Chapter 14: Mirha

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Mirha's pov: 

Thankfully, there was no one in the living room, when I returned. I headed towards my room quickly, I didn't want anyone to see me in this condition. I locked the door and sank against it. I didn't have any energy left. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to comfort myself, but it wasn't helping. I was still cold--uncomfortably cold.

"He knows about it...... What if he uses it against me now...... " a shiver ran through me as the thought of future scared me.

I kept sitting there, till someone knocked on the door. I stood up and moved away from the door. "Who is it ?" I asked in a barely there voice. 

"Mam, dinner is ready. Sir is calling you downstairs." It was Hira's voice.

"I will be there in a few minutes" I headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. The haunted look on my face made me flinch. I splashed water on my face multiple times and then went out. 

Hiding from him wasn't going to get me anywhere, I could just hope that he would leave me alone. 

When I reached the dining room, I let out a deep breathe as I took the seat. But my relief was short lived, he came just a few minutes later. 

I kept my focus on my plate, "Did you get all the things you needed, beta ?" Mr Ibraahim asked me. Making my head turn towards the monster, I didn't know what to say. 

" We couldn't find a few things. I will get the rest of the stuff for her tomorrow. "Thankfully he replied, making my tense shoulders relax a bit. I just nodded as I turned my focus back on my plate. 

After dinner, I headed towards my room. I locked the door, but I knew it won't stop him. I looked around the room and then decided to place the table in front of it.I pulled it with all my might, the whole pulling left me breathless. But I sighed in relief once I was done.


Next morning, I got up around 10 am. I relaxed seeing the table still in front of the door. I got ready in black top and jeans with a back scarf around my neck. I was combing my hair when my eyes went to my side table. There was a folded paper placed there, I didn't remember placing it there. 

I went there and opened it.

" You really thought that placing a table infront of the door was going to stop me ?" The words on the page made my heart constrict painfully. I sat on the bed, still clutching the paper in my hand tightly.  My eyes darted around the room, not sure if he was still here or not. I knew that the note was the monster. 

"Why can't he just leave me alone?" I whispered to myself as a few tears fell down. There was no way, he had entered through the door, he must had used the balcony. I thought as I looked around, trying to know how he got in. I hadn't even felt any presence, it was a worrying thing in itself, knowing how hypersensitive I was about my surroundings. " I must have been relaxed because of the table I placed " I reasoned to myself. 

I got up after a while, there was no use of sitting here and thinking. I needed to think of something, to make him leave me alone. I moved the table to its original place and then headed downstairs. I just took a glass of juice, as it was almost lunch time. 

"everyone's home ?" I asked looking around a bit nervously. Maybe Hira knew who I wanted to know about. 

"Mr Saad had went out around 10 am. He had some plans with his friends. He won't be returning anytime soon" She informed me and I relaxed. I went to Dado's room afterwards. My day was spent in peace, I was happy when he wasn't even present for dinner.......


Salaam readers! heres the update.

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