Aiden -Seven

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7 - Aiden

Now (22)


I'm pretty sure I'm officially the only dude out of all my friends that doesn't have an actual girlfriend. Just a bunch of one nighters and a lot of phone numbers for booty calls.

"Yo, Summer got any girlfriends she can bring around. I need some fresh shit." Jordan laughed at me.

"You're not corrupting any of my girlfriend's friends that she decides to bring over."

"Dude, come on. Ansley won't bring around any of her friends either."

"Because we know you, call Ryleigh."

"I just repaired that friendship I ain't about to fuck it up again." I laughed. "You think Hayes got any friends that are girls?" Jordan shrugged his shoulders dropping the board we were carrying.

"Beats the fuck out of me man, talk to him."

"That man has no fucking fear."

"Why because he was on the roof the other day?" Jordan questioned.

"Well yea, one slip and ... splat."

"He isn't a moron like you." Jordan laughed and Hayes came walking out of the house.

"Speaking of!" I yelled over at him.

"What?" Hayes asked.

"Was just talking about the Dripping Springs job, how you don't give a damn if you die." He laughed shaking his head.

"I care if I die."

"You're up on a roof." I deadpanned. Jordan was just shaking his head.

"Yea secured to the edge, so that if I fall, which I won't, I'll be caught before hitting the ground." He shook his head at me laughing.

"It's fucking three stories up at least!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"You're really scared of heights dude; it isn't that bad." Hayes laughed setting down the bags.

"You are seriously insane!" My voice went high, it was kind of embarrassing.

"Dude, I thought your balls dropped years ago?" Jordan laughed shaking his head. "Help me move the fire pit." He asked Hayes laughing they moved the fire pit closer to the deck.

"Fuck you, my balls have nothing to do with a fear of fucking he-" I cut myself off stared up towards the garage. I caught a glimpse of a drop dead gorgeous fucking woman taking cautious steps toward the three of us. She had silver and purple hair, tattoos running up and down both arms, and was wearing a tank top and short shorts that definitely weren't leaving much to the imagination. Jordan and Hayes both cleared their throats. I tried to stop objectifying this beautiful woman in front of us.

"Uhm, I'm looking for Ansley?" Words weren't coming out of my mouth, I tried, but nothing.

"She's inside, I'm going to grab a beer if you want to follow." Hayes stated.

"I actually have some things to grab out of my car, beer being one of them." She said before turning around. I shook my head and quickly spit out.

"I'll help." And jogged up toward her not stopping until we were both in the garage.

"Thanks, I have two cases actually. Ansley didn't say how much to grab so I just figured more is better." She laughed and it was fucking adorable.

"Don't mind him, he's got a hard time talking around beautiful women. I'm Jordan." I blinked a few times looking over at my brother.

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