Aiden - Twenty-Three

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23 - Aiden


Today I came home from the hospital. Blair picked me up, and she's basically been my nurse, and hasn't left my side more than to run home and shower and change. She's seriously amazing and I don't think she realizes it. I don't deserve someone like her in my life.

Now that the Fentanyl is out of my system I'm thinking clearly and not laughing about everything like I apparently was. Everything fucking hurts. I was in the hospital for a week straight and it fucking sucked. I can't shower by myself, just thankful I can fucking walk. My shoulder was dislocated and had a small fracture so I'm stuck in a sling. Plus, a purple fucking cast on my arm since I broke that. Purple because apparently, it's Blair's favorite color and me all doped up on pain killers thought that would be the perfect color for a cast. All good though, she was the first to sign it.

"Okay, I have to go get Ryder and grab clothes for him and I then I'll be back. I'll make dinner and everything when I get back so please, Aiden, just relax." I sighed. I'm honestly sick of relaxing, but I barely have movement in my fingers so I legit can barely do a damn thing for myself. "I'm serious, no long walks and stuff, your ribs are still healing you need to take it easy."

"I know." I smiled at her and watched her relax a bit. She went to turn away from me but I grabbed her wrist. She turned back around with a smile. "Thank you. I seriously don't deserve you."

"Shut up. You're welcome." She laughed.

"You don't have to come back if you want to sleep in your own bed for a chance since you've been sleeping on a hospital couch for what a week?" I laughed abruptly stopping when the pain hit, and took a few shallow breaths.

"I'm coming back. With Ryder, you'll have to force us to leave if you don't want us here." She shrugged.

"I want you here." Came out as more of a whisper as I threaded my fingers with hers. She looked down at our hands then back up at me through her lashes. "More than anything else." I licked my lips and leaned down to kiss her. Our lips touched and her hand gently pressed against my chest.


"Blair, I seem to remember vividly you on top of me in my truck. Then me on top of you in my truck, not to mention back in August when we actually had sex, I can't get it out of my head. You can't tell me that you didn't enjoy it, or that there is nothing between us."

"Since when did you become a sap." My eyes didn't leave hers.

"Since the first time I saw you walk into the backyard." She bit her lip and smiled shaking her head.


"What about him? He's my boy, I love that kid. You know this."

"Just all this shit I'm dealing with when it comes to Caleb, and just everything. Nothing with me is easy."

"I don't want something fucking easy."

"Aiden stop, you're 22, and I'm a ready-made family. You have girls literally falling at your feet!" I looked up let out a breath and looked back at her.

"I don't want anyone else Blair. I want you, and I want Ryder. I could have fucking died a week ago, while I was there lying on the ground being told not to move, you're the only person that crossed my mind the entire time. Fuck, you've been the only woman on my brain since the first time I laid eyes on you." I let out a small laugh and shook my head. "I know I'm fucked up; I know this is going to fucking hurt like hell the second I fuck up. But I don't want to think back to a what if... I want to look back and know that I tried everything, every single fucking day to show you how truly amazing you are. To show you what kind of man you deserve, even when he doesn't deserve you. I wan-" She cut me off by pushing her lips to mine.

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