Chapter Fifty- One- Camp Is Not A Happy Place To Be

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I stared around my own group with dread. Dear god, please do not make these groups a permanent thing.

"Okay so take a hard look at these people in your group because there going to be your buddies for these next couple of days!"

Oh, and she said it.

The chirpy lady grinned at us all. "Now, how about some fun games to end this year!"

Wow. Okay. "How about we all reflect on this years events and our feelings. One sentence on something you've learnt this year!"

Someone kill me now.

Why did I even agree to go on this camp?

Sam, Oliver and Mason were all in the same group and away from me. From the corner of my eye I could see Caleb eyeing them off as if he wanted to be there.

That made the two of us.

I was stuck in my 'buddy group' with cheerleaders and nerds. Two girls I had been on the cheer leading team with kept glaring at me. Fred was also in the group, he was standing beside me looking nervous. While Caleb stood as far away from me as he could.

One of the cheerleaders- Avery, had a ball thrown towards her. She frowned at it as if she'd never seen a ball before.

The lady grinned. "Just say something about what you learnt this year."

This had to be the lamest exercise ever.

To top it all off it wasn't like I could somehow run away. We were in the middle of no where. Far away from Beverly Hills. All that surrounded us were cabins and the beach. Which wouldn't have been so bad if we were able to escape to the beach.

Mr K had organised this end of year camp as a type of 'celebration'. I don't know what type of parties he likes to throw. But this is defiantly not my term of 'fun.'

Being away from my friends and surrounded with people who are ignoring me? (excluding Fred) yeah, this is real fun.

"Uhmm.." Avery muttered. "I think I learnt..." She frowned. "I don't know what I learnt."

She looked like she was about to have a heart attack while trying to think.

"Okay." She smiled. "No need to hurt yourself."

A few of the kids smirked and snorted. I smiled a little myself, my eyes connected with Caleb's in the circle. He was also grinning, though that smile disappeared when his eyes met mine.

The ball was thrown towards Mel. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that she was in my group? Mel's eyes met mine. In that moment I knew that she was either about to embarrass the hell out of me or say something really mean. If I'm really lucky, she'll do both. "I learnt that some geeks should stay where they came from."

My heart sank.

Two days suddenly looked far too long.

"Alright then..." The lady hesitated and threw the ball at Sophia.

Sophia's face heated, till she looked at Mel and muttered. "I learnt to stick up for myself."

I grinned at Sophia while smiled towards me. Okay... maybe I did have some friends in this group. Weird to think that Sophia would ever associate with me.

The ball was next thrown at Sienna who grinned. "I learnt that some friends who ditch you, should be dead to you."

The smile on Sophia's face dropped.

The lady didn't even know what to say to that, instead she simply had the ball thrown back towards her and threw it towards Caleb. I swallowed hard as my heart raced and sweat built on my hands.

Caleb stared blindly at a wall, in a lifeless and dead voice, he clutched the ball in his hands. "I learnt to never trust anyone." He threw the ball back towards the lady where his eyes slowly met mine.


I flinched at the impact of the ball and blindly stared at the lady. "I'm so sorry dear!"

I rubbed the side of my face as the cheerleaders started to laugh. "That's OK." I blushed. I pick up the ball near my feet. "I learnt..." I hesitated, suddenly realising why Avery didn't answer. I hate being put on the spot. "That I don't need to hide who I am. I can be myself."

The lady actually smiled at my answer. As if it was finally the response she wanted. Once everyone was done with saying what they've learnt this year, the lady told us to go and get settled in our rooms.
Walking outside to get my bags, I passed our group leader who muttered to another leader. "I think that I have a very deeply disturbed group."

I couldn't help but laugh to myself after I passed them.

Oh, you don't even know the full story of it lady.

I took a deep breath, feeling the pressure of room and it's eyes on me. I dumped my trap on the table. Caleb's eyes met mine where they slowly darkened.

I took a deep breath, "We should talk."

"About what?" He stabbed his food with his fork. "The fact that you humiliated me in front of everyone or hurt me? My life has been shit ever since."

"Are you serious!" I exclaimed. "You're the one who left me on stage in front of everyone to slowly die in humiliation."

"Don't be melodramatic." He snapped. "Why don't you just leave to you're own table where all of my friends have decided to ditch me for you?"

"I didn't ask them to talk to me again!" I took a deep breath. "And you think your life is so bad? How about you have your own parents not talk to you because they think that you've turned into someone else."

He snorted. "They're should be so kind of club for this, the 'Alley has turned into a massive bitch.'" I flinched. "Let's get this straight. Were not friends anymore Alley."

Tears instantly filled my eyes. "Yeah, I think that I'm finally getting that. You have to most stubborn person I have ever met."

"Really?" His eyes darkened. "I'll tell you what? You go and take your opinions and get the hell out of my life. I don't care about your problems anymore Alley. Or you." He stared down and angrily clutched his fork. "How about you go and make out with Blake again? Or better yet, you can go and steal some more money."

I might have stayed where I was for a few seconds before my blank look crumbled and I ran from the room.

I didn't take much notice of the room around me when I ran to the bathroom, or the fact that I left the door wide open. I sat on the bathroom floor. Letting tears, I'd been holding back slowly fall down my cheeks.

A soft knock on the door made me jump then freeze.

"Alley, please open the door." Caleb's voice came from the other side. "Please."

My jaw tightened as I hesitated then opened the door. Don't ask me why I did it, It's Caleb. "What do you want?" I whipped the tears from my face and sat back down on the floor.

Caleb shut the door and leaned against it, his face a mask of pain. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

I opened my mouth to tell to stick his apology up his ass, when a voice interrupted me. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?!" I shut my mouth.

Sam's voice came from our bedroom. It consisted of four bunk beds and this tiny bathroom. Lucky, Sam and I shared the room together with no cheerleaders but girls who we'd never spoken to in our lives. "BECAUSE YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!" The bedroom door was slammed closed.

"DON'T GET WHAT?!" That was Mason.

Caleb made for the door but I quickly placed my hand back on the door, I shook my head at him and whispered. "They need to talk about this."


I froze the same moment Caleb hissed, "So you want us to just stay in here? And listen to what they're saying?"

"I'm sure that next door can hear them as well." I muttered.

There was a silence. "You do?" Mason asked quietly. "Sam I like you to-"

Sam was still angry though, "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME TO THE DANCE?!"

"BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU FELT THE SAME WAY!" Mason started to yell back.

"WELL IT'S PRETTY OBVIOUS!" There was a quiet moment. "Wait, did you just say that you like me as well?"

Mason gave a weak laugh. "Yes, Sam I do." There was a shuffling of feet where Caleb's eyes met mine. Oh god.

I didn't need any subtitles to know why everything had suddenly gone pretty quiet. The only sound was there lips smashing together.

Caleb gave a low chuckle. "You should see your face right now."

My eyes widened impossibly wider. "My two best friends are hooking up."

Caleb smirked and sat on the floor across from me. "This could go on for a while." I knew what he meant when things suddenly seemed to escalated from the next room.

"Yeah, you'd know." I muttered.

He gave me a look. "And you don't?"

"As much as Blake would like to think he's some kind of God. He was horrible."

"How do you know? He was your first kiss." Caleb muttered.

"I didn't feel anything..." My voice trailed off. "It didn't feel right..."

There was a short silence. "So you're not dating him?"

I snorted. "No."

"Thank god." Caleb sighed.

I stared at him blankly while slightly frowning. "Did you mean it?" I whispered.

"Mean what?"

"Do you really think that I'm a massive bitch and that I stole all that money?"

Caleb swallowed hard where his eyes met mine. "I think that you've made some bad choices these last couple of weeks, trusting Mel. But I don't think that you stole that money." He snorted once. "You can't even hurt a fly."

I shook my head. "Everyone keeps saying that, but I could so hurt a fly if I wanted to."

Caleb smirked. "You sure? Fly's have family's."

I nodded solemnly. "You're right. I can't hurt a fly." I sighed, "I wish that I could rewind the clock and change everything."

Caleb and I sat in the bathroom together the next ten minutes in complete silence. It was the first time in weeks I had ever felt any kind of happiness being with Caleb.

Sam giggled. "We should go and find Alley. The party is about to start."

"What do you think she's going to say about this?"

"I think that she'll say 'finally!'" Mason imitated my voice in a high pitched scream, which wiht in all fairness. Did not sound like me one bit.

The bedroom door was slammed closed again. I got up from the floor and muttered, "Finally." But not because I was happy that they were finally together but because they had finally stopped. "I didn't think that they'd ever stop."

Caleb chuckled and opened the bedroom door.

He sighed again, his eyes slowly met mine where I froze. "Caleb..." Tell him! Tell him that you don't care that he doesn't feels the same way! I froze. I couldn't do it.

"You looked absolutely breath taking on Prom night Alley." And with that he walked inside the bedroom and closed that door behind him.


I contemplated with myself for the next ten minutes if I should go to the party. But then something occurred to me and I quickly changed into a short casual pink dress.  Which had flowery prints on it, I left my hair down and ran to the large outdoors area.

One of my classmates who I'd never spoken to before in my life stood on the side of the large stage which over looked the grass and people clustered around it. Once I was done explaining, the guy made my life so much easier and gave a large grin. "Sure Alley! I'll just tell the band!"

Okay... Maybe this guy knew who I was. Why did I not know anyone? The band eagerly waved towards me. I gave a weak smile and climbed the stage.

"What I Wanted To Say by Colbie Caillat right?" One of them grinned.

I nodded as one of them handed me a mic. I watched as everyone turned around and stared at me. I took a deep breath. "I'm dedicating this song to someone who broke me." I gave a short nod to the band.

The song slowly started as my heart picked up its pace.

"I should've done something
Again I did nothing
Watched us separate..."

The crowds shocked faces disappeared into a blur. They were replaced with memories of Caleb which continued to flood through my memory with each word sung.

"What should I do now,
Run and chase you down?
I can't hesitate..."

A low chuckle sounded behind me and I spun around. A boy was leaning against a tree watching me. "You know if you wanted the exit then you took the wrong root." I knew who he was.
"I-I wasn't looking for an exit just fresh air." I stammered, my cheeks flamed and he curiously looked at me, his head tilted slightly.
Caleb Conner's. He was the school hottie; every girl wanted him and literally kissed the floor he walked on. Guys praised him and anyone wanted to be his friend.

"'Cause all I wanted to say was something real
All I want you to know is how I feel,
All I wanted to give was my heart,
But I'm stuck here at the start..."

He grinned one of those breathtaking smiles. "Do I know you?"
"No." I scoffed.

"It's on the tip of my tongue but I'm still afraid
Sometimes the only things words do is get in the way
Sometimes the easiest things are the hardest to say
But I don't want to lose you, drive you away..."

He smiled back. "You know you should smile more often." He walked out of the room and I gushed out a deep shaky breath and collapsed on the bed. "Oh." He was suddenly back in the door way and I sat up straight and stood up. I felt a dizzied rush and winced. "I didn't get your name."
"Oh, um. My names A-Alley, Alley Sanders." I stuttered, feeling like the biggest idiot.

"Don't want to confuse you
I need you to stay.
Only wish you knew what I wanted to say
Only wish you knew what I wanted to say..."

He shrugged. "I missed you."
I blinked up at him in confusion. "You did?"
"Why do you keep looking at me like that when I say that I want to hang out with you?" I laughed and cut it off when I realised that he was being serious.
"Because I'm Alley and your Caleb, you're the popular guy and I'm well... me."
He was silent for a few moments as we walked outside. Everything out here was green with flowers randomly scattered and a hedge around it. We stopped at one of the hedges.
"What is it?" I asked, when I realised that he didn't answer.
"You really think I'm that much of a jerk? I don't care if you don't hang out with the same people I do, I like you Alley." My heart skipped a beat. "Now let's get this over and done with, I want to go and do something else."

"My hands are shaking
I'm yours for the taking
Don't you hesitate...."

"What are you-" He licked the ice cream from my face still laughing in hysterics.
"Yuck!" I yelled, jumping away from him. "Caleb!"
I gave him a dirty look which only made him grin wider. "Hmm, boysenberry." He mumbled.
"That was disgusting." I said.
"That was funny."

"Please just do one thing
One small sign, something
Let's jump off the edge..."

He leaned forward and grinned, my heart hammered. How could he not know the affects he has on me? "I'm sure that you'll dominate."
"You've never seen me dance before."
"Your Alley Sanders you can do anything."
"I can't fly." I stated with raised eyebrows.
He grinned wickedly. "Are you sure about that?"
Caleb moved behind me and started to push me. "You can't push me, I'm too fat." I laughed.
I heard him chuckle behind me. "Then your lucky that I'm really super strong." He started to push again, and I went flying in air. "Let go and land on your feet!" I heard him yell.
I braced myself and I let go.

"'Cause all I want you to say is something real
All I wanted to know is how you feel
All I want you to give is your heart
But we're stuck here at the start..."

Caleb gave an sarcastic laugh. "Understatement." I don't like this. I don't like him being angry and upset about Aiden. I sighed, and it was my fault. "Alley... I want you to know." I looked at him. "I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. Fighting off any guy who dares to treat you wrong, a phone call away if you need me, to just escape from anything or whatever. I'm always here for you."
I stared a him in surprise and slowly I smiled warmly. "I love you Caleb." I froze. My mouth suddenly went extremely dry. WHAT THE HELL!!! WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT!?!!?!??
"I love you too Alley." He smiled back and suddenly we were both staring up at the sun.

"It's on the tip of my tongue but I'm still afraid
Sometimes the only things words do is get in the way
Sometimes the easiest things are the hardest to say
But I don't want to lose you, drive you away
Don't want to confuse you, I need you to stay
Only wish you knew what I wanted to say
Only wish you knew what I wanted to say..."

None the less I still shivered and felt self-conscious. "I think Alley Sanders is a girl who doesn't care what other people think of her but you'll do anything to please other people around you to make them feel better. You're smart, you have a good personality and you're polite. Though you have to stop being shocked at what's right in front of you." he winked at me and started walking towards the door.

"It's on the tip of my tongue but I'm still afraid
Sometimes the only things words do is get in the way
Sometimes the easiest things are the hardest to say
But I don't want to lose you..."

"Alley!" I looked up just in time as a wet sponge was thrown into my chest; I stumbled backwards and picked it up scowling in Caleb's direction. "Oh man, I wish I had a camera for every face that you pull." He turned around towards the car, grinning.
"You're not funny." I told him, picking up the blue bucket.
"Oh I think I-" Half way turning back towards me, I threw the bucket of soapy water on his white shirt.
"Now that." I laughed. "Was funny."
His face serious, he reached towards a bucket. "You're dead." He said his deadly eyes on me.
I screamed and started to run.

"I don't wanna lose you
No I don't wanna lose you
No I don't wanna lose you..."

"I have to tell you something."
I wasn't going to lie to myself, my heart raced inside my chest and I could hardly breathe. Thankfully, he didn't seem notice but instead he paced my room. I decided not to say anything but watched him cautiously.
"We've grown sort of close these last couple of months and I've realised my feelings."
My heart stopped in my chest and I stood there like an idiot, too frozen to even think or move.
"I thought I've had others but really? Your special A, and your by far the best of them all. You're my bestfriend."

"I should've done something, I should've done something
I should've done something but I never wanted to
I should've done something, I should've done something
I should've done something but I never wanted to...."

I snapped out of my memories of Caleb and met the eyes of the crowd, but in particular my eyes met Caleb Conners.
He stared at me, his expression matching the crowds- shock.

"I don't wanna lose you
No I don't wanna lose you..."

Though one last memory of Caleb flooded through my memory as I sung the last line.

In one movement he was off the bed. "You look..." He stopped talking, still staring at me intently. "You look.." Well. He looked lost for words.
I looked what? Spit it out already!
"You look amazing."
I cracked a smile though my heart bet wildly in my chest. "Really?"
He shifted his head to the side, I wanted to crawl under the bed away from the way he was staring at me. There was this dangerous glint in his eyes that I couldn't place. He nodded. "You do."
"It's just make up." I breathed, tugging on my hair nervously. "And the dress."
He shook his head, still staring. "No it's not. You're always beautiful."

"I should've done something, I should've done something
I should've done something but I never wanted to
I should've done something, I should've done something
I should've done something but I never wanted to...."

The mic fell from my hand with a loud thud and echoed from the speakers. I instantly ran off the stage, feeling more tears well in my eyes.
- Sing a meaningful song in front of people... check.


It reminded me a lot of Alley and Caleb's predicament. Hope that you liked the chapter, those small extracts were some of my favourite Caleb and Alley moments.

spoiler- things are about to get so much better!
comments and votes ? :) xx

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