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Lacey Paxton

Hunter and Colt arrive at your apartment within fifteen minutes of Ace hanging up his call.. Hunter hands Sanjake off to Knox to be escorted back to Specter's holding facility where Hunter has agreed to grant him protection on the condition of full cooperation on everything he knows about David Kingsley..

Hunter stays, assessing the locks on the front door as Ace disappears into the bedroom to put on a shirt, leaving you and your brother alone..

You stand there in your oversized sweater, Mismatched piglet pyjama pants and bare feet anxiously, watching Hunter as he fixes a new chain to the door.. "You okay, Baby-girl?.. I think it would be better if you just come and stay with me and Kirby.. That way--"

He glances at you over his shoulder in concern as you cut him off.. "N-no.. It's okay.. I'm fine.. And Ace was here.. Listen, Huntie.. About what I said today.. .. You know I didn't say that to hurt you.. Don't you?.. I just.. I feel so b--"

He sighs wearily, signalling he doesn't want to have this discussion now.. "Lacey.. Its-- It is what it is.. You don't want me in your business.. So once we take care of Kingsley.. I'm done.. I can't keep doing this, running around in circles in the dark.. You know.. It's funny--" You can feel the bite to his words as he turns to you with a pained smile.. "--You say that you can't trust me.. But you've been lying to me since the day I got back.. Treating me like an idiot.. Do you think I didn't know, everytime you fed me one of your stories?.. That shit broke my heart, Baby-girl.. Every damn time.. You used to tell me everything, Lacey.. Now.. It's like I don't even know who you are anymore.."

Ouch.. You chest tightens and burns with a guilty zap..

"But it's cus' you won't let me! You won't let me in.. So what am I supposed to do?.. Kirby thinks I've been punishing you by keeping all this shit to myself.. Fuck.. Maybe I was.. But.. How long are you gunna punish me for, Lacey?.."
He gazes at you, his eyes almost mournful.. So much so that for a second you think he might actually shed a tear..

But he doesn't.. Instead he shakes his head and turns his back, focusing on the lock..

Ace strides casually out of the bedroom, crossing to stand beside you with his arms folded he smiles reassuringly at you and for a moment your heart squeezes.. Something about that confident, doting grin of his fills you with a self assuredness.. A power.. Like you know he will always stand beside you, no matter what you say.. No matter what you do..

You smile back gratefully.. Well.. Untill the tension in the room finally peaks..

"Did I, or did I not say any more fuck ups were on you, Greyson?.. What the fuck do you call this shit then!?" Hunter slams the screwdriver down on the entrance table angrily, turning to glower at Ace, the muscles of his jaw twitching..

"You fucking serious, brother?" Ace cracks his neck to one side, grumbling.. "You got something to say to me, Axe?.. Fucking say it.."

Hunter sets his shoulders back, drawing himself up to full height, stepping into square off with Ace.. "I am saying it.. And I wouldn't have to if you had been doing your fucking job, instead of my sister.."

Ace bristles angrily, his arms flexing in irritation, but before he can open his mouth to speak, something inside you flames to life.. Something rooted in years of suffering, grief, pain and anger.. Something furious and ready to be unleashed.. And seeing Ace under Hunter scrutiny is the final straw..

"Fuck.. You.. Hunter.." You hiss through gritted teeth and he whirls around, his nostrils flair...

"What did you say to me?"

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora