Chapter Seven- You've Got Quite The Girl Here

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I sighed at my reflection and gave up. My hair was tied in a tight pony tail behind my head, flowing out near my shoulders. I applied some make up and pulled down the blue skirt.

The school I went to had a specific rule about no make-up and the skirt to be below the knees. Though of course none of the girls did this, the uniform we were all required to wear was a white shirt with buttons running down the front; navy stockings, a black blazer and the skirt which of course was navy with white patterns across it. All of the girls at the school made the uniform look better than it was.

I looked at the time and hurried down the stairs. Crap, crap, crap I was late! I grabbed an apple and hopped into my small black jeep. I turned up my music when one my favourite song bursted from my iPod into the speakers. I drummed my hands impatiently on the steering wheel as my thought eased back to last night, "I thought I've had others but really? Your special A, and your by far the best of them all. You're my best friend." Ugh, not girlfriends or people he loved. He meant a best friend. I felt like a piece of me flinched at just the thought of it.

Sure, Caleb has had a lot of girlfriends he is the biggest player any girl has ever seen. I used to not understand why any of the girls had thrown themselves at Caleb. But now? I could completely understand he was charming, nice and friendly it was hard to not like him. Poor girls.

Something occurred to me then. If Caleb was so charming then why didn't he ever use his charm on me? My hands turned tightly on the wheel and I gunned the engine speeding down the road when I realised why. All of those girls he had ever hit on? They were beautiful; Caleb never made a move towards me because I didn't look like any of them, even if my mother wanted me to.

By the time I arrived at the school I was raiding heat, my cheeks flushed with anger. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself before hopping out the car. The cool air helped to eliminate the heat and I mentally told myself to calm down. My throat was tightened and tears threatened to spill.

No, no, no. I won't cry over him, Caleb is nothing to you.

"Alley! Alley! Alley!" A voice screamed, I looked up just in time to see a wisp of red hair and someone's body crash into mine. I started laughing when I realised who it was and she tightened her grip on me.

"I missed you so much! You won't believe what happened to me! I met the hottest guy ever!"

She let go and I grinned at her. "Describe?"

"Blonde hair and bright brown eyes, he was gorgeous!" She looped her arm through mine and we started walking towards the school. I munched on my apple as we went.

"When you say meet, what exactly do you mean?" I said, trying to bite of my smile. "Did he actually see you using the binoculars?"

She blushed a deep red, matching her hair. "Well... he sort of threatened to call the cops but he talked to me!"

I rolled my eyes. "I worry about you."

She gave me a strange look. "Me too."

"We should do something about that, maybe counselling?" I suggested.

Her eyed widened and she ignored my question. The grin whipping from her face. "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! What happened between you and Caleb?!"

I hesitated. "We- uh... well were sort of really good friends now." I mumbled.

Her eye brows shot to the roof. "How close?"

"Best friends zone." I muttered, not looking at her. A few people looked my way and muttered something. I quickly looked away.

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