Heaven and Hell

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Since the beginning of time, good and evil have been perceived as polar opposites; one bent on destruction and one on creation

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Since the beginning of time, good and evil have been perceived as polar opposites; one bent on destruction and one on creation. Unable to unite or coexist, they have brought upon the worlds millennia of war, death, and destruction in order to fill the gaps that temptation, greed, and want could not do on their own.

Illenium and Odeion, Heaven and Hell, home to angels and souls that burn brighter than the sun as well as demons and those who have fallen from glory, suffered through lifetimes of conflicts before, at last, the portal between the worlds was closed off, forbidden, tearing them apart.

Known as deceptive, calculating, and cunning, Lilith, Mother of demons, closed off Odeion and the world below from the angels and their empress. Drowning it in darkness which coated the hearts of her subjects and their wings, she silenced and hid it from watchful eyes of judging dominions and archangels of the opposing courts never to be heard from again.

But nothing captures human interest more than human tragedy which was why, seeing the split and armistice as a victory to the world of light, the empress of Illenium, Lailah, kept open the gates of Heaven to everyone but the demons who sought refuge in the world above.

A polar opposite of the ruler below, seeking to protect all angels and keep alight the flame of virtue and righteousness, Lailah was far from Lilith's attraction to power. The trait, despite having brought her opposite to the throne of Odeion, also being the cause of her fall from Heaven and the Garden of Eden.

By now, the stories of light and darkness have been so tightly woven together that their captivating promises and veiled secrets of power and opportunities became so alike that they could no longer be distinguished.

But there is more to night and day than what meets the eye, for the brighter the sun shines, the more truths creep into that darkness of forgotten secrets and truths never spoken again.

The next generation of rulers, the Courts of Deadly Sins and Heavenly Virtues, were born long after the armistice and have never known anything but their respective lives in darkness and light, separated and painfully unaware of the horrors hidden in their predecessors' pasts.

However, the forbidden fruits in life, pleasures, only make us long for them more as we can't help but desire what is denied us. But while forbidden fruit is said to taste sweeter, it usually spoils faster.

Angels and demons could never unite, for good and evil are polar opposites. But is anything ever really black on white?

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