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Sneaking into the library proved more difficult than I had anticipated at first, especially with three demons on my heels whom I absolutely couldn't afford to let anyone see.

Especially since the three demons I had chosen were the ones that would get me in the most trouble if we happened to stumble upon any officials or Archangels; San, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong, whom I had promised to help for five days. The sons of Satan, Lucifer, and Lilith herself.


Admittedly, it wasn't that I didn't want to believe them about the Lunar Flame; the object which would supposedly bring back the light to Odeion and save Hell from drowning in darkness. If there was anywhere it could be, it would have to be in Heaven.

But I had never heard the name before, heard of such a thing, which was why the palace's libraries would surely be of more help to them than me.

The only problem, something I hadn't realized before I found myself face-to-face with one of the elderly librarians, cloaked and old and grey, was that I had never before stepped foot into any of the great halls of books and knowledge and forgotten stories before.

I had always been too busy, occupied with my tasks and responsibilities, which was why Heeseung and the others would usually fetch the books I needed on my behalf.

I could see the hesitation in her eyes as she regarded me curiously, doubtfully, with her milky white eyes, spent up from centuries of stories and information and words, as they traveled across my form while I tried to keep my chin high before she, at last, nodded  and guided me through the doors.

Through the corner of my eye, I saw the others slipping into the library as well, soundlessly and quickly hurrying through the archway before the doors closed with a dull sound that sent a shiver down my back, disappearing behind a row of bookshelves.

The room was enormous, seemingly endless, as it stretched out in front of us, going on and on and on as I followed the librarian towards one of the sections.

The sounds of our footsteps echoed through the air as we made our way across the polished marble floors; a stark contrast to the warmth of the wood from which the shelves and intricate bookshelves had been cut, filled to the brim with books; leatherbound, bare, strung together with colourful thread.

Above us, an enormous mural, a fresco, loomed; a scene painted from bright colours depicting the war in an almost beautiful manner, angels and demons soaring across the sky, white and black wings outstretched, spears raised.

I tore my eyes away from it as the elderly woman finally came to a halt and silently gestured down the corridor of books she had led me to before disappearing again, leaving me with a light frown on my face as I watched her scurry away.

"I'm not gonna lie, she really gives me the chills," San said as he appeared from the shadows behind me and looked across my shoulder. I flinched in surprise, nudging him a little, "Don't do that," I whispered, "You scared me."

"Should we split up?" Seonghwa asked, crossing his arms over his chest, looking broad and dark as he tilted his head at me, "It would probably better our chances at finding something."

San nodded, taking a step back though he held my eyes as he said, "I'll stay with-"

But before he got the chance to finish his sentence, Hongjoong had already dragged him away from me, placing himself at my side instead, "No, you two figure something out. I'm going with Dahlia."

My eyes widened a little as I looked him up and down, surprised that he had even suggested such a thing in the first place, but I didn't argue as Seonghwa nodded his head and disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared a moment before. San followed his example, albeit a little hesitantly.

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