amusing to know and watch that you don't understand what it means but I'll give you a hint darling, it's in italian" He smirked

I rolled my eyes playfully because no where anytime soon will I get know what it means


"My mum was the most loving and the purest soul ever" He began with the same glint in his eyes

 "She was beautiful and had the most contagious smile, that type of smile where you couldn't help but smile back. She was an amazing wife to my dad and they had a very special bond that every time they looked at each other, love could be seen clearly. However, she wasn't just an amazing wife but also an amazing mother. She loved me so much that even if I had the smallest scratch, she would start worrying and freaking out but life's really cruel and took her away along with my dad" He finished off with anger and hurt present in his harsh voice.

"She would be proud of you because even after everything you've been through, you're still standing strong" I gave a comforting smile, not breaking eye contact once.

We looked at each other for a few more seconds before he abruptly stood up and walked over to me, cupping my cheeks in his large hand and placing his lips roughly onto mine making me gasp at the sudden gesture.

I hesitantly started kissing back, standing up and moving my hands to his hair and gently tugging on it, making him groan in response.

Moving his hand from my cheeks, he grabbed my waist with one hand and pressed me against him while his other hand grabbed the back if my neck, moving my face even closer as he deepened the kiss further.

He bit my bottom lip lightly causing a moan to slip out of me and took this chance to put his tongue into my mouth, now exploring everything he could.

"This is your pilot speaking, please fasten your seat belts as we have reached our destination"

I quickly pushed Vincenzo of me, looking up at him in shock with my eyes wide and my swollen lips parted slightly.

oh my god what have I just done...

"I-um-uh" I stuttered not being able to say anything and instead sat back in my seat and followed the order of fastening my seat belt while also avoiding him by looking everywhere except at him.

Out of curiosity, I took a peak at him to see him already looking at me as a smirk started to make his way up to his face.

Please tell me he is not finding all of this amusing right now. I'm here freaking out about what just happened and he has the audacity to smirk. This trip is going to be very awkward now.

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