Chapter Ten- My Own Personal Hell

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I took a deep breath and stared at Melanie. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying out."

She eyed me off, her friend - next to her giggling was Sienna. She was a short blonde with wild curly hair and big blue eyes. On Melanie's right was Sophia- she was a brunette with hair cut short to the chin and hazel eyes.

All three of them were extremely thin, the skirt was navy blue with pleats which fanned out across their long legs; the skirt was also around halfway of the upper leg. The top was a small white and blue thing that was extremely tight in the chest with the letters B.H.H standing for the words Beverly Hills High.

I wanted to cower at the thought of even having to wear that.

"No freaks allowed." Mel glared.

"Melanie." Coach Siesta shouted, "Try outs are free to anyone who puts their name down." She walked into the room and took a fourth seat next to Sienna and nodded towards me. "Go." Just by the look in her eye I could tell she thought I wasn't going to any good, I never really put much effort in PE.

I gave Sophia my iPod with a glare of my own as she plugged it into the speakers and pressed play. The song 'Whip My Hair." By Willow Smith blasted through the speakers and I danced my heart out.

I did the same moves I did last year which had a few back flips and splits in it.

By the end I felt dizzy from twirling my head around and out of breath. I was greeted in silence.

"So?" I huffed.

Coach Siesta eyed me. "How many years have you been dancing fot?"

"I've been doing it since I was six."

"And you never thought to try out for the team?" She snapped.

"Uh- well no..."

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Mel said, squinting at me.

Geesh, tough crowd. "Next year is our last, so I thought maybe I should try something different." I hesitated. "I didn't want to go through my last two years and think that I should have done something I always wanted to do." I lied.

A full blown smile covered Coach Siesta's face. "There's girls even on the team who can't even dance like you, it's just a shame that you hadn't come before. We need someone with your style."

"Miss Siesta?" Mel chocked. "You're not actually thinking of allowing her on the team?"

"Did you just watch the same dance I did?" Coach Siesta snapped.

"What about the other tryouts?" Sophia blurted out.

The girl who had handed me the card came walking back in the gym. "She was the last."

"And the other tryouts? Can you say that they were better than...?" Coach Siesta looked at me. "I'm sorry what is your name?"

"Alley." I said, standing uncomfortably as Mel, Sienna and Sophia glared at me.

"No they were all terrible." Mel's mouth turned into a hard line.

"Then I think that we have our answer." Miss Siesta got up off the chair. "Practice is on tomorrow and every other day but Saturday and Sunday. I walk a hard and thin line but if you can put as much determination and skill as you did just then, then you'll be fine."

She nodded towards me.

I grabbed my IPod from the speaker and nodded. "T-thank you." I stuttered before fully bolting for the door.

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