Chapter Twenty-One- Breakups And Challenges

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Caleb laughed and I flinched. It was his normal heart warming laugh that usually made my heart race, only now it felt like a thousand shatters towards it.

Was he laughing at me for liking him? My mind raced and a billion of feelings raced through me; hatred towards Aiden, humiliation, fear, dizziness, dread...

"Yeah I like you to Alley." He rolled his eyes and sat down next to Sam.

I paled. Yeah I like you to Alley... It was a joke to him. Tears pricked my eyes.

"Excuse me." I muttered.

Oliver slid out so I could move and I ran towards the doors, away from prying eyes and Calebs laugh.

I felt the cafeteria's eyes on me the entire time.

Until I knocked into someone, I had only made a few steps towards the doors.

"Sorry." I mumbled, I didn't look up but felt hand go down on my shoulder when I tried to step away.

I looked up and felt my stomach drop. Dammit.

"Sorry!?" Mel screeched. "You freak you just poured my water all over me!"

I looked down at the opened bottle of water and my jaw tightened. "It's water, its not going to stain."

A mean sarcastic expression covered her face. "No, but this will!" She grabbed a tray from a passing student and shoved it into my chest.

It happened so fast that I stood absolutely stunned.

My cheeks immediately started to heat. I looked down at my white shirt, pasta sauce running down it.

"Pay backs a bitch." She spat. I couldn't help it, the laughter of everyone around made the fresh tears fall down my cheeks. "Are you crying?" Her voice filled with disbelief. The sound of laughter covered the room, haunting me.

You could ask me right about now, why I never bothered to talk to Mel or try and get into the 'cool group'. This was the reason why, she was a bitch and made fun of anyone who ever crossed her path. You don't pass Mel without knowing that someday she was going to hit you with a car.

We were all just a part of her so called social scale; I was on the bottom. And that's just how it always will be.

Mel opened her mouth to say something but immediately stopped. Slowly, I turned around to where she was staring and met cold green eyes.

That was a look I never wanted to see on him.

Caleb surged towards us; people departed from him like the ocean but some of them he pushed angrily when they didnt move. "That's it! Were over Mel!" He yelled the words and the room turned silent.

Deadly silent.

"You're breaking up with me?!" Mel's eyes widened and she stared from him to me in astonishment. "You're choosing her over me?" She let out a sarcastic laugh, like it was the most unbelievable thing she had ever heard.

If she thought that, then that made the two of us.

"I'm not taking this anyone. Alley is ten times the girl you are; she's genuine and real." He paused and I heard Scarlett mutter.

"Besides her hair."

"Oliver's right you are sabotaging her, Alleys my best friend so stay the hell away from her. That goes to everyone else!" He yelled. "And if you don't then you'll have me to answer to!"

From the corner of my eye I could see the teachers all staring at us with disapproving looks.

"She's a freak and a loser!" Mel spluttered.

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