Chapter Fifty Two - I Miss You

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"Beautiful." The lady sighed, "Definitely your right colour."

I opened my eyes and stared at the wall. "Can I see?"

Helen nodded towards the hairdresser. "You're right. It looks... right."

"It suits her." Sam chirped in.

I rolled my eyes and stared at all three of them, innocently leaning against the wall. "Can I see it?"

Helen opened her mouth but Sam spoke over her. "No. This needs to be perfect." Her eyes met Helen's. "Do you have the eye doctor person?"

"Sam that's not what he's called."

"Shh, you. This doesn't concern you."

I rolled my eyes yet again, "How does this not concern me?"

The hairdresser grinned. "You two are very amusing."

Helen had her lips pressed together as she considered this. "OK. We'll go there now."

"Hang on." The hairdresser disappeared.

"But I want to see it." I whined.

Honestly. It was like I didn't even own my own body. "This needs to be perfect." Sam said yet again. I think I'm about to hit her over the head with a shovel...

I need a shovel.

"It needs to feel right for you again." She said simply, like it all made sense.

"Why do you sound like you're Dumbledore giving me advice?" I frowned. "Except his advice makes sense, yours doesn't."

"You need to stop thinking about Harry Potter and more about Twilight."

I sighed, "Um... no."

"Its way better." She protested.

I stared at her dead in the eye. "Say that one more time, I dare you."

"Twilight is better than-"

Luckily the hairdresser came back...with a shower cap. She grinned at me as she placed it over my head. "Don't worry its clean. We've been giving them out as free gifts." She twirled the chair around so I was staring at myself in the mirror. No part of my hair was visible.

My eyes widened. "It has duckies on it."

Sam patted my shoulder as I stood up. "Don't worry about her, she's special."

"Do I get to keep it?" I asked.

She nodded while still smirking. "Do you want one now?" She asked Sam.

Sam pressed her lips together before answering. "Do you have a vampire one?"

She frowned and shook her head. "I could get a white one and shake sparkles all over it?"

"No." Sam sighed, "That's not the same."

"And she calls me special." I muttered.

The hair dresser grinned at us. "You're best friends?" We nodded. "Good, don't ever lose youre friendship."

"We don't plan on it." Sam grinned before looping her arm with mine and following Helen outside of the store. (Who was conveniently on her phone and ignoring us)

Trust me, I'd ignore us too if I could.

When we entered the glasses place (I didn't know what it was called either) it was as if they were expecting us. Scratch that, they were expecting us.

Sam became bored of me trying on glasses after glasses and wandered around the shop. The assistant and Helen stood beside me.

I placed the glasses on there holder. "So Alley do you mind telling me what exactly has happened to you and my son?" I froze and stared at her, she smiled. "I'm not blind hunny, I can tell when my sons upset about something." She handed me a pair of glasses.

"It's... complicated." I muttered and put them up.

She nodded. "I'm glad you called me though. I'm more than happy to help." She grinned. That smile reminded me so much of Caleb's. I couldn't help but stare. "Since I saw that blonde monstrosity in your hair. I wanted to fix it."

I laughed. "Yeah I didn't like it much either."

"Your family is coming over for Christmas tomorrow, you'll be there?"

I swallowed. Christmas with Caleb's family... I could go to Sam's and dodge the disaster that waited for me there... but Mrs Conner's was staring at with an hopeful expression. If I said no it would be like kicking a puppy. I nodded glumly and gave a weak smile till it broke and I couldn't help but ask. "How is Caleb?" I took a deep breath. "I mean I haven't spoken to him properly in weeks, is everything OK with him?"

"There basketball team didn't make it to the finals. He doesn't seem to be on the best of terms with Aiden or Oliver. But I think that that has to do with his mood... he's been very snappy towards people..." Her eyes connected with mine. "But mostly I think that he's acting out because he misses you."

I felt a lump grow in my throat as I shakily placed the glasses back. "I miss him too." I swallowed. "Can you tell him that?"

She shook her head. "No you can tell him tomorrow." She passed me another pair. "Oh and Alley about the camping on holidays-"

I tensed. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you in trouble or anything! I just really wanted to go and I knew that if my mum knew that no adult was going to be there, then she would never have allowed me to go." I exploded.

"I don't blame you for it." She finished and grinned. "But you should talk to your mum. She's worried about you."

I stared at her blankly. "She is?"

"Like when I can tell when Caleb is upset, she can tell when you are." I placed another pair on my face. "With your mum not being a hundred percent... well. You should speak to her about these things. Mothers do know how to help." Her smile broke into a full mouthed smile. "Those! There perfect!"

I knew what she meant, that because of the cancer I might not have her around for long.

Helen started taking off the shower cap. I felt my hair fall around my shoulders, Helen spun me around where I stared at myself.

My mouth broke into a smile. "Those are perfect." The assistant smiled. "If you don't want to keep wearing these you can always change your contacts."

"No." I shook my head. "They feel... right."

No, I feel right. My hair was no longer the bleach blonde it was and even though I'd never get my natural colour back, it looked good. My hair was now a chocolate brown which framed my face and ran past my boobs. It was glossy and healthy. The glasses I was wearing were a rectangular pair with a unique design of black and white on the side.

For once in my life, I could look at myself and say that I was Alley Sanders.

"Hunny, please just spit it already." The breath from my lungs slowly decreased.

I stared down at my mum on the step. She was still sickly white pale, I had no idea what Australia did for her... more time? I didn't know. I just didn't want her gone.

"I need some advice.." I muttered. "But I don't know how to tell you all of it."

She patted the spot next to her. "How about the start?"

I played with the red material of my dress and stared at the flashing lights of the Christmas tree through the window. "I love Caleb." I swallowed hard, sat down and looked at her. She nodded calmly and nodded her head as if to say, keep going. "This whole year I've been struggling if I should tell him or not."

"You should." She said immediately.

I frowned. "I should?"

"You can't be in a friendship with someone and have feelings for them. It drives you crazy."

I bit my lip. "I think that he already knows though... Well, Mel told me."

She frowned. "Your captain of the cheer leading team?"

"I quit cheer leading."

She stared at me blankly. "Why?"

"Because she's a bitch." I said plainly.

Mum raised an eyebrow. "Alley-"


"Why do you think that you she told you the truth?"

"I don't." I bit my lip. "Well, I don't think she is. Caleb's not talking to me but I think that she said something to him. Something about how I have feelings for him and that I thought that it was him in the closet, which is true-"

"What happened in the closet?" She interrupted.

"You don't wanna know." I muttered. "But then he seems more pissed off then he would be if he found out that I love him. I just don't know what she said to him."

"It sounds like you're making this difficult. Just talk to him."

"I cant." I sighed, "Every time I try he keeps ignoring me. Then whatever he says to me makes no sense at all."

She frowned. "Why does this Mel feel the need to spread rumours to Caleb?"

I swallowed. "Because Caleb used to go out with her."

"He did?" She stared off towards the grass. "Wow, I thought that he had more sense than that." I nodded. Yeah, me too. "So she's jealous. Don't listen to anything she says then."

"But what she said to Caleb-"

"Doesn't matter." She interrupted. "Just talk to him and tell him."

"What if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Then you'll cross that bridge when it happens."

I sighed. "But I don't want to lose him as a friend."

She pressed her lips together. "Then that's a gamble that you'll have to make." She hesitantly got to her feet and held a hand out towards me. "Ready?"

We walked inside to find Isabelle and Anna already unwrapping presents eagerly near the Christmas tree. Mr Conner's and my father were standing near by talking and Caleb was sitting on the couch with his phone. Caleb wore dark jeans and a light blue shirt, my heart couldn't help but thump loudly as I stared at him.

"Caleb put that phone away!" Mr Conner's snapped towards Caleb.

"Who are you talking to?" Mrs Conner's came in the room and beamed towards to me and my mother.

"Mel." Caleb looked up at his mother, his eyes went to my mum's till they landed on me. He stared.

I couldn't help but ask. "Are you two together again?"

"No. She wishes." He grinned and stood up. "I like your new look."

"You do?" I frowned.

The way he was talking to me... it was as if we were friends again. No wait, was he checking me out? "Here." Caleb bent down and passed me a big wrapped present.

"You got me something?" I frowned. "You didn't have to do that."

He shrugged and quickly changed the subject. "I need to talk to you." He whispered lowly, the same time that his mother shouted.

"OK! Dinner is ready, lets eat!"

"After dinner?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly and stepped aside. "After you."

I smiled slightly and walked in the dinning room. The long table had a green table cloth drooped over it with Christmas coloured cutlery. Candles were also lit across the table.

Grandma Lynn sat at the end of the table, she smiled warmly at me. "Alley!"

"Hi Grandma Lynn." I sat next to her and watched as Caleb sat next to me.

What was happening? The phone next to Caleb started buzzing. Caleb sighed deeply.

"What does she want?"

Caleb smirked. "Me."

"Are you going to get back together with her?"

He shook his head. "I promised myself that I'd never go back there."

The food started to come out, a large turkey filling the table with a load of veggies. By the 3rd plating Caleb was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing." He shrugged.

Our parents sat further down the table talking eagerly and eating while Anna and Isabelle had rushed out of the room.

"So Alley hows school?" Grandma Lynn asked.

"It's OK." I smiled weakly.

"You want to go outside?" Caleb asked quietly, interrupting anything his grandma was about to say.
I gave a short nod and followed him outside. On the way to the front door, I felt the rooms eyes on me. I grabbed my present and shut the door behind us.

Caleb sat on the swinging white chair out the front of the house. I sat next to him as a dead silence followed. I placed the present on my lap and hugged it towards my chest.

Slowly, Caleb broke it. "I'm sorry about what I said the other night Alley. I was being stupid and rash. I do still care about you." He took a deep breath. "I've been feeling guilty ever since for saying it."

I smiled slowly. "So this is what this is? A guilt present?" I shook the present slightly.

He grinned. "No its a peace offering.." That smile broke. "We don't have to be apart of each others lives anymore Alley. I get it, I really do. But it's just easier if we forget about the whole thing."

I stared at him blankly. "You want me to forget that I ever met you?"

He nodded, a painful expression covering his features. "It will be easier for both of us."

"Caleb last year I never thought that we would ever be friends. Just look at today. Our parents are having Christmas together because they met through us. I don't think that things can go back the way they were." I stared at him as I felt tears fill my eyes. "And I don't think I want it to." I took a deep breath as I tried to control myself. "You can't just become apart of someones life and leave."


"I'm sorry Alley." He muttered.

"So the reason why you're being so nice to me tonight is because you think that its the last time we will speak to each other?" I snapped. "I'm not letting you do this to me Caleb, even if it is easier for you to just leave."

"You think that this is easy for me?" He snapped at me. "I don't want to this."

"Then don't!" I cried. "These past few weeks I've missed you more then I have ever missed anyone. Please, don't just start ignoring me." I begged. "Can't we just be friends again?"

"I-I'll think about it." He sighed.

Caleb sat back and closed his eyes. My hands shook slightly as I stared down at the present in my hands. I quickly unwrapped it and opened the box.

I stared down at the mini golf club and golf ball.

Caleb's eyes opened and he muttered. "It's for you to remember me by."

I bit my lip and shook my head clear. "Everything reminds me of you."

Without another word, Caleb placed his arm around my shoulder as a silence enveloped between us, leaving us with our thoughts.


This was so werid, I'd planned these chapters before and I didn't realise that Christmas would be basically at the same time as ours.  I was going to upload this tomorrrow but oh well, hope you guys have a merry christmas! :)
thanks for reading !
votes and comments yo? xx I'm trying to get up to 100,000 before this story finishes so it would be amazing if you want to share this story around. I would love you forever! :P

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