Blair - Two

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2 – Blair

3 Years Ago (18)


"I can't believe you got another fucking tattoo Blair." He shook his head with complete disapproval. Good thing for me I didn't need a man's approval when it came to my body. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you know, it is my body."

"Your one entire arm is covered, seriously you aren't going to be anything. You're fucking 18 and won't be able to have a career because of that shit all over your body."

"Excuse me?"

"It is seriously such a fucking turn off too." He shook his head again and looked down.

"I mean, there's the door." I laughed.

"I love you; I didn't mean it like that."

"It sure sounded like a lot less than love of any kind." I let out a laugh. "I like my tattoos. I'm a model for tattoo magazines. So, even if that career path doesn't pan out as far as I hope it would, I have a fall back plan."

"You're never going to make it as an actress."

"Thanks for the confidence, even though that isn't it either but shit Caleb, if I didn't know any better this sounds more like a breakup is brewing."

"I'm not trying to break up with you Blair." He ran his hands down his face before putting them on my biceps. "I'm just...I want everything with you, and you doing this...these body modifications and not even talking to me about it first? That's fucked up in my eyes. If we're in this for the long run shouldn't this be a joint decision."

"You're seriously. Okay, listen closely sweetie. It is my body, that I allow you to be close to, don't forget that. I can do whatever the hell I want to with my body. Modify it any way I damn well please. Without your approval. So, you can be with me and love me for my mind and personality or we can part ways now and save us both the pain of dragging this shit on any longer."

"I'm 26 I ain't starting all over with someone."

"We've been together less than a year!" I laughed. "You wouldn't have even looked twice at me if I didn't make you money with that damn camera." I laughed again.

"That is not true."

"CALEB!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Seriously, I was freshly 18 moved to California from Texas, you were the first photographer that would even give me a second glance. Your work of ME got us in magazines and you're complaining right now about how I look...which is the only reason you made it to big mags!"

"And I appreciate that and everything. But like, I don't know."

"What? Are you ashamed of the way I look?"

"No." He shook his head quickly dropping his hands from me. "I just..." He groaned. "My Mom and Dad don't like them."

"This is why you won't bring me to meet them, and that's fine. I don't need the approval of your parents." I shrugged. "Seriously, we can just break things off. I want to go home anyway. I have a few photographers that want to work with me in Texas, figured I'd just go and enjoy some time back with my family."


"Caleb." I laughed.

"This isn't how I wanted this shit to go."

"You'll find someone else honey." I patted his chest. "Someone, that you aren't ashamed to bring home to Mommy and Daddy." I winked at him and walked past him to the apartment door. Thank heavens I didn't move in with this man when he asked me to. I'd be in deep water.

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