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I had barely regained the breath that had been stolen from me as Hongjoong's words settled in the air between us when, suddenly, the comforting silence of secrets and confessions was violently split by the sound of Wooyoung's screams as echoing through the garden.

Hongjoong and I scrambled to get away from each other, recoiling as if burned as we simultaneously turned to watch the son of Asmodeus tumble down the steps from the palace onto the worn stepping stones leading through the maze of flower beds, ponds, and pavillions making up the garden around us before barreling down the path.

San charged after him, materializing from the darkness which clung to his body as he moved, flowing through his hair, and settling within his eyes which were locked onto the target in front of him. Unlike Wooyoung who had gotten a rocky start, his lithe body showed no sign of strain as he outran him.

The other heirs to the Court of Deadly Sins appeared shortly after. I wouldn't have put it past them to have abandoned their responsibilities and run off rather than convince their fathers to let them greet the fallen angel, but I was happy to see them nonetheless, elated.

They watched the two ravenettes with humored looks and barely contained smiles as the son of Satan pushed the slightly younger demon out of the way as he ran for me and tackled me with a hug.

I felt weightless for a second before gravity took hold of my falling body. My lungs screamed in protest as we tumbled to the ground in a blur of breathy laughs and tangled limbs, and I felt the full weight of San pressing me into the lush grass which looked dark beneath the night sky overhead.

He looked much better, healthier, the bright smile on his face softening the sharp features which had always held a fox-like similarity in my eyes. Strands of dark hair brushed against his browbone as he studied me with a sudden mischievous look in his eyes, bearing no mind to the other heirs as they finally caught up as well.

"You little traitor," San chuckled, and I playfully hit his shoulder as he lifted himself slightly off the ground, allowing me to breathe as some of the weight was lifted off my chest, "And to think that you came willingly this time," he added, "What changed your mind about Hell? About helping us?"

"There was something hiding in the darkness I realized I couldn't live without," I smiled, watching his eyes brighten beneath the locks of ebony hair as he leaned down for another hug.

"I missed you too-" he began only to yelp as he was suddenly lifted off the ground with a swift move of Hongjoong's hand as he tossed the son of Satan aside.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, you hellion," he mumbled, offering me his hand which I gladly accepted.

Getting to my feet, I made a move to brush myself off only to frown as Hongjoong refused to let go again, intertwining our fingers as he faced San with a look of stone-cold challenge, "She wasn't talking about you."

I felt my cheeks flush as I opted for my other hand instead, dusting torn blades of grass and lonely clover leaves off the skirt of my already torn and stained dress.

Seonghwa regarded us with amusement and, as he turned to Hongjoong, pride as he crossed his arms and mused, "For someone who would sell his soul to avoid redemption, you sure have fought valiantly for that saint."

But where the son of Lilith would usually have offered a witty retort, a snarky comment, or any other sharp remark, was nothing but quiet air as he instead tightened his grip on my hand.

The silence invited curiosity, whether intentional or not, and as Seonghwa's eyes fell completely on me then, I noticed how they hardened as they searched my face. I knew the hostility and anger within their depths weren't directed at me but at the bruise blossoming around my eye like a morbid thunderstorm, yet the attention made me uneasy.

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