Chapter FOUR

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Lacey Paxton

. . o n e w e e k l a t e r . .

"I kid you not, the guy threw up all over me.. I wouldn't trade my time in the ER for anything, but I don't miss the Friday night Frat Boys!!" Priya scrunches up her nose as she laughs..

You cringe, but not enough to keep you from giggling at the emphatic way Priya speaks, all hand gestures and rising tone.. The woman is vivacious and bubbly, outgoing and loud.. Basically your polar opposite.. In the last week alone you have learned more from her about the difference a bright bedside manner can make, than you had in your five years of study..

Mateo laughs, a rich trill as the four of you all stand around the pharmacy tent, sorting and labeling vials of various vaccinations and packets of pills into a quick and easy to access procedural system that you have been implementing..

The others have made your adjustment to the new lifestyle all to easy.. Welcoming you and offering their respect from the start..

Fleur blinks at you, lost.. "What ees "Fratboy mean?"

Priya looks at you and you hold up your hands.. Fleur is the sweetie of the group..

Normality people's would say that about you, but beside her you don't feel half as

generous or gentle hearted as the French beauty.. "Oh no, please ..Don't make me explain it.." You giggle..

Priya and Mateo both laugh.. You had not participated in the 'Greek row' traditions during your time at college.. Instead you'd decided to live off campus..

At first it had been so you could care for your dying mother before the cancer took her too soon.. But after that, you had just preferred solitude..

"Ah..It's like.. Connard acédémique?.." Mateo tries to explain to Fleur the strange tradition in her native tongue.. A difficult task, since you're sure there couldn't possibly be a literal translation for the word..

"Fuckboys, Fleur.." Priya blurts..

You blush at the term, shaking your head and chucking softly..

"Ah, oui.. I see.. You are meaning the slutty men, yes?"

Priya chortles with the snap of her fingers.. "Yes, Girl!.. And speaking of slutty men.. Mateo, weren't you in a Frat?.".

He flushes as his eyes flick to Fleur, who it is glaringly obvious he has a crush on.. "Aw, c'mon Priya."

Fleur looks to Mateo with confusion.. So you decide to save him.. "Aren't fraternities really more about networking and making connections, Mateo?.."

He gives you a grateful smile as Priya smirks to herself.. "Uh, yeah.. There have definitely been some great career opportunities that I wouldn't have seen otherwise.."

The next few hours are lost in the vortex combination of hard work and friendly banter..

For the first time in.. You can't remember how long, you feel comfortable, at ease in your own skin.. Happy even..


Doctor Sarif returns late in the afternoon.. Tired from his days trek into the villageship of Druitt to treat the more elderly patients in the community that are unable travel to visit the camp for treatment..

You can't help but find yourself constantly impressed by the guy.. The whole, hunky humanitarian thing definitely does something for you..

Though you would never cross those professional boundaries.. That just isn't who you are..

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