chapter 3:Mirha

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Mirha's pov:

I stayed in the room given to me, till I was called for dinner. Hira was the one who came to get me. I rubbed my hands together a bit nervously. I was about to have dinner with strangers , practically. 

I entered the dining room and found that everyone was already seated. Mr Ibraahim was on the head chair, the glaring guy on the left side of him and a graceful looking old lady on the right side. 

" Assalamu Alaikum" I squeaked when they all turned towards me. 

" Walaikum Aslaam. Come here, beta (my child)" Mr Ibraahim's mother called .

I went towards her quietly, whole time a gaze was burning me, making me more and more nervous.

" Sit here !" The lady pointed towards the chair beside her. I gave her a small smile as I sat down. The dinner was mostly eaten in silence, expect for the small talks Mr Ibraahim's mother made. I was truly thankful for her efforts to make me comfortable. But, it looked like her grandson liked the idea much. I could feel the hate radiating from him, it was strong enough that I couldn't even dare to lift my head to look at him , or confront him about his glares. 

I excused myself as soon as the dinner was done. He made it hard for me to even eat. I went to the washroom with my night clothes and got ready for bed. I wanted this day to end as soon as possible. 

After taking a shower, and brushing my teeth, I came out to of the bathroom, only to get a mini heart attack. 

"Ya Allah !" I placed a hand on my heart to calm it down a bit as Mr glares finally lifted his head from the bed. He was laying there as if it was his room!!!!! Wasn't I even going to get any privacy?!!

" What are you doing here?" I asked feeling my anger rise. 

He slowly got up and came towards me, making my heart clench in fear. I quickly took two steps back. A frown appeared on his forehead, but it disappeared as quickly as it showed up.

" As you must have noticed! I don't want you in this house. Its your first and last warning! Leave before I lose control..." the sadistic smile he gave me, made chills run down my smile. 

" I not here for long. I will leave as soon as I turn 18.Its just a matter of few months." I tried to explain, not sure why he hated me so much, we barely knew each other's name.

"Months? I dont plan on giving you more time than tonight. I shouldn't see you here coming morning, otherwise, you will be responsible for what would happen " The smile he started off with, disappeared and the harsh look on his face took place. He left without hearing my answer. I wrapped my arms arounds myself, trying to control shivering. I quickly moved towards the door and locked it, trying to calm myself. 

Didn't matter how much i wanted, I couldn't leave this house, before I hit 18. Even if I left, It meant bigger problems,more fear ... more pain..." I can't leave this house right now" I whispered to myself as a few tears fell from my eyes and sank into my t-shirt. 


Words wont ever be enough to show her despair . The tears which fall are nothing but the liquid to lessen the fire in her soul .

Salaam readers, heres the update❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Vengeful love (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora