Chapter Fourty- Nine- My Life Sucks

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Fred stood nervously in the line, he was hopping on one foot to the other. Sienna and one of the cheerleaders sat behind the table, taking money and giving tickets.

Ugh, prom.

Why did I say that I would go with Fred? I don't want to go! My eyes moved towards the posters on the walls. Sam had placed around 20 of them around the school while Mel had plastered hers all over mine and every inch of the schools walls.

Prom Queen. Honestly? I still couldn't get over that. Just thinking of it made me want to puke. I wondered what my mum would say if she knew I was in the running for it... she would get out of the bed shes been staying in since getting back from the hospital and be here in a sprint.

Okay... so maybe, right now I'm hiding a little bit. I stuck my head back around the wall and watched as Fred bought two tickets. I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

It was in that instant that I over heard something I shouldn't of.

Mel and Caleb were around the corner, near the prom ticket table. I pressed myself against the wall, as if I could melt myself into it.

"Come on Caleb." Mel whined, "Please."

"I just don't think that it's a good idea Mel, we're not together anymore Mel." What are they talking about?

"We always said that we'd do it together Caleb."

"That was before I found out that you were a massive bitch to my best friend."

"She's not your best friend anymore." Mel snapped.

"After you messing with her all this year, how could you think that I'd want to do prom with you?" Caleb started to sound angry. "If theirs anyone I would want to do this with, it would be Alley."

"Well, this time it was her who messed with you." What!? How? How did I mess with him?! What the hell is going on?!

Caleb paused, there was a long silence that followed. I quickly ducked my head around the wall, Mel stood in front of Caleb while smirking evilly.

Far out, she was a bitch. YOU CAN'T GO WITH HER CALEB!

"I'm over messing with your non existent girlfriend Caleb, just like you're over feeling like crap." I could just tell that she was still smiling. "Come to the dance with me and show her that you're over it."

Caleb hesitated, "I don't know Mel..."

"Think about it." She insisted, and with that I heard the sound of footsteps retreating. I checked around the corner again to find Caleb staring after her. He turned around and stopped.

"What are you doing?" He snapped. "Did you just hear all of that?" It was like any memory from last night of never talking to me again, had disappeared for his head.

I swallowed hard and felt a blush brighten my heated cheeks. "Are you going with her?"

"Why? Do you care or something?" He snapped again. Inside I flinched at his harsh tone.

I took a deep breath, feeling the blow of his words. Of course I cared! "You can't go with the devil."

He gave a low chuckle. "She's not the devil anymore Alley. You are."

I opened my mouth and felt tears well in my eyes. Caleb's expression suddenly broke from that angry smirk to pain. "Alley.. I'm sorry. I-"

"I got the tickets!" Fred suddenly appeared out of no where, holding out the ticket towards me. "Do you want the ticket now? Or should I give it to you on the night?" He asked excitedly, It took Fred a few seconds before he realised that Caleb was there.  He stared at him, suddenly blushing a bright red. "I'm sorry, did I interrupt anything?"

"No." Caleb snapped. "You didn't." His eyes trailed to me. "You're going with him?"

"Uh- yeah." I gave a weak smile in Fred's direction.

"What about Blake?" My heart sank at his words, that smile reappeared. "I'll tell you what, I think I might actually go with Mel. I'll go and tell her now." Caleb walked away, not looking behind him as he marched towards Mel.

My stomach dropped to the floor as I could only focus on that moment. Faintly, I could hear Fred speaking to me excitedly. "So should you give me the money for the ticket on the night?" Mel turned around and smirked, Caleb's face was expressionless as he spoke to her. "No wait, I should just pay for it!" Mel gave an excited squeal and wrapped her arms around him.

My voice sounded lifeless as I muttered to Fred, "I'll see you...soon." Blindly, I walked down the hallway feeling tears well in my eyes. Not caring if I made it to class, I quickly disappeared into a cubical and bawled my eyes out.

I have never hated high school so much. Life would be so much easier without Mel here. After I was finished, I walked outside of the bathroom and towards my locker. I was late.

When I made it into the hallway, I quickly whipped away my tears when I realised that Mr K was standing near my locker. "Ah Miss Sanders!" He exclaimed. "I was wondering where you were!" He beamed then frowned, "You're late for class though."

"Sir?" I frowned.

"I wanted to tell you that you are now able to go back to your usual Art classes instead of those Health classes."

"Sir, exams are only weeks away." I protested.

"You don't have an exam for Art miss Sanders." Mr K assured me. "Lucky that Melanie reminded me that I should have told you this." He frowned, "She also told me that you might know who has taken the money."

I stopped mid way to opening my lock for my locker. "Money, sir?"

"It seems that just 10 minutes ago the money for Prom has been stolen." He shook his head, "Melanie said that you might have seen who took the money. Though, you would have told me if you did. Woudn't you Miss Sanders?" He gave me a stern look while raised his eyebrows.

I was still frowning, "Of course Sir." I gave a shrug, "I don't know why Mel thought I was there. I was in the bathroom."

He nodded. "One of  her many delusions."

I couldn't of agreed more, I gave a nod as my lock clicked and my locker opened.

Just as it  did though, money poured out of my locker and onto the floor.

I stared up in shock at Mr K. "Sir, I swear I had nothing to do with this-"

"My office." Mr K's face was in a tight sour expression. "Now!" He yelled.

My hands shook hard as I spread the glue across the photograph. My cheeks were wet and red as I kept sniffing back the snot that tempted to spill.

It was gross.

I flipped the photograph over and gave a weak smile. It was the photo from the photo booth. Caleb had wrapped his arms around me while giving a large smile. I had a light blush on my cheeks but also an abnormally large smile too.

I wanted things to be the way they used to be. I glued the rest of the photos and pasted them down, all of them were pictures of Caleb, Oliver, Sam, Aiden and Mason. There were photos of Sam and I in the kayak  and Caleb and I laying under the tree.

My tears spilt on the page.

- Have a scrap book made of memories... check.

My heart dropped to the floor as I squeezed my eyes tightly shut.

I froze at the sound of a soft knock on my door. I opened my eyes to my mum. The expression on her face though made me want to run away with dread. "Alley? Why has the school called me about you stealing money?" She snapped. I didn't answer but stared at her blindly. "Well?"

"I didn't-" I took a deep breath.

"I don't even recognise you anymore Alley! Where has my daughter gone?!" She screamed.
I flinched at her words and the loudness of her voice. She shook her head and threw something on the bed.

I stared at it.

It was a puffy strapless and sparkly purple dress. It was gorgeous.

"I bought this for you." Mum said dully, "But with the way that you've been acting lately... You've ashamed me Alley."

And with that, she slammed the door behind her.

I lied, it's not high school that I hate so much right now. It's my life.


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sorry about the late upload,  I just moved schools and it was really nerve racking so I didn't really feel like writing but I hope that you liked this chapter.

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