Chapter Twenty-Two- I'm Falling For You, I Mean What?

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Today was not going to be a good day, why you might ask? It was the day I'd been dreading all week. It was Friday.

So here's the thing, I was an OK dancer... I wasn't amazing or anything. I was average. The rest of the week had consisted of hopeful looks from Caleb, Aiden, Oliver and Sam.. I didn't count Mase since honestly I think he was still a little bit confused about the whole thing. Caleb didn't sit with Mel anymore but at our table, it was only yesterday that I noticed it as actually "our table".

It wasn't like I wanted any type of attention but there were some looks thrown towards us when we sat down: a few nasty glaring faces in our direction and surprisingly some looks of jealously.

I remembered the moment perfectly, Caleb sat down next to me and suddenly everyone attention was on that moment. You know with that over dramatic slow motion moment? It was like that. Exactly when Caleb's butt touched the bench, whispers erupted like a plague. I should know, because I was watching his butt... And let me tell you this Caleb Conners has a cute butt.

I was becoming more perverting thing Sam, wow.

Anyway the table discussions had been awkward at first, Caleb would sit there silently and watch Oliver and me across the table. Sam told me that he was trying to figure out how we react together or whether he should actually lean across the table and punch him. Oliver would only hold my hand though and we'd sit there silently listening to Sam talk about random things (she couldn't stand awkward silences) or Aiden talking about basketball.

Even though Caleb didn't say anything about the relationship though I could tell that he wanted to talk to me about it. Of course once again I didn't tell him about one of my other so called "relationships", in fact i hadn't talked to him properly ever since his break up with Mel.

"Earth to Alley!" My mum laughed at my confused- alarmed expression when I looked up. "You've been buttering that piece of toast for the last two minutes."

I looked down and broke into a smile, the tension rolling off of me. "I think I'll just take an apple again."

Mum rolled her eyes and sat down at the table with a cup of coffee, "I was thinking that we should go shopping this weekend."

I shrugged. "Sure, as long as Helen doesn't come."

She gave me a puppy dog look, her lip guttering out. "Oh, why not?"

"Because we don't need to be poor."

She laughed and sipped her coffee. I started packing my bag with homework and books, I looked up and noticed her staring at me. I sighed. "Spit it out."

Mum looked towards the news paper again, trying to hide a smile. "I don't know what your talking about."

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me Mum."

"Caleb told me that he wants to talk to you."

I frowned. "What? Since when did you talk to Caleb?"

"He texted me last night."

"You do realise that that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard right?"

She shook her head, "He's taking you to school."

My eyes widened. "But... Why can't he just talk to me at school."

"He says that your always with your boyfriend." She looked up, with a stern expression. "Alley you never told me that you have a boyfriend."

My cheeks burned. "You never asked."

"What happened to... What's his name? Blane?"

"Blake." I corrected, trying not to wince at the amount of venom in my voice.

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