Chapter 1

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a/n: If I have mentioned an outfit, I would most likely put it on the top ^^


3 years ago...

Valerie's pov

"M-mum what do you mean?" I whispered

"Shut the fuck up you slut and tell me where you put that god damn ugly necklace that Arden gave you!" she shouted while slapping me, making my head jerk to the side.

"I-I don't have it and I don't know where it is" I cried which only made her yank my hair and slam me against the wall

"Don't you fucking lie to me, I know you hid that necklace somewhere" she spat coming closer to my face

"Why are you doing this? What would dad think about this? GOD SAKE HE WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU" I returned the favour of shouting while anger overtook every pain I was feeling.

"Let's get one thing straight bitch and that is I don't care about your dad because you know what? he's fucking dead"

That was it. I stood up with all my strength I had left and charged at her while my blood boiled. I kicked, punched, slammed and cried. With everything in me I punched her one more time, knocking her out.

I didn't care how much shit she could say about me but when it came to my dad, I could not handle it.

I hurriedly packed my bags and took all the money I could find in this house and the necklace that dad gave me which is the only thing I have left as a memory of him and headed straight to the airport.

It had to be done. I needed to get away from this place I had grown up in and the place I had made all the memories - the good and bad - and the same place where my dad was taken away from me. I had to say goodbye and move on from this place and start a new life.



I slowly drifted my eyes away from my necklace and towards the view of the city that could be seen from my window. New York was the place I had always wanted to go and when I had a chance to start everything fresh, I could not imagine living anywhere but in New York.

Even though New York is a very expensive place for me, I was able to find an apartment barely in my budget but the downfall about it was where it was located. Mentioning New York, people would assume modern apartments with high quality everything, but no. The apartment that I found was in a very sketchy neighbourhood where it was really quiet but since I had gotten an apartment on the very top of the building, I was able to drool over the sight of New York every night and mornings.

The apartment was quite small but also enough for me and included everything that I needed. It had a small bathroom, a kitchen, a little bedroom, a closet and a living room which had me quite shocked, given the price wasn't really that expensive compared to other apartments.

However, when I first walked into the apartment, it was a total nightmare. All was scattered, the paint was peeling, and an awful smell had been stuck inside for I don't know how long, so no wonder why it wasn't as expensive as an apartment with just a kitchen, bedroom and a bathroom which still wouldn't be anything I could afford.

However, with some money spared, I was able to re-decorate the apartment into a welcoming home which I was quite proud of.

I looked over to my clock which read "7:50AM" and that meant I had to get ready for work.

Work...that was something I had struggled for months when I came to New York. My dad had spent a lot of money in California to get me into the best medical school there was, and being a doctor or working in a hospital was still something I was really interested in.

Though, after my father's death, my psychotic mother took all that had belonged to my dad, as well as burning all of my college graduation papers and everything else that could prevent me from having a good job.

So, in a city like New York, where there was so much competition, I was always seen as a poor girl with no intelligence so no good paying job would accept me and any interview I gave, I was rejected.

Fortunately, on my way back from an interview at a well-known hospital, I came across this little bakery on the corner of the bustling streets. It was honestly a hidden gem of New York and to my surprise they were hiring and there was no way I could pass up this opportunity as I needed to make money in order to pay my rents.

The bakery was named 'Maria's Italian delights' which was ran by an old sweet lady called Maria and her grand-daughter Gianna.

I have been working at that bakery for almost two and a half years and it felt like home to me. I had also grown a relationship with both Maria and Gianna and Maria is now a motherly figure to me and always sees me as her second grand-daughter and Gianna is now my best friend and my only friend. She was the person who didn't judge me based on my clothes, how much money I had or how desperate I was for a job, but just saw me as her best friend.

Even though I had trusted the both so much and to the point they had known almost everything about me from my likes and dislikes to my attitude and lifestyle, I could never bring myself to tell them about my past. Nonetheless, they knew I was struggling and that something had happened to me but they never pushed me to speak and respected my decision.


I dashed to the bathroom at the back of my mini apartment to quickly shower, brush my hair and wash my face.

I untied my hair and let my natural wavy brown hair cascade below my shoulders, ending just above my waist. These were the days where I was grateful that my hair wasn't a tangled mess.

Next, I picked out my outfit which consisted of high waisted blue boyfriend jeans, a light green tube top, a cardigan of the same colour, a pair of white air forces and a black shoulder bag. Even though I didn't have much money, I was still that girl who was interested in fashion.

"Not bad" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror

The time was "8:10" when I checked my phone that Gianna had given me when I first started working at the bakery, which I was mad about at first because it would have cost her a lot of money, but Gianna, being herself, persuaded me to keep it, for which I would be always grateful for.

I had enough time to make breakfast because the bakery was just 10 minutes away by bus but I had to leave even sooner because New York traffic was unpredictable.

Shoving the bread into the toaster, I got the butter out the fridge and patiently waited for the bread to toast. Once the bread was out the toaster, I spread a decent amount of butter on it and quickly ate, taking big bites out of it. Before leaving, I quickly went back to the mirror to check if I had anything on my face and once everything was well, I locked the apartment and went out to the bus stop.

First chapter!!!

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