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Lacey Paxton

You cower on the grimy floor, wrapped in the torn fabric of your dress.. Frozen in fear you can do nothing but watch as Kingsley's brute faced thug brings another young woman into the room..

Her long chestnut hair is wild and knotted, her dress stained in her own blood and her face bruised..

He drops her spaced out, dopey form beside you before stalking over to take up position in the corner of the dank office. Kingsley couches down between you, his sickly strong aftershave reeking so pungently in the cold air.. "I'm going to ask you both a few questions, and you're going to to answer me.. Do you understand?.."

The girl beside you responds quickly, sounding mumbled and drowsy as she sways back and forth, her legs tucked up beneath her as she kneels obediently.. "Yes.."

Your throat is so hoarse and there is a notch wedged in there that prevents you from speaking.. Instead you nod numbly..

"Good.." He takes a crisp white handkerchief from his breast pocket, unfurling it with a flick as he leans closer to the girl, brushing her hair away from her face and wiping a dirty smudge from her cheek..

You inch away ever so slowly drawing back, cringing in disgust and fear..

"What is your name?" He sneers..

Again, the other girl answers without a second thought.. She must be in some state of shock.. Or perhaps she simply believes playing along is her best chance of survival.. "Kimberley Carr.."

Kingsley nods and then turns is dark eyes to you in expectation, your heart jolts to a terrified race.. "L-Lacey.. Paxton.."

He glares at you curiously before he turns back to look at Kimberly.. "Kimberley, I rather enjoyed our rendezvous earlier.. Did you, love?"

She nods.. "Yes.."

He smirks triumphantly.. "Would you like to do it again, Kimberly?" You can't believe your own horror when she nods again in compliance..


You fear for her, as well as yourself.. ..

Kingsley chuckles darkly in satisfaction, standing up and spinning around to his thug with a gloating grin.. "What about the other one?.."

Kingsley frowns, turning back to you.. "Lacey, love, did you enjoy our time together?.. I know I definitely did.." The pink of his gums flashes along with his villainous toothy snaggletoothed smirk..

You're stomach turns, revolution ravaging your senses.. "No!..Not at all.. AND NEITHER DID SHE!! You're sick.. This is all so sick.. Please.. Just let us go.."

You begin to sob and quiver as Kingsley cusses a bellowing shout, flying off the handle fast and swinging his foot to kick an empty washbucket, sending it soaring across the room where it collidea into the wall with an echoing clatter.. "WHAT THE FUCK!? INJECT HER AGAIN, BLUE!"

As the thug named Blue, moves towards you, flight instinct coils to life in your limbs and like you a spring you launch yourself to your feet, running for the door, screaming for dear life.. "HELP!! HELP ME!!.."

Your hand wraps around the handle to find it stiff and unmoving.. Any flicker of hope that you had be holding onto is lost and your stomach drops.. Its locked.. "No.. No.. No.."

You claw at the door, paint chips cutting into your skin as they become caught beneath your fingernails and a rough arm snakes around the your waist, hauling you backwards, the violent force compressing the breath from your chest..

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن