Aiden - Eleven

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11 - Aiden


I'm lying on a chair with one of my best friend's hands resting entirely too close to my fucking balls. I've got a beautiful woman sitting to my left, and I'm staring at the name on my phone screen not wanting to answer it.

"Just bitch block her dude." Barrett laughed. I shook my head and put my phone down on my stomach face up before rubbing down my face.

"I don't want to fucking deal with her."

"Is this what guys seriously do?" Blair laughed. "Like I know as a woman we do shit like this but I didn't think y'all did." She laughed again. I shook my head smiling over at her.

"I always answer my phone. Always. This is going to piss her off."

"She's going to flip." Barrett laughed. My phone rang again and after seeing it was Ryleigh again, I just silenced it and put it back down. A few minutes of silence later we heard the shop doors open and loud voices. Tyler was behind the counter attempting to handle the situation.

"Is he back there?" I already knew it was Ryleigh's voice.

"You can't go back; you know the rules." Tyler tried.

"Fuck the rules Ty, you know damn well I've been back there before."

"Not while B is tattooing."

"Act like I don't know exactly who's getting a tattoo right fucking now."

"Ryleigh, you can't. Shop rules."

"Fuck the shop rules!" Came out a lot louder and we all turned seeing Ryleigh come back around the wall to where everyone was tattooing. There are four stations in this part of the shop set up, and they were all being used. "Hey!" Her face lit up and fell in a matter of seconds. "Oh."

"What's up Ry?" Barrett stated, still working on my leg.

"I remembered his appointment was today. Figured I'd check in, bring him some snacks and whatever. But..." Ryleigh said drifting off.

"We haven't talked in a few days. What makes today any different?" I asked her, she shrugged her shoulders.

"You didn't answer my call."

"I'm a little busy." I looked down at my leg, since I had one hand covering my junk and just realized that Blair's hand was resting on my other arm.

"Your phone is literally on your stomach. If you move your arm you can reach it."

"Ry, what do you need? I'm not going to sit here and fight and argue with you about this shit. And again, we haven't even talked since you flipped out on me Saturday night."

"I didn't flip out on you just thought it was a little irresponsible for you to have someone you don't know at all on the back of your bike." Ryleigh didn't move from her spot but the anger radiated from her.

"Awe snap." Barrett said with a laugh.

"You shut the fuck up." I laughed pointing at Barrett. "Why do you think that you have claim to the back of my bike?"

"Just saying you don't know her." Ryleigh shrugged obvious hurt written all over her face.

"You don't know her either." I shrugged.

"But she's the one sitting next to you right now. I've never been at one of your appointments for more than a few minutes to drop off candy and shit for you." She held up a bag.

"She's right here." Blair smiled and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not talking to you." Ryleigh spat.

Finding You (You Series, Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now