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Hell was painted gold from the lights of endless swaying flames turning the facades of every house we passed a rich hue of amber.

Beneath the eyes of a thousand stars, Odeion looked devastatingly beautiful.

I stuck to Seonghwa's side as we walked, watching intently as he pointed out stunning streets and whispered the names of every restaurant and cafe we passed in my ear.

The smell of food and freshly roasted coffee lingered on my tongue with every breath, rekindling a starving flame that flickered as San rushed to join us, cheeks flushed as he offered me his hand and I followed his gaze to the perfectly round lump of dough perched on his palm.

Frowning, a silent question settled in the air between the three of us. The corners of Seonghwa's eyes crinkled as a smile found its way to his face and San straightened himself, sounding out of breath as he said, "It's a steamed bun," and snaked his other arm behind his back.

I slowed a little as I gently plucked it from his hand and watched the look in his eyes brighten with pride as he fell into step at my side.

Turning it over, I studied the perfectly round shape before bringing it to my lips and sinking my teeth into the smooth surface. As the familiar, savory taste of meat coated my tongue, I moaned at the taste and let my eyes flutter shut for a moment.

When they opened once more it was to the realization that, where there had been two before, there were now three demons at my side.

Hongjoong stalked San in silence, a brooding look etched into every cut and curve of his face. The ravenette stole occasional glances at him before, at last, turning around with an exasperated sigh to stuff the bun into his mouth.

The son of Lilith's eyes widened as he choked on a stolen breath of air, but San made a dismissive gesture as he huffed, "There's no need to thank me, I'll get myself something else," as if forcing the thing down his throat had been a favour rather than a punishment.

Seonghwa chuckled under his breath as the two began to bicker, my attention fully fixed on the son of Lucifer as I took a moment to study the features that had been laid bare to me in the light from the passing flames.

The two looked so alike except where the First Prince of Hell had worn a crown of flames, locks of ashy blond brushed against his son's browbone instead.

He tilted his head towards me and I perked up as he whispered, "Believe it or not, but their neverending feuds do have an upside. As long as that hellion keeps him occupied," he motioned at San who was feigning a look of innocence as Hongjoong fought valiantly to finish the bun so as to lecture the younger, "I'll be the one in charge."

I gasped in mock astonishment at his comment, nudging his shoulder.

"Let me show you the best of Odeion, hm? I promise it'll be a sight worthy of even the brightest of saints," Seonghwa said to which I found myself faltering, watching him curiously. It felt sinful, whatever was hiding in the depths of his eyes, obscured by their darkness.

Still, I found myself nodding, a smile playing at my lips. This would be the last day of dusk Hell would ever see. If all went well tomorrow, we would be waking up alongside the sun the following morning like allies welcoming a new era, and so there was nothing I would rather do that night than to strike a deal with another devil.

So I nodded again, resolutely, the smile on my face growing wider as a smirk tugged lazily at the corners of the blond's lips and he offered me his hand which I accepted in a heartbeat, shaking it.

And then we were off, heading for the heart of a city that held secrets and sights never before seen nor explored by the traitors of Illenium. As I set foot on the cobbled stones and carefully crafted patterns turning every road into an artwork, I found myself dismissing whatever price the son of Lucifer would demand later on because the Hell in he would grant me that night was invaluable.

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