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I was still going over everything that had just happened as I made my way deeper and deeper into the palace, barely noticing the guards' greetings or the bowed heads of the servants as I passed by endless rows of intricately sculpted columns and ornaments, furrowing my brows slightly at the bright marble as I mumbled something to myself under my breath.

I had just defended the son of Lilith. And for what reason?

I had just gone against my friends, my loyal servants and the heirs to the Court of Heavenly Virtues who would one day rule Illenium by my side, despite having received their protection and guidance for as long as I could remember. And for what reason?

For a bunch of demons who had kidnapped me and refused to let me return home.

For a bunch of demons, one of whom had terrorized and criticized both me and my kind ever since he dragged me there, since he dragged me to Hell.

I turned a corner, spotting the room I had been searching for as I crossed the polished floors, my footsteps soft and barely audible as I picked up my pace and reached for the door handle to the empress' chambers.

"He might have had his moments," I admitted to myself, speaking out loud as I realized that my mother's room was empty and I would probably have to wait for a while which gave me an excuse to come up with a story to cover for the others. It was the least I could do for them.

"But that doesn't take away all of the horrible things he said," I mumbled, frowning a little as I turned around on the spot, "On the other hand, he did bake me bread-"

But I never got a chance to finish my monologue as I faced the door again, my words faltering as my jaw dropped at the sight of the very demon that had just been on my mind.

A small sound of surprise left my lips as I stared at Hongjoong for a moment before rubbing my eyes to make sure that I hadn't been imagining the son of Lilith before me, but as they fluttered back open, he was still there; darkness and all.

The gravity of the situation washed over me all at once, suffocating me, as I realized that he had not only kidnapped an angel, but also broken into the palace of Illenium. He was in so much trouble. I was going to be in so much trouble.

"What are you doing here?" I began, wanting to sound angry, to sound disappointed in him, but as the question left my lips it was hesitant, shaky, and growing weaker with every step the demon took toward me, the embers in his dark eyes growing brighter and more dangerously as he closed the distance between us.

"Wait, I can explain-" I croaked, raising my hands in front of me in surrender, but my excuses were cut short as his hand went to my throat, closing around it as he pushed me against the wall with a look that could kill, mine following in a weak attempt to keep my supply of oxygen flowing.

"Hongjoong-" I tried, but he interrupted me, voice low, dangerous, as he said, "You owe me something."

I fell silent, my heart hammering in my chest as I stopped clawing at his hands, realizing that he wasn't going to let me go. My breath picked up, labored, strained.

"You, angel, have proved to me that everything we have thought about you, about your kind, has been true," the demon sneered, his voice lowering an octave which sent a chill down my back as I stared wide-eyed into the darkness of his eyes.

And yet, I wasn't scared of him. I was desperate, guilty, and, most of all, sad.

"You're liars," he growled, tightening his grip on my throat which made me suck in a quick breath, "You're treacherous," his eyes narrowed, any and every sign of the occasional looks of fondness I had discovered within them long gone, "You're the true embodiment of evil if I've ever seen one."

Pray for the Wicked | ATEEZHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin