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Lacey Paxton

You step into the surprisingly modern apartment.. You don't exactly know what you had been expecting to be on the inside of the run down looking building, but this place is like a taste of luxury compared to the last week.. Small, and modest, yet clean and beautifully decorated..

You trail into the living area, sinking onto the lowline, chocolate coloured sofa with a quiet sigh, relieved to finally have made it to some semblance of safety.. "So, we're safe here?.."

Ace moves to open the laptop that sits on the tiny kitchenette table.. First he plugs his little GPS into a cord attached at the USB port before his deft fingers begin tapping swiftly away over the keyboard and immediately, several surveillance feeds pop up..

You recognise the bustling streets outside as they fill the screen..

He leans ovet the table on his elbows, his brow set with stern concentration as he scans the footage for several long seconds before shrugging a heavy shoulder and straightening up.. "Relatively.."

You nod, all too aware that was not a 'yes' as you pluck the TV remote from the coffee table and click it over to a Stryzakstan news channel.. "Um.. Kay.."

He comes to stand beside you, running a hand back through his hair as he watches the news segments running quietly on the small flatscreen..

You cast a quick glance up at him to see just how tired he really looks.. His eyes are a little bloodshot and dark circles have begun to form.. His usually rigid posture diminished to weary, sagged shoulders..

He has been so stoic.. So calm and patient throughout this entire ordeal, you'd almost forgotten that he's not a superhero.. He's just a man..

An unbelievably strong and focused man.. But one of flesh and blood... Just like you..

You can't imagine how exhausted he must be.. Running on fumes..

How is he even still functioning right now?!.. That Marine training is something else, bordering on torture, but still, its beyond impressive to witness it in action.. The physical endurance it takes.. You can't help but appreciate the incredible amount of mental and emotional strength he must have..
You wish you had some of that Marine toughness right about now..

He catches you staring and you quickly turn back to the news, cheeks heating in embarrassment.. "I'm gunna shower, change out of these dirty clothes.. You alright out here, Doc?.."

You nod again, your eyes glued to the television as you wait to see any kind of report on the news about the attack on the medical camp.. "Sure.. I'm fine, Ace.."

You can feel his burning gaze as he watches you for a moment, almost like he is reconsidering leaving you alone.. Like you might run away..
Not likely!

Before long he disappears into the bathroom and you fight to keep your focus on the newscasters words as your mind wanders to naughty thoughts of Ace Greyson, undressing and stepping beneath the cascading stream of the water.. Dewy droplets rolling down over his sculpted muscle..

Oh, lord..

Your skin prickles hotly as you press your thighs together to quell the now pulsing heat that builds within your core..

When you hear the creak of the tap and the splash of water on the tile you shake your head, hard..

Get a hold of yourself, girl!

Nothing has changed when it comes to Ace, even if you had kissed him.. None of it could actually mean anything, none of it could be real.. Because if you do actually make it back home Hunter will never accept it..

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now