Chapter 6

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Valerie's Pov

"What thing?" I suspiciously asked Gianna who pretended to not hear me

"Gianna..." she looked to the side now avoiding my intense stare

"What did you mean by that?" I asked once again

"Fine fine I got you a job offer" she finally replied which I had no idea why she was hiding from me because this was amazing news.

"That's great! this could really help me but why were you so nervous to tell me?"

"uhm...well you see some billionaire who you might happen to come across needs a nanny for his daughter and a personal assistant" she said

"and this billionaire doesn't happen to be Vincenzo right?" I said with a harsh tone

"how'd you guess? wow you're so smart-" she began as I cut her off

"I'm going to kill you Gianna!" I shouted, chasing her around the mall like a psychopath until she reached a dead end.

"hey hey hey! okay you might not like this specific billionaire but look at it this way, you will earn way more money and we can see still see each other" she quickly spoke trying to get her point across. She was right. This job could not only cover all my rent but also leave me with more then enough money to finally spend on myself.

"I guess you're right" I started and Gianna let out a breath "but how did you know he had a job offering?"

"I was talking to Evan and he mentioned about how Vincenzo needed a nanny as he wants Nora to be at his company while he's there and he could also use a personal assistance so it killing 2 birds with one stone and Nora already likes you which means you have a higher chance of getting the job" she said in one breath

"Okay I get the nanny part but the personal assistant? I know absolutely nothing about business because I major is medicine which has nothing to do with business" I sighed

"Didn't you also mention how you had to swap from medicine for one semester to try a different course and you chose business, so don't stress over it too much because all you need to do is be on his good side"

"Okay I'll go to the interview. when is it?" I asked her, still unsure with everything

"Yes! it's tomorrow at 6:00 in the morning and don't be late, he doesn't like tardiness and just a heads up his previous PA's lasted no longer then a week"

6 in the morning? is he alright? who holds interviews this early? does he not know there is something called sleep that people need in order to live.

I rolled my eyes "Thanks anna that really boosted up my confidence"

"I was just giving you a warning but lets go shopping for clothes we need to buy something for you for the interview!" Gianna said excitedly. Here I am trying to think of everything that could go wrong and here is Gianna excited about it.

However, I absolutely admired her confidence and energy. She was someone who could lighten your mood when ever you are feeling down and she was the complete opposite of me. I was someone who would always overthink every situation and when it came to confidence...yeah I have no clue what that is.


"No anna I'm going to a job interviewn, not to go and steal everyone's attention" I tried convincing her who was trying to get me to wear a slutty outfit that included a tight blouse and a really short skirt which I kept pulling down every 2 seconds.

"Fine" she huffed "Lets get you something more formal"

After looking at many and when I say many I mean around 10 shops, We finally came across an outfit which we both agreed on. It was a bit out of my comfort zone but Gianna had successfully managed to get me to finalise the outfit.

"Finally we got an outfit- wait how much is-" My eyes widened and I quickly ran to put the outfit back. No way in hell was I going to pay this much for the clothing.

"NO! the price is on me please just buy it" Gianna quickly stopped me

"Not happening-"





"Great!" she interrupted me, making her way over to to cashier

"What I said no!" I argued but instead she shoved her hand on top of my mouth to avoid me from saying anything

"buhm youmhm" I tried to speak which came out in a muffled voice

"What?" she said finally taking her hand away

"you can't do that at least let me pay for my thing" I said getting frustrated at her

"I said that it's on me so let it go"

I let her pay as I knew that there was no way she would let me pay now. I crossed my arms and made my way out of the store pouting as Gianna followed me with giant grin.


Right now I was ignoring Gianna because I was still mad at her for paying for my clothes which I might add was no where cheap.

"You can't surely be mad at me for trying to get you something that could make you're chances even higher for getting the job" she said while we made our way back home. There was no arguing that she wasn't wrong because wearing the clothes did boost my chances but I hated when someone spent money on me because I liked being independent.

One thing my childhood taught me was that its better to be independent rather than relying on others because that other might leave you and I'm not saying Gianna was like that but I had severe trust issues and I had come all this way fighting by myself and even if I learnt it the hard way, I learnt that at the end of the days it yourself who would never betray you.

"Okay fine but you have to let me repay you" I said finally turning to her

"Okay sure you can buy me food" She smiled to herself at the thought of food. She was a food lover, I mean who isn't but Gianna and food were just something else and she could sit there all day eating while I would be there sleeping. At least we had something in common, we were both really lazy.


This chapter was a bit shorter but it was something to update :)

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